Title: | Satellite Image Time Series Analysis for Earth Observation Data Cubes |
Description: | An end-to-end toolkit for land use and land cover classification using big Earth observation data, based on machine learning methods applied to satellite image data cubes, as described in Simoes et al (2021) <doi:10.3390/rs13132428>. Builds regular data cubes from collections in AWS, Microsoft Planetary Computer, Brazil Data Cube, Copernicus Data Space Environment (CDSE), Digital Earth Africa, Digital Earth Australia, NASA HLS using the Spatio-temporal Asset Catalog (STAC) protocol (<https://stacspec.org/>) and the 'gdalcubes' R package developed by Appel and Pebesma (2019) <doi:10.3390/data4030092>. Supports visualization methods for images and time series and smoothing filters for dealing with noisy time series. Includes functions for quality assessment of training samples using self-organized maps as presented by Santos et al (2021) <doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2021.04.014>. Includes methods to reduce training samples imbalance proposed by Chawla et al (2002) <doi:10.1613/jair.953>. Provides machine learning methods including support vector machines, random forests, extreme gradient boosting, multi-layer perceptrons, temporal convolutional neural networks proposed by Pelletier et al (2019) <doi:10.3390/rs11050523>, and temporal attention encoders by Garnot and Landrieu (2020) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2007.00586>. Supports GPU processing of deep learning models using torch <https://torch.mlverse.org/>. Performs efficient classification of big Earth observation data cubes and includes functions for post-classification smoothing based on Bayesian inference as described by Camara et al (2024) <doi:10.3390/rs16234572>, and methods for active learning and uncertainty assessment. Supports region-based time series analysis using package supercells <https://jakubnowosad.com/supercells/>. Enables best practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change as recommended by Olofsson et al (2014) <doi:10.1016/j.rse.2014.02.015>. Minimum recommended requirements: 16 GB RAM and 4 CPU dual-core. |
Authors: | Rolf Simoes [aut], Gilberto Camara [aut, cre, ths], Felipe Souza [aut], Felipe Carlos [aut], Lorena Santos [ctb], Karine Ferreira [ctb, ths], Charlotte Pelletier [ctb], Pedro Andrade [ctb], Alber Sanchez [ctb], Estefania Pizarro [ctb], Gilberto Queiroz [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Gilberto Camara <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 1.5.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-13 01:43:19 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/e-sensing/sits |
Satellite Image Time Series Analysis for Earth Observation Data Cubes
The SITS package provides a set of tools for analysis, visualization and classification of satellite image time series. It includes methods for filtering, clustering, classification, and post-processing.
Maintainer: Gilberto Camara [email protected] [thesis advisor]
Rolf Simoes [email protected]
Felipe Souza [email protected]
Felipe Carlos [email protected]
Other contributors:
Lorena Santos [email protected] [contributor]
Karine Ferreira [email protected] [contributor, thesis advisor]
Charlotte Pelletier [email protected] [contributor]
Pedro Andrade [email protected] [contributor]
Alber Sanchez [email protected] [contributor]
Estefania Pizarro [email protected] [contributor]
Gilberto Queiroz [email protected] [contributor]
Useful links:
Report bugs at https://github.com/e-sensing/sits/issues
Given a sits tibble with a set of labels, renames the labels to the specified in value.
sits_labels(data) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'sits' sits_labels(data) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'probs_cube' sits_labels(data) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'class_cube' sits_labels(data) <- value ## Default S3 replacement method: sits_labels(data) <- value
sits_labels(data) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'sits' sits_labels(data) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'probs_cube' sits_labels(data) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'class_cube' sits_labels(data) <- value ## Default S3 replacement method: sits_labels(data) <- value
data |
Data cube or time series. |
value |
A character vector used to convert labels. Labels will
be renamed to the respective value positioned at the
labels order returned by |
A sits tibble or data cube with modified labels.
A probs or class_cube cube with modified labels.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
# show original samples ("Cerrado" and "Pasture") sits_labels(cerrado_2classes) # rename label samples to "Savanna" and "Grasslands" sits_labels(cerrado_2classes) <- c("Savanna", "Grasslands") # see the change sits_labels(cerrado_2classes)
# show original samples ("Cerrado" and "Pasture") sits_labels(cerrado_2classes) # rename label samples to "Savanna" and "Grasslands" sits_labels(cerrado_2classes) <- c("Savanna", "Grasslands") # see the change sits_labels(cerrado_2classes)
A dataset containing a tibble with time series samples for the Cerrado and Pasture areas of the Mato Grosso state. The time series come from MOD13Q1 collection 5 images.
A tibble with 736 rows and 7 variables: longitude: East-west coordinate of the time series sample (WGS 84), latitude (North-south coordinate of the time series sample in WGS 84), start_date (initial date of the time series), end_date (final date of the time series), label (the class label associated to the sample), cube (the name of the cube associated with the data), time_series (list containing a tibble with the values of the time series).
This is a generic function. Parameters depend on the specific type of input.
## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' hist(x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], label = NULL, size = 1e+05)
## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' hist(x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], label = NULL, size = 1e+05)
x |
Object of classes "raster_cube". |
... |
Further specifications for summary. |
tile |
Tile to be shown |
label |
Label to be shown |
size |
Number of cells to be sampled |
A histogram of one label of a probability cube.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") modis_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = modis_cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) hist(probs_cube, label = "Forest") }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") modis_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = modis_cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) hist(probs_cube, label = "Forest") }
This is a generic function. Parameters depend on the specific type of input.
## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' hist(x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], date = NULL, band = NULL, size = 10000)
## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' hist(x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], date = NULL, band = NULL, size = 10000)
x |
Object of classes "raster_cube". |
... |
Further specifications for summary. |
tile |
Tile to be shown |
date |
Date to be shown |
band |
Band to be shown |
size |
Number of cells to be sampled |
A histogram of one band of data cube.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) hist(cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) hist(cube) }
This is a generic function. Parameters depend on the specific type of input.
## S3 method for class 'sits' hist(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sits' hist(x, ...)
x |
Object of classes "sits". |
... |
Further specifications for hist. |
A summary of the sits tibble.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { hist(samples_modis_ndvi) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { hist(samples_modis_ndvi) }
This is a generic function. Parameters depend on the specific type of input.
## S3 method for class 'uncertainty_cube' hist(x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], size = 1e+05)
## S3 method for class 'uncertainty_cube' hist(x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], size = 1e+05)
x |
Object of class "variance_cube" |
... |
Further specifications for hist. |
tile |
Tile to be summarized |
size |
Sample size |
A histogram of a uncertainty cube
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) uncert_cube <- sits_uncertainty( cube = probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) hist(uncert_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) uncert_cube <- sits_uncertainty( cube = probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) hist(uncert_cube) }
Remove NA by linear interpolation
impute_linear(data = NULL)
impute_linear(data = NULL)
data |
A time series vector or matrix |
A set of filtered time series using the imputation function.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
This is a generic function. Parameters depend on the specific type of input. See each function description for the required parameters.
sits tibble: see plot.sits
patterns: see plot.patterns
classified time series: see plot.predicted
raster cube: see plot.raster_cube
SAR cube: see plot.sar_cube
DEM cube: see plot.dem_cube
vector cube: see plot.vector_cube
classification probabilities: see plot.probs_cube
classification uncertainty: see plot.uncertainty_cube
uncertainty of vector cubes: see plot.uncertainty_vector_cube
classified cube: see plot.class_cube
classified vector cube: see plot.class_vector_cube
dendrogram cluster: see plot.sits_cluster
SOM map: see plot.som_map
SOM evaluate cluster: see plot.som_evaluate_cluster
geo-distances: see plot.geo_distances
random forest model: see plot.rfor_model
xgboost model: see plot.xgb_model
torch ML model: see plot.torch_model
## S3 method for class 'sits' plot(x, y, ..., together = FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'sits' plot(x, y, ..., together = FALSE)
x |
Object of class "sits". |
y |
Ignored. |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
together |
A logical value indicating whether the samples should be plotted together. |
A series of plot objects produced by ggplot2 showing all time series associated to each combination of band and label, and including the median, and first and third quartile ranges.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # plot sets of time series plot(cerrado_2classes) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # plot sets of time series plot(cerrado_2classes) }
plots a classified raster using ggplot.
## S3 method for class 'class_cube' plot( x, y, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], roi = NULL, title = "Classified Image", legend = NULL, palette = "Spectral", scale = 1, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
## S3 method for class 'class_cube' plot( x, y, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], roi = NULL, title = "Classified Image", legend = NULL, palette = "Spectral", scale = 1, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
x |
Object of class "class_cube". |
y |
Ignored. |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
tile |
Tile to be plotted. |
roi |
Spatial extent to plot in WGS 84 - named vector with either (lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max) or (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) |
title |
Title of the plot. |
legend |
Named vector that associates labels to colors. |
palette |
Alternative RColorBrewer palette |
scale |
Relative scale (0.4 to 1.0) of plot text |
max_cog_size |
Maximum size of COG overviews (lines or columns) |
legend_position |
Where to place the legend (default = "outside") |
A color map, where each pixel has the color associated to a label, as defined by the legend parameter.
The following optional parameters are available to allow for detailed control over the plot output:
: size of coordinates labels (default = 0.8)
: relative size of legend title (default = 1.0)
: relative size of legend text (default = 1.0)
: color of legend background (default = "white")
: legend opacity (default = 0.5)
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label cube with the most likely class label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the resulting classified image plot(label_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label cube with the most likely class label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the resulting classified image plot(label_cube) }
Plot vector classified cube
## S3 method for class 'class_vector_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], legend = NULL, seg_color = "black", line_width = 0.5, palette = "Spectral", scale = 1, legend_position = "inside" )
## S3 method for class 'class_vector_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], legend = NULL, seg_color = "black", line_width = 0.5, palette = "Spectral", scale = 1, legend_position = "inside" )
x |
Object of class "segments". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
tile |
Tile to be plotted. |
legend |
Named vector that associates labels to colors. |
seg_color |
Segment color. |
line_width |
Segment line width. |
palette |
Alternative RColorBrewer palette |
scale |
Scale to plot map (0.4 to 1.0) |
legend_position |
Where to place the legend (default = "outside") |
A plot object with an RGB image or a B/W image on a color scale using the chosen palette
To see which color palettes are supported, please run
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # segment the image segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # create a classification model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify the segments probs_segs <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # # Create a classified vector cube class_segs <- sits_label_classification( cube = probs_segs, output_dir = tempdir(), multicores = 2, memsize = 4 ) # plot the segments plot(class_segs) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # segment the image segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # create a classification model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify the segments probs_segs <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # # Create a classified vector cube class_segs <- sits_label_classification( cube = probs_segs, output_dir = tempdir(), multicores = 2, memsize = 4 ) # plot the segments plot(class_segs) }
Plot RGB raster cube
## S3 method for class 'dem_cube' plot( x, ..., band = "ELEVATION", tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], roi = NULL, palette = "Spectral", rev = TRUE, scale = 1, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
## S3 method for class 'dem_cube' plot( x, ..., band = "ELEVATION", tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], roi = NULL, palette = "Spectral", rev = TRUE, scale = 1, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
x |
Object of class "dem_cube". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
band |
Band for plotting grey images. |
tile |
Tile to be plotted. |
roi |
Spatial extent to plot in WGS 84 - named vector with either (lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max) or (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) |
palette |
An RColorBrewer palette |
rev |
Reverse the color order in the palette? |
scale |
Scale to plot map (0.4 to 1.0) |
max_cog_size |
Maximum size of COG overviews (lines or columns) |
legend_position |
Where to place the legend (default = "inside") |
A plot object with a DEM cube or a B/W image on a color scale
Use scale
parameter for general output control.
The following optional parameters are available to allow for detailed control over the plot output:
: size of coordinates labels (default = 0.7)
: relative size of legend title (default = 0.7)
: relative size of legend text (default = 0.7)
: color of legend background (default = "white")
: legend opacity (default = 0.3)
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # obtain the DEM cube dem_cube_19HBA <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "COP-DEM-GLO-30", bands = "ELEVATION", tiles = "19HBA" ) # plot the DEM reversing the palette plot(dem_cube_19HBA, band = "ELEVATION") }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # obtain the DEM cube dem_cube_19HBA <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "COP-DEM-GLO-30", bands = "ELEVATION", tiles = "19HBA" ) # plot the DEM reversing the palette plot(dem_cube_19HBA, band = "ELEVATION") }
Make a kernel density plot of samples distances.
## S3 method for class 'geo_distances' plot(x, y, ...)
## S3 method for class 'geo_distances' plot(x, y, ...)
x |
Object of class "geo_distances". |
y |
Ignored. |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
A plot showing the sample-to-sample distances and sample-to-prediction distances.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Felipe Souza, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Alber Sanchez, [email protected]
Hanna Meyer and Edzer Pebesma, "Machine learning-based global maps of ecological variables and the challenge of assessing them" Nature Communications, 13,2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-29838-9.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # read a shapefile for the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil mt_shp <- system.file("extdata/shapefiles/mato_grosso/mt.shp", package = "sits" ) # convert to an sf object mt_sf <- sf::read_sf(mt_shp) # calculate sample-to-sample and sample-to-prediction distances distances <- sits_geo_dist(samples_modis_ndvi, mt_sf) # plot sample-to-sample and sample-to-prediction distances plot(distances) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # read a shapefile for the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil mt_shp <- system.file("extdata/shapefiles/mato_grosso/mt.shp", package = "sits" ) # convert to an sf object mt_sf <- sf::read_sf(mt_shp) # calculate sample-to-sample and sample-to-prediction distances distances <- sits_geo_dist(samples_modis_ndvi, mt_sf) # plot sample-to-sample and sample-to-prediction distances plot(distances) }
Plots the patterns to be used for classification
Given a sits tibble with a set of patterns, plot them.
## S3 method for class 'patterns' plot(x, y, ..., bands = NULL, year_grid = FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'patterns' plot(x, y, ..., bands = NULL, year_grid = FALSE)
x |
Object of class "patterns". |
y |
Ignored. |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
bands |
Bands to be viewed (optional). |
year_grid |
Plot a grid of panels using labels as columns and years as rows. Default is FALSE. |
A plot object produced by ggplot2 with one average pattern per label.
This code is reused from the dtwSat package by Victor Maus.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Victor Maus, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # plot patterns plot(sits_patterns(cerrado_2classes)) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # plot patterns plot(sits_patterns(cerrado_2classes)) }
Given a sits tibble with a set of predictions, plot them
## S3 method for class 'predicted' plot(x, y, ..., bands = "NDVI", palette = "Harmonic")
## S3 method for class 'predicted' plot(x, y, ..., bands = "NDVI", palette = "Harmonic")
x |
Object of class "predicted". |
y |
Ignored. |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
bands |
Bands for visualization. |
palette |
HCL palette used for visualization in case classes are not in the default sits palette. |
A plot object produced by ggplot2 showing the time series and its label.
This code is reused from the dtwSat package by Victor Maus.
Victor Maus, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train an svm model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_svm) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) plot(point_class) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train an svm model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_svm) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) plot(point_class) }
plots a probability cube
## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], roi = NULL, labels = NULL, palette = "YlGn", rev = FALSE, quantile = NULL, scale = 1, max_cog_size = 512, legend_position = "outside", legend_title = "probs" )
## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], roi = NULL, labels = NULL, palette = "YlGn", rev = FALSE, quantile = NULL, scale = 1, max_cog_size = 512, legend_position = "outside", legend_title = "probs" )
x |
Object of class "probs_cube". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
tile |
Tile to be plotted. |
roi |
Spatial extent to plot in WGS 84 - named vector with either (lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max) or (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) |
labels |
Labels to plot. |
palette |
RColorBrewer palette |
rev |
Reverse order of colors in palette? |
quantile |
Minimum quantile to plot |
scale |
Scale to plot map (0.4 to 1.0) |
max_cog_size |
Maximum size of COG overviews (lines or columns) |
legend_position |
Where to place the legend (default = "outside") |
legend_title |
Title of legend (default = "probs") |
A plot containing probabilities associated to each class for each pixel.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the resulting probability cube plot(probs_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the resulting probability cube plot(probs_cube) }
plots a probability cube
## S3 method for class 'probs_vector_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], labels = NULL, palette = "YlGn", rev = FALSE, scale = 1, legend_position = "outside" )
## S3 method for class 'probs_vector_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], labels = NULL, palette = "YlGn", rev = FALSE, scale = 1, legend_position = "outside" )
x |
Object of class "probs_vector_cube". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
tile |
Tile to be plotted. |
labels |
Labels to plot |
palette |
RColorBrewer palette |
rev |
Reverse order of colors in palette? |
scale |
Scale to plot map (0.4 to 1.0) |
legend_position |
Where to place the legend (default = "outside") |
A plot containing probabilities associated to each class for each pixel.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # segment the image segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, seg_fn = sits_slic(step = 5, compactness = 1, dist_fun = "euclidean", avg_fun = "median", iter = 20, minarea = 10, verbose = FALSE), output_dir = tempdir() ) # classify a data cube probs_vector_cube <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the resulting probability cube plot(probs_vector_cube, labels = "Forest") }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # segment the image segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, seg_fn = sits_slic(step = 5, compactness = 1, dist_fun = "euclidean", avg_fun = "median", iter = 20, minarea = 10, verbose = FALSE), output_dir = tempdir() ) # classify a data cube probs_vector_cube <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the resulting probability cube plot(probs_vector_cube, labels = "Forest") }
Plot RGB raster cube
## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' plot( x, ..., band = NULL, red = NULL, green = NULL, blue = NULL, tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], dates = NULL, roi = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn", rev = FALSE, scale = 1, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' plot( x, ..., band = NULL, red = NULL, green = NULL, blue = NULL, tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], dates = NULL, roi = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn", rev = FALSE, scale = 1, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
x |
Object of class "raster_cube". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
band |
Band for plotting grey images. |
red |
Band for red color. |
green |
Band for green color. |
blue |
Band for blue color. |
tile |
Tile to be plotted. |
dates |
Dates to be plotted |
roi |
Spatial extent to plot in WGS 84 - named vector with either (lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max) or (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) |
palette |
An RColorBrewer palette |
rev |
Reverse the color order in the palette? |
scale |
Scale to plot map (0.4 to 1.0) |
first_quantile |
First quantile for stretching images |
last_quantile |
Last quantile for stretching images |
max_cog_size |
Maximum size of COG overviews (lines or columns) |
legend_position |
Where to place the legend (default = "outside") |
A plot object with an RGB image or a B/W image on a color scale
Use scale
parameter for general output control.
The dates
parameter indicates the date allows plotting of different dates when
a single band and three dates are provided, 'sits' will plot a
multi-temporal RGB image for a single band (useful in the case of
SAR data). For RGB bands with multi-dates, multiple plots will be
The following optional parameters are available to allow for detailed control over the plot output:
: size of coordinates labels (default = 0.7)
: relative size of legend title (default = 0.7)
: relative size of legend text (default = 0.7)
: color of legend background (default = "white")
: legend opacity (default = 0.3)
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # plot NDVI band of the second date date of the data cube plot(cube, band = "NDVI", dates = sits_timeline(cube)[1]) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # plot NDVI band of the second date date of the data cube plot(cube, band = "NDVI", dates = sits_timeline(cube)[1]) }
Plots the important variables in a random forest model.
## S3 method for class 'rfor_model' plot(x, y, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rfor_model' plot(x, y, ...)
x |
Object of class "rf_model". |
y |
Ignored. |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
A random forest object.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train a random forest model rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor()) # plot the model plot(rf_model) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train a random forest model rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor()) # plot the model plot(rf_model) }
Plot SAR raster cube
## S3 method for class 'sar_cube' plot( x, ..., band = NULL, red = NULL, green = NULL, blue = NULL, tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], dates = NULL, roi = NULL, palette = "Greys", rev = FALSE, scale = 1, first_quantile = 0.05, last_quantile = 0.95, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
## S3 method for class 'sar_cube' plot( x, ..., band = NULL, red = NULL, green = NULL, blue = NULL, tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], dates = NULL, roi = NULL, palette = "Greys", rev = FALSE, scale = 1, first_quantile = 0.05, last_quantile = 0.95, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
x |
Object of class "raster_cube". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
band |
Band for plotting grey images. |
red |
Band for red color. |
green |
Band for green color. |
blue |
Band for blue color. |
tile |
Tile to be plotted. |
dates |
Dates to be plotted. |
roi |
Spatial extent to plot in WGS 84 - named vector with either (lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max) or (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) |
palette |
An RColorBrewer palette |
rev |
Reverse the color order in the palette? |
scale |
Scale to plot map (0.4 to 1.0) |
first_quantile |
First quantile for stretching images |
last_quantile |
Last quantile for stretching images |
max_cog_size |
Maximum size of COG overviews (lines or columns) |
legend_position |
Where to place the legend (default = "inside") |
A plot object with an RGB image or a B/W image on a color scale for SAR cubes
Use scale
parameter for general output control.
The dates
parameter indicates the date allows plotting of different dates when
a single band and three dates are provided, 'sits' will plot a
multi-temporal RGB image for a single band (useful in the case of
SAR data). For RGB bands with multi-dates, multiple plots will be
The following optional parameters are available to allow for detailed control over the plot output:
: size of coordinates labels (default = 0.7)
: relative size of legend title (default = 0.7)
: relative size of legend text (default = 0.7)
: color of legend background (default = "white")
: legend opacity (default = 0.3)
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a SAR data cube from cloud services cube_s1_grd <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-1-GRD", bands = c("VV", "VH"), orbit = "descending", tiles = c("21LUJ"), start_date = "2021-08-01", end_date = "2021-09-30" ) # plot VH band of the first date of the data cube plot(cube_s1_grd, band = "VH") }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a SAR data cube from cloud services cube_s1_grd <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-1-GRD", bands = c("VV", "VH"), orbit = "descending", tiles = c("21LUJ"), start_date = "2021-08-01", end_date = "2021-09-30" ) # plot VH band of the first date of the data cube plot(cube_s1_grd, band = "VH") }
Plot a bar graph with informations about the confusion matrix
## S3 method for class 'sits_accuracy' plot(x, y, ..., title = "Confusion matrix")
## S3 method for class 'sits_accuracy' plot(x, y, ..., title = "Confusion matrix")
x |
Object of class "plot.sits_accuracy". |
y |
Ignored. |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
title |
Title of plot. |
A plot object produced by the ggplot2 package containing color bars showing the confusion between classes.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Gilberto Camara [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # show accuracy for a set of samples train_data <- sits_sample(samples_modis_ndvi, frac = 0.5) test_data <- sits_sample(samples_modis_ndvi, frac = 0.5) # compute a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(train_data, sits_rfor()) # classify training points points_class <- sits_classify( data = test_data, ml_model = rfor_model ) # calculate accuracy acc <- sits_accuracy(points_class) # plot accuracy plot(acc) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # show accuracy for a set of samples train_data <- sits_sample(samples_modis_ndvi, frac = 0.5) test_data <- sits_sample(samples_modis_ndvi, frac = 0.5) # compute a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(train_data, sits_rfor()) # classify training points points_class <- sits_classify( data = test_data, ml_model = rfor_model ) # calculate accuracy acc <- sits_accuracy(points_class) # plot accuracy plot(acc) }
Plot a dendrogram
## S3 method for class 'sits_cluster' plot(x, ..., cluster, cutree_height, palette)
## S3 method for class 'sits_cluster' plot(x, ..., cluster, cutree_height, palette)
x |
sits tibble with cluster indexes. |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
cluster |
cluster object produced by 'sits_cluster' function. |
cutree_height |
dashed horizontal line to be drawn indicating the height of dendrogram cutting. |
palette |
HCL color palette. |
The dendrogram object.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { samples <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes, bands = c("NDVI", "EVI")) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { samples <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes, bands = c("NDVI", "EVI")) }
It is useful to visualise the
output of the SOM evaluation, which classifies the samples as
"clean" (good samples), "remove" (possible outliers),
and "analyse" (borderline cases). This function plots the
percentual distribution of the SOM evaluation per class.
To use it, please run sits_som_clean_samples
the parameter "keep" as "c("clean", "analyze", "remove").
## S3 method for class 'som_clean_samples' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'som_clean_samples' plot(x, ...)
x |
Object of class "som_clean_samples". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
Called for side effects.
Estefania Pizarro, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a SOM map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # plot the SOM map eval <- sits_som_clean_samples(som_map) plot(eval) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a SOM map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # plot the SOM map eval <- sits_som_clean_samples(som_map) plot(eval) }
Plot a bar graph with informations about each cluster. The percentage of mixture between the clusters.
## S3 method for class 'som_evaluate_cluster' plot(x, y, ..., name_cluster = NULL, title = "Confusion by cluster")
## S3 method for class 'som_evaluate_cluster' plot(x, y, ..., name_cluster = NULL, title = "Confusion by cluster")
x |
Object of class "plot.som_evaluate_cluster". |
y |
Ignored. |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
name_cluster |
Choose the cluster to plot. |
title |
Title of plot. |
A plot object produced by the ggplot2 package containing color bars showing the confusion between classes.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Lorena Santos [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a SOM map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # evaluate the SOM cluster som_clusters <- sits_som_evaluate_cluster(som_map) # plot the SOM cluster evaluation plot(som_clusters) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a SOM map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # evaluate the SOM cluster som_clusters <- sits_som_evaluate_cluster(som_map) # plot the SOM cluster evaluation plot(som_clusters) }
plots a SOM map generated by "sits_som_map". The plot function produces different plots based on the input data. If type is "codes", plots the vector weight for in each neuron. If type is "mapping", shows where samples are mapped.
## S3 method for class 'som_map' plot(x, y, ..., type = "codes", band = 1)
## S3 method for class 'som_map' plot(x, y, ..., type = "codes", band = 1)
x |
Object of class "som_map". |
y |
Ignored. |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
type |
Type of plot: "codes" for neuron weight (time series) and "mapping" for the number of samples allocated in a neuron. |
band |
What band will be plotted. |
Called for side effects.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a SOM map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # plot the SOM map plot(som_map) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a SOM map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # plot the SOM map plot(som_map) }
Plots a deep learning model developed using torch.
## S3 method for class 'torch_model' plot(x, y, ...)
## S3 method for class 'torch_model' plot(x, y, ...)
x |
Object of class "torch_model". |
y |
Ignored. |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
A plot object produced by the ggplot2 package showing the evolution of the loss and accuracy of the model.
This code has been lifted from the "keras" package.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Felipe Souza, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Alber Sanchez, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train a tempCNN model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_tempcnn) # plot the model plot(ml_model) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train a tempCNN model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_tempcnn) # plot the model plot(ml_model) }
plots a uncertainty cube
## S3 method for class 'uncertainty_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], roi = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn", rev = TRUE, scale = 1, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
## S3 method for class 'uncertainty_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], roi = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn", rev = TRUE, scale = 1, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
x |
Object of class "probs_image". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
tile |
Tiles to be plotted. |
roi |
Spatial extent to plot in WGS 84 - named vector with either (lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max) or (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) |
palette |
An RColorBrewer palette |
rev |
Reverse the color order in the palette? |
scale |
Scale to plot map (0.4 to 1.0) |
first_quantile |
First quantile for stretching images |
last_quantile |
Last quantile for stretching images |
max_cog_size |
Maximum size of COG overviews (lines or columns) |
legend_position |
Where to place the legend (default = "inside") |
A plot object produced showing the uncertainty associated to each classified pixel.
The following optional parameters are available to allow for detailed control over the plot output:
: size of coordinates labels (default = 0.7)
: relative size of legend title (default = 1.0)
: relative size of legend text (default = 1.0)
: color of legend background (default = "white")
: legend opacity (default = 0.5)
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # calculate uncertainty uncert_cube <- sits_uncertainty(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the resulting uncertainty cube plot(uncert_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # calculate uncertainty uncert_cube <- sits_uncertainty(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the resulting uncertainty cube plot(uncert_cube) }
plots a probability cube using stars
## S3 method for class 'uncertainty_vector_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], palette = "RdYlGn", rev = TRUE, scale = 1, legend_position = "inside" )
## S3 method for class 'uncertainty_vector_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], palette = "RdYlGn", rev = TRUE, scale = 1, legend_position = "inside" )
x |
Object of class "probs_vector_cube". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
tile |
Tile to be plotted. |
palette |
RColorBrewer palette |
rev |
Reverse order of colors in palette? |
scale |
Scale to plot map (0.4 to 1.0) |
legend_position |
Where to place the legend (default = "inside") |
A plot containing probabilities associated to each class for each pixel.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # segment the image segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, seg_fn = sits_slic(step = 5, compactness = 1, dist_fun = "euclidean", avg_fun = "median", iter = 20, minarea = 10, verbose = FALSE), output_dir = tempdir() ) # classify a data cube probs_vector_cube <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # measure uncertainty uncert_vector_cube <- sits_uncertainty( cube = probs_vector_cube, type = "margin", output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the resulting uncertainty cube plot(uncert_vector_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # segment the image segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, seg_fn = sits_slic(step = 5, compactness = 1, dist_fun = "euclidean", avg_fun = "median", iter = 20, minarea = 10, verbose = FALSE), output_dir = tempdir() ) # classify a data cube probs_vector_cube <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # measure uncertainty uncert_vector_cube <- sits_uncertainty( cube = probs_vector_cube, type = "margin", output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the resulting uncertainty cube plot(uncert_vector_cube) }
plots a variance cube
## S3 method for class 'variance_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], roi = NULL, labels = NULL, palette = "YlGnBu", rev = FALSE, type = "map", quantile = 0.75, scale = 1, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside", legend_title = "logvar" )
## S3 method for class 'variance_cube' plot( x, ..., tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], roi = NULL, labels = NULL, palette = "YlGnBu", rev = FALSE, type = "map", quantile = 0.75, scale = 1, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside", legend_title = "logvar" )
x |
Object of class "variance_cube". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
tile |
Tile to be plotted. |
roi |
Spatial extent to plot in WGS 84 - named vector with either (lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max) or (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) |
labels |
Labels to plot. |
palette |
RColorBrewer palette |
rev |
Reverse order of colors in palette? |
type |
Type of plot ("map" or "hist") |
quantile |
Minimum quantile to plot |
scale |
Scale to plot map (0.4 to 1.0) |
max_cog_size |
Maximum size of COG overviews (lines or columns) |
legend_position |
Where to place the legend (default = "inside") |
legend_title |
Title of legend (default = "probs") |
A plot containing local variances associated to the logit probability for each pixel and each class.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # obtain a variance cube var_cube <- sits_variance(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the variance cube plot(var_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # obtain a variance cube var_cube <- sits_variance(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the variance cube plot(var_cube) }
Plot RGB raster cube
## S3 method for class 'vector_cube' plot( x, ..., band = NULL, red = NULL, green = NULL, blue = NULL, tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], dates = NULL, seg_color = "yellow", line_width = 0.3, palette = "RdYlGn", rev = FALSE, scale = 1, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
## S3 method for class 'vector_cube' plot( x, ..., band = NULL, red = NULL, green = NULL, blue = NULL, tile = x[["tile"]][[1]], dates = NULL, seg_color = "yellow", line_width = 0.3, palette = "RdYlGn", rev = FALSE, scale = 1, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, max_cog_size = 1024, legend_position = "inside" )
x |
Object of class "raster_cube". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
band |
Band for plotting grey images. |
red |
Band for red color. |
green |
Band for green color. |
blue |
Band for blue color. |
tile |
Tile to be plotted. |
dates |
Dates to be plotted. |
seg_color |
Color to show the segment boundaries |
line_width |
Line width to plot the segments boundary (in pixels) |
palette |
An RColorBrewer palette |
rev |
Reverse the color order in the palette? |
scale |
Scale to plot map (0.4 to 1.5) |
first_quantile |
First quantile for stretching images |
last_quantile |
Last quantile for stretching images |
max_cog_size |
Maximum size of COG overviews (lines or columns) |
legend_position |
Where to place the legend (default = "inside") |
A plot object with an RGB image or a B/W image on a color scale using the palette
The following optional parameters are available to allow for detailed control over the plot output:
: size of coordinates labels (default = 0.7)
: relative size of legend title (default = 0.7)
: relative size of legend text (default = 0.7)
: color of legend background (default = "white")
: legend opacity (default = 0.3)
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # Segment the cube segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, output_dir = tempdir(), multicores = 2, memsize = 4 ) # plot NDVI band of the second date date of the data cube plot(segments, band = "NDVI", date = sits_timeline(cube)[1]) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # Segment the cube segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, output_dir = tempdir(), multicores = 2, memsize = 4 ) # plot NDVI band of the second date date of the data cube plot(segments, band = "NDVI", date = sits_timeline(cube)[1]) }
Plots trees in an extreme gradient boosting model.
## S3 method for class 'xgb_model' plot(x, ..., trees = 0:4, width = 1500, height = 1900)
## S3 method for class 'xgb_model' plot(x, ..., trees = 0:4, width = 1500, height = 1900)
x |
Object of class "xgb_model". |
... |
Further specifications for plot. |
trees |
Vector of trees to be plotted |
width |
Width of the output window |
height |
Height of the output window |
A plot
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train an extreme gradient boosting xgb_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_xgboost() ) plot(xgb_model) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train an extreme gradient boosting xgb_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_xgboost() ) plot(xgb_model) }
A dataset containing a tibble with one time series samples in the Mato Grosso state of Brazil. The time series comes from MOD13Q1 collection 6 images.
A tibble with 1 rows and 7 variables: longitude: East-west coordinate of the time series sample (WGS 84), latitude (North-south coordinate of the time series sample in WGS 84), start_date (initial date of the time series), end_date (final date of the time series), label (the class label associated to the sample), cube (the name of the cube associated with the data), time_series (list containing a tibble with the values of the time series).
A sits tibble with time series samples from Brazilian Amazonia rain forest.
The labels are: "Deforestation", "Forest", "NatNonForest" and "Pasture".
The time series were extracted from the Landsat-8 BDC data cube (collection = "LC8_30_16D_STK-1", tiles = "038047"). These time series comprehends a period of 12 months (25 observations) from "2018-07-12" to "2019-07-28". The extracted bands are NDVI and EVI. Cloudy values were removed and interpolated.
A sits
tibble with 160 samples.
A dataset containing a tibble with time series samples for the Mato Grosso state in Brasil. The time series come from MOD13Q1 collection 6 images. The data set has the following classes: Cerrado(379 samples), Forest (131 samples), Pasture (344 samples), and Soy_Corn (364 samples).
A tibble with 1308 rows and 7 variables: longitude: East-west coordinate of the time series sample (WGS 84), latitude (North-south coordinate of the time series sample in WGS 84), start_date (initial date of the time series), end_date (final date of the time series), label (the class label associated to the sample), cube (the name of the cube associated with the data), time_series (list containing a tibble with the values of the time series).
This function calculates the accuracy of the classification
result. For a set of time series, it creates a confusion matrix and then
calculates the resulting statistics using package caret
. The time
series needs to be classified using sits_classify
Classified images are generated using sits_classify
followed by sits_label_classification
For a classified image, the function uses an area-weighted technique
proposed by Olofsson et al. according to [1-3] to produce more reliable
accuracy estimates at 95
In both cases, it provides an accuracy assessment of the classified, including Overall Accuracy, Kappa, User's Accuracy, Producer's Accuracy and error matrix (confusion matrix)
sits_accuracy(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_accuracy(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'class_cube' sits_accuracy(data, ..., validation, method = "olofsson") ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_accuracy(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_accuracy(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_accuracy(data, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_accuracy(data, ...)
sits_accuracy(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_accuracy(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'class_cube' sits_accuracy(data, ..., validation, method = "olofsson") ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_accuracy(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_accuracy(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_accuracy(data, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_accuracy(data, ...)
data |
Either a data cube with classified images or a set of time series |
... |
Specific parameters |
validation |
Samples for validation (see below) Only required when data is a class cube. |
method |
A character with 'olofsson' or 'pixel' to compute accuracy. |
A list of lists: The error_matrix, the class_areas, the unbiased estimated areas, the standard error areas, confidence interval 95 and the accuracy (user, producer, and overall), or NULL if the data is empty. A confusion matrix assessment produced by the caret package.
The 'validation' data needs to contain the following columns: "latitude", "longitude", "start_date", "end_date", and "label". It can be either a path to a CSV file, a sits tibble, a data frame, or an sf object.
When 'validation' is an sf object, the columns "latitude" and "longitude" are not required as the locations are extracted from the geometry column. The 'centroid' is calculated before extracting the location values for any geometry type.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Alber Sanchez, [email protected]
[1] Olofsson, P., Foody, G.M., Stehman, S.V., Woodcock, C.E. (2013). Making better use of accuracy data in land change studies: Estimating accuracy and area and quantifying uncertainty using stratified estimation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 129, pp.122-131.
[2] Olofsson, P., Foody G.M., Herold M., Stehman, S.V., Woodcock, C.E., Wulder, M.A. (2014) Good practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change. Remote Sensing of Environment, 148, pp. 42-57.
[3] FAO, Map Accuracy Assessment and Area Estimation: A Practical Guide. National forest monitoring assessment working paper No.46/E, 2016.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # show accuracy for a set of samples train_data <- sits_sample(samples_modis_ndvi, frac = 0.5) test_data <- sits_sample(samples_modis_ndvi, frac = 0.5) rfor_model <- sits_train(train_data, sits_rfor()) points_class <- sits_classify( data = test_data, ml_model = rfor_model ) acc <- sits_accuracy(points_class) # show accuracy for a data cube classification # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # obtain the ground truth for accuracy assessment ground_truth <- system.file("extdata/samples/samples_sinop_crop.csv", package = "sits" ) # make accuracy assessment as <- sits_accuracy(label_cube, validation = ground_truth) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # show accuracy for a set of samples train_data <- sits_sample(samples_modis_ndvi, frac = 0.5) test_data <- sits_sample(samples_modis_ndvi, frac = 0.5) rfor_model <- sits_train(train_data, sits_rfor()) points_class <- sits_classify( data = test_data, ml_model = rfor_model ) acc <- sits_accuracy(points_class) # show accuracy for a data cube classification # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # obtain the ground truth for accuracy assessment ground_truth <- system.file("extdata/samples/samples_sinop_crop.csv", package = "sits" ) # make accuracy assessment as <- sits_accuracy(label_cube, validation = ground_truth) }
This function add base maps to time series data cube. Base maps have information that is stable in time (e.g, DEM) which provide relevant information for modelling and classification.
To add a base cube to an existing data cube, they should share the same sensor, resolution, bounding box, timeline, and have different bands.
sits_add_base_cube(cube1, cube2)
sits_add_base_cube(cube1, cube2)
cube1 |
Data cube (tibble of class "raster_cube") . |
cube2 |
Data cube (tibble of class "dem_cube") . |
a merged data cube with the inclusion of a base_info tibble
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { s2_cube <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = "18HYE", bands = c("B8A", "CLOUD"), start_date = "2022-01-01", end_date = "2022-03-31" ) output_dir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/reg") if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) { dir.create(output_dir) } dem_cube <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "COP-DEM-GLO-30", tiles = "18HYE", bands = "ELEVATION" ) s2_reg <- sits_regularize( cube = s2_cube, period = "P1M", res = 240, output_dir = output_dir, multicores = 2, memsize = 4 ) dem_reg <- sits_regularize( cube = dem_cube, res = 240, tiles = "18HYE", output_dir = output_dir, multicores = 2, memsize = 4 ) s2_reg <- sits_add_base_cube(s2_reg, dem_reg) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { s2_cube <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = "18HYE", bands = c("B8A", "CLOUD"), start_date = "2022-01-01", end_date = "2022-03-31" ) output_dir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/reg") if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) { dir.create(output_dir) } dem_cube <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "COP-DEM-GLO-30", tiles = "18HYE", bands = "ELEVATION" ) s2_reg <- sits_regularize( cube = s2_cube, period = "P1M", res = 240, output_dir = output_dir, multicores = 2, memsize = 4 ) dem_reg <- sits_regularize( cube = dem_cube, res = 240, tiles = "18HYE", output_dir = output_dir, multicores = 2, memsize = 4 ) s2_reg <- sits_add_base_cube(s2_reg, dem_reg) }
Apply a named expression to a sits cube or a sits tibble
to be evaluated and generate new bands (indices). In the case of sits
cubes, it materializes a new band in output_dir
sits_apply(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_apply(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_apply( data, ..., window_size = 3L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, normalized = TRUE, output_dir, progress = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_apply(data, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_apply(data, ...)
sits_apply(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_apply(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_apply( data, ..., window_size = 3L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, normalized = TRUE, output_dir, progress = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_apply(data, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_apply(data, ...)
data |
Valid sits tibble or cube |
... |
Named expressions to be evaluated (see details). |
window_size |
An odd number representing the size of the sliding window of sits kernel functions used in expressions (for a list of supported kernel functions, please see details). |
memsize |
Memory available for classification (in GB). |
multicores |
Number of cores to be used for classification. |
normalized |
Produce normalized band? |
output_dir |
Directory where files will be saved. |
progress |
Show progress bar? |
allow any valid R expression to compute new bands.
Use R syntax to pass an expression to this function.
Besides arithmetic operators, you can use virtually any R function
that can be applied to elements of a matrix (functions that are
unaware of matrix sizes, e.g. sqrt()
, sin()
Also, sits_apply()
accepts a predefined set of kernel functions
(see below) that can be applied to pixels considering its
neighborhood. sits_apply()
considers a neighborhood of a
pixel as a set of pixels equidistant to it (including itself)
according the Chebyshev distance. This neighborhood form a
square window (also known as kernel) around the central pixel
(Moore neighborhood). Users can set the window_size
parameter to adjust the size of the kernel window.
The image is conceptually mirrored at the edges so that neighborhood
including a pixel outside the image is equivalent to take the
'mirrored' pixel inside the edge.
applies a function to the kernel and its result
is assigned to a corresponding central pixel on a new matrix.
The kernel slides throughout the input image and this process
generates an entire new matrix, which is returned as a new band
to the cube. The kernel functions ignores any NA
inside the kernel window. Central pixel is NA
just only
all pixels in the window are NA
By default, the indexes generated by the sits_apply()
function are
normalized between -1 and 1, scaled by a factor of 0.0001.
Normalized indexes are saved as INT2S (Integer with sign).
If the normalized
parameter is FALSE, no scaling factor will be
applied and the index will be saved as FLT4S (Float with sign).
A sits tibble or a sits cube with new bands, produced according to the requested expression.
: returns the median of the neighborhood's values.
: returns the sum of the neighborhood's values.
: returns the mean of the neighborhood's values.
: returns the standard deviation of the neighborhood's
: returns the minimum of the neighborhood's values.
: returns the maximum of the neighborhood's values.
: returns the variance of the neighborhood's values.
: returns the modal of the neighborhood's values.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Get a time series # Apply a normalization function point2 <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, "NDVI") |> sits_apply(NDVI_norm = (NDVI - min(NDVI)) / (max(NDVI) - min(NDVI))) # Example of generation texture band with variance # Create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # Generate a texture images with variance in NDVI images cube_texture <- sits_apply( data = cube, NDVITEXTURE = w_median(NDVI), window_size = 5, output_dir = tempdir() ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Get a time series # Apply a normalization function point2 <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, "NDVI") |> sits_apply(NDVI_norm = (NDVI - min(NDVI)) / (max(NDVI) - min(NDVI))) # Example of generation texture band with variance # Create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # Generate a texture images with variance in NDVI images cube_texture <- sits_apply( data = cube, NDVITEXTURE = w_median(NDVI), window_size = 5, output_dir = tempdir() ) }
Return a sits_tibble or raster_cube as an sf object.
sits_as_sf(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_as_sf(data, ..., crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_as_sf(data, ..., as_crs = NULL)
sits_as_sf(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_as_sf(data, ..., crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_as_sf(data, ..., as_crs = NULL)
data |
A sits tibble or sits cube. |
... |
Additional parameters. |
crs |
Input coordinate reference system. |
as_crs |
Output coordinate reference system. |
An sf object of point or polygon geometry.
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
Alber Sanchez, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # convert sits tibble to an sf object (point) sf_object <- sits_as_sf(cerrado_2classes) # convert sits cube to an sf object (polygon) data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) sf_object <- sits_as_sf(cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # convert sits tibble to an sf object (point) sf_object <- sits_as_sf(cerrado_2classes) # convert sits cube to an sf object (polygon) data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) sf_object <- sits_as_sf(cube) }
Finds the names of the bands of a set of time series or of a data cube
sits_bands(x) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_bands(x) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_bands(x) ## S3 method for class 'patterns' sits_bands(x) ## S3 method for class 'sits_model' sits_bands(x) ## Default S3 method: sits_bands(x) sits_bands(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'sits' sits_bands(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'raster_cube' sits_bands(x) <- value ## Default S3 replacement method: sits_bands(x) <- value
sits_bands(x) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_bands(x) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_bands(x) ## S3 method for class 'patterns' sits_bands(x) ## S3 method for class 'sits_model' sits_bands(x) ## Default S3 method: sits_bands(x) sits_bands(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'sits' sits_bands(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'raster_cube' sits_bands(x) <- value ## Default S3 replacement method: sits_bands(x) <- value
x |
Valid sits tibble (time series or a cube) |
value |
New value for the bands |
A vector with the names of the bands.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # Get the bands from a daya cube bands <- sits_bands(cube) # Get the bands from a sits tibble bands <- sits_bands(samples_modis_ndvi) # Get the bands from patterns bands <- sits_bands(sits_patterns(samples_modis_ndvi)) # Get the bands from ML model rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) bands <- sits_bands(rf_model) # Set the bands for a SITS time series sits_bands(samples_modis_ndvi) <- "NDVI2" # Set the bands for a SITS cube sits_bands(cube) <- "NDVI2" }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # Get the bands from a daya cube bands <- sits_bands(cube) # Get the bands from a sits tibble bands <- sits_bands(samples_modis_ndvi) # Get the bands from patterns bands <- sits_bands(sits_patterns(samples_modis_ndvi)) # Get the bands from ML model rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) bands <- sits_bands(rf_model) # Set the bands for a SITS time series sits_bands(samples_modis_ndvi) <- "NDVI2" # Set the bands for a SITS cube sits_bands(cube) <- "NDVI2" }
Obtain a vector of limits (either on lat/long for time series or in projection coordinates in the case of cubes)
sits_bbox(data, crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_bbox(data, crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_bbox(data, crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_bbox(data, crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL) ## Default S3 method: sits_bbox(data, crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL)
sits_bbox(data, crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_bbox(data, crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_bbox(data, crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_bbox(data, crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL) ## Default S3 method: sits_bbox(data, crs = "EPSG:4326", as_crs = NULL)
data |
samples (class "sits") or |
crs |
CRS of the samples points (single char) |
as_crs |
CRS to project the resulting |
A bbox
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # get the bbox of a set of samples sits_bbox(samples_modis_ndvi) # get the bbox of a cube in WGS84 data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) sits_bbox(cube, as_crs = "EPSG:4326") }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # get the bbox of a set of samples sits_bbox(samples_modis_ndvi) # get the bbox of a cube in WGS84 data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) sits_bbox(cube, as_crs = "EPSG:4326") }
This function classifies a set of time series or data cube given
a trained model prediction model created by sits_train
SITS supports the following models:
(a) support vector machines: sits_svm
(b) random forests: sits_rfor
(c) extreme gradient boosting: sits_xgboost
(d) multi-layer perceptrons: sits_mlp
(e) 1D CNN: sits_tempcnn
(f) self-attention encoders: sits_lighttae
sits_classify(data, ml_model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_classify( data, ml_model, ..., filter_fn = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), multicores = 2L, gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_classify( data, ml_model, ..., roi = NULL, exclusion_mask = NULL, filter_fn = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, memsize = 8L, multicores = 2L, gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory, output_dir, version = "v1", verbose = FALSE, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'segs_cube' sits_classify( data, ml_model, ..., roi = NULL, filter_fn = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, memsize = 8L, multicores = 2L, gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory, output_dir, version = "v1", n_sam_pol = NULL, verbose = FALSE, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_classify(data, ml_model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_classify(data, ml_model, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_classify(data, ml_model, ...)
sits_classify(data, ml_model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_classify( data, ml_model, ..., filter_fn = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), multicores = 2L, gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_classify( data, ml_model, ..., roi = NULL, exclusion_mask = NULL, filter_fn = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, memsize = 8L, multicores = 2L, gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory, output_dir, version = "v1", verbose = FALSE, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'segs_cube' sits_classify( data, ml_model, ..., roi = NULL, filter_fn = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, memsize = 8L, multicores = 2L, gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory, output_dir, version = "v1", n_sam_pol = NULL, verbose = FALSE, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_classify(data, ml_model, ...) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_classify(data, ml_model, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_classify(data, ml_model, ...)
data |
Data cube (tibble of class "raster_cube") |
ml_model |
R model trained by |
... |
Other parameters for specific functions. |
filter_fn |
Smoothing filter to be applied - optional (closure containing object of class "function"). |
impute_fn |
Imputation function to remove NA. |
multicores |
Number of cores to be used for classification (integer, min = 1, max = 2048). |
gpu_memory |
Memory available in GPU in GB (default = 4) |
batch_size |
Batch size for GPU classification. |
progress |
Logical: Show progress bar? |
roi |
Region of interest (either an sf object, shapefile, or a numeric vector with named XY values ("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") or named lat/long values ("lon_min", "lat_min", "lon_max", "lat_max"). |
exclusion_mask |
Areas to be excluded from the classification process. It can be defined as a sf object or a shapefile. |
start_date |
Start date for the classification (Date in YYYY-MM-DD format). |
end_date |
End date for the classification (Date in YYYY-MM-DD format). |
memsize |
Memory available for classification in GB (integer, min = 1, max = 16384). |
output_dir |
Valid directory for output file. (character vector of length 1). |
version |
Version of the output (character vector of length 1). |
verbose |
Logical: print information about processing time? |
n_sam_pol |
Number of time series per segment to be classified (integer, min = 10, max = 50). |
Time series with predicted labels for each point (tibble of class "sits") or a data cube with probabilities for each class (tibble of class "probs_cube").
The roi
parameter defines a region of interest. It can be
an sf_object, a shapefile, or a bounding box vector with
named XY values (xmin
, xmax
, ymin
, ymax
) or
named lat/long values (lon_min
, lon_max
, lat_max
Parameter filter_fn
parameter specifies a smoothing filter
to be applied to each time series for reducing noise. Currently, options
are Savitzky-Golay (see sits_sgolay
) and Whittaker
(see sits_whittaker
) filters.
Parameter impute_fn
defines a 1D function that will be used
to interpolate NA values in each time series. Currently sits supports
the impute_linear
function, but users can define
imputation functions which are defined externally.
Parameter memsize
controls the amount of memory available
for classification, while multicores
defines the number of cores
used for processing. We recommend using as much memory as possible.
Parameter exclusion_mask
defines a region that will not be
classify. The region can be defined by multiple polygons.
Use an sf object or a shapefile to define it.
When using a GPU for deep learning, gpu_memory
indicates the
memory of the graphics card which is available for processing.
The parameter batch_size
defines the size of the matrix
(measured in number of rows) which is sent to the GPU for classification.
Users can test different values of batch_size
find out which one best fits their GPU architecture.
It is not possible to have an exact idea of the size of Deep Learning models in GPU memory, as the complexity of the model and factors such as CUDA Context increase the size of the model in memory. Therefore, we recommend that you leave at least 1GB free on the video card to store the Deep Learning model that will be used.
For users of Apple M3 chips or similar with a Neural Engine, be
aware that these chips share memory between the GPU and the CPU.
Tests indicate that the memsize
should be set to half to the total memory and the batch_size
parameter should be a small number (we suggest the value of 64).
Be aware that increasing these parameters may lead to memory
For classifying vector data cubes created by
controls is the number of time series to be
classified per segment.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of classification of a time series # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train a random forest model rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = c("NDVI")) point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = rf_model ) plot(point_class) # Example of classification of a data cube # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rf_model, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "ex_classify" ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "ex_classify" ) # plot the classified image plot(label_cube) # segmentation # segment the image segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, seg_fn = sits_slic(step = 5, compactness = 1, dist_fun = "euclidean", avg_fun = "median", iter = 50, minarea = 10, verbose = FALSE ), output_dir = tempdir() ) # Create a classified vector cube probs_segs <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rf_model, output_dir = tempdir(), multicores = 4, version = "segs" ) # Create a labelled vector cube class_segs <- sits_label_classification( cube = probs_segs, output_dir = tempdir(), multicores = 2, memsize = 4, version = "segs_classify" ) # plot class_segs plot(class_segs) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of classification of a time series # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train a random forest model rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = c("NDVI")) point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = rf_model ) plot(point_class) # Example of classification of a data cube # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rf_model, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "ex_classify" ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "ex_classify" ) # plot the classified image plot(label_cube) # segmentation # segment the image segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, seg_fn = sits_slic(step = 5, compactness = 1, dist_fun = "euclidean", avg_fun = "median", iter = 50, minarea = 10, verbose = FALSE ), output_dir = tempdir() ) # Create a classified vector cube probs_segs <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rf_model, output_dir = tempdir(), multicores = 4, version = "segs" ) # Create a labelled vector cube class_segs <- sits_label_classification( cube = probs_segs, output_dir = tempdir(), multicores = 2, memsize = 4, version = "segs_classify" ) # plot class_segs plot(class_segs) }
Applies a modal function to clean up possible noisy pixels keeping the most frequently values within the neighborhood. In a tie, the first value of the vector is considered.
sits_clean( cube, window_size = 5L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1-clean", progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'class_cube' sits_clean( cube, window_size = 5L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1-clean", progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_clean( cube, window_size = 5L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1-clean", progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_clean( cube, window_size = 5L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1-clean", progress = TRUE ) ## Default S3 method: sits_clean( cube, window_size = 5L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1-clean", progress = TRUE )
sits_clean( cube, window_size = 5L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1-clean", progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'class_cube' sits_clean( cube, window_size = 5L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1-clean", progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_clean( cube, window_size = 5L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1-clean", progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_clean( cube, window_size = 5L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1-clean", progress = TRUE ) ## Default S3 method: sits_clean( cube, window_size = 5L, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1-clean", progress = TRUE )
cube |
Classified data cube (tibble of class "class_cube"). |
window_size |
An odd integer representing the size of the sliding window of the modal function (min = 1, max = 15). |
memsize |
Memory available for classification in GB (integer, min = 1, max = 16384). |
multicores |
Number of cores to be used for classification (integer, min = 1, max = 2048). |
output_dir |
Valid directory for output file. (character vector of length 1). |
version |
Version of the output file (character vector of length 1) |
progress |
Logical: Show progress bar? |
A tibble with an classified map (class = "class_cube").
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rf_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # apply a mode function in the labelled cube clean_cube <- sits_clean( cube = label_cube, window_size = 5, output_dir = tempdir(), multicores = 1 ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rf_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # apply a mode function in the labelled cube clean_cube <- sits_clean( cube = label_cube, window_size = 5, output_dir = tempdir(), multicores = 1 ) }
Takes a tibble with time series
that has an additional 'cluster' produced by
and removes labels that are minority in each cluster.
samples |
Tibble with set of time series with additional
cluster information produced
by |
Tibble with time series (class "sits")
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { clusters <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes) freq1 <- sits_cluster_frequency(clusters) freq1 clean_clusters <- sits_cluster_clean(clusters) freq2 <- sits_cluster_frequency(clean_clusters) freq2 }
if (sits_run_examples()) { clusters <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes) freq1 <- sits_cluster_frequency(clusters) freq1 clean_clusters <- sits_cluster_clean(clusters) freq2 <- sits_cluster_frequency(clean_clusters) freq2 }
These functions support hierarchical agglomerative clustering in sits. They provide support from creating a dendrogram and using it for cleaning samples.
takes a tibble with time series and
produces a sits tibble with an added "cluster" column. The function first
calculates a dendrogram and obtains a validity index for best clustering
using the adjusted Rand Index. After cutting the dendrogram using the chosen
validity index, it assigns a cluster to each sample.
computes the contingency
table between labels
and clusters and produces a matrix.
Its input is a tibble produced by link[sits]{sits_cluster_dendro()}
takes a tibble with time series
that has an additional 'cluster' produced by
and removes labels that are minority in each cluster.
sits_cluster_dendro( samples, bands = NULL, dist_method = "dtw_basic", linkage = "ward.D2", k = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn", ... )
sits_cluster_dendro( samples, bands = NULL, dist_method = "dtw_basic", linkage = "ward.D2", k = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn", ... )
samples |
Tibble with input set of time series (class "sits"). |
bands |
Bands to be used in the clustering (character vector) |
dist_method |
One of the supported distances (single char vector) "dtw": DTW with a Sakoe-Chiba constraint. "dtw2": DTW with L2 norm and Sakoe-Chiba constraint. "dtw_basic": A faster DTW with less functionality. "lbk": Keogh's lower bound for DTW. "lbi": Lemire's lower bound for DTW. |
linkage |
Agglomeration method to be used (single char vector) One of "ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty", "median" or "centroid". |
k |
Desired number of clusters (overrides default value) |
palette |
Color palette as per 'grDevices::hcl.pals()' function. |
... |
Additional parameters to be passed to dtwclust::tsclust() function. |
Tibble with "cluster" column (class "sits_cluster").
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
"dtwclust" package (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=dtwclust)
if (sits_run_examples()) { # default clusters <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes) # with parameters clusters <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes, bands = "NDVI", k = 5) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # default clusters <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes) # with parameters clusters <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes, bands = "NDVI", k = 5) }
Show label frequency in each cluster produced by dendrogram analysis
samples |
Tibble with input set of time series with additional
cluster information produced
by |
A matrix containing frequencies of labels in clusters.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { clusters <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes) freq <- sits_cluster_frequency(clusters) freq }
if (sits_run_examples()) { clusters <- sits_cluster_dendro(cerrado_2classes) freq <- sits_cluster_frequency(clusters) freq }
Returns a color table
sits_colors(legend = NULL)
sits_colors(legend = NULL)
legend |
One of the accepted legends in sits |
A tibble with color names and values
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # return the names of all colors supported by SITS sits_colors() }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # return the names of all colors supported by SITS sits_colors() }
Saves a color table associated to a classified data cube as a QGIS style file
sits_colors_qgis(cube, file)
sits_colors_qgis(cube, file)
cube |
a classified data cube |
file |
a QGIS style file to be written to |
No return, called for side effects
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/classif", package = "sits") ro_class <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", data_dir = data_dir, parse_info = c( "X1", "X2", "tile", "start_date", "end_date", "band", "version"), bands = "class", labels = c( "1" = "Clear_Cut_Burned_Area", "2" = "Clear_Cut_Bare_Soil", "3" = "Clear_Cut_Vegetation", "4" = "Forest") ) qml_file <- paste0(tempdir(), "/qgis.qml") sits_colors_qgis(ro_class, qml_file) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/classif", package = "sits") ro_class <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", data_dir = data_dir, parse_info = c( "X1", "X2", "tile", "start_date", "end_date", "band", "version"), bands = "class", labels = c( "1" = "Clear_Cut_Burned_Area", "2" = "Clear_Cut_Bare_Soil", "3" = "Clear_Cut_Vegetation", "4" = "Forest") ) qml_file <- paste0(tempdir(), "/qgis.qml") sits_colors_qgis(ro_class, qml_file) }
Resets the color table
No return, called for side effects
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # reset the default colors supported by SITS sits_colors_reset() }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # reset the default colors supported by SITS sits_colors_reset() }
Includes new colors in the SITS color sets. If the colors exist, replace them with the new HEX value. Optionally, the new colors can be associated to a legend. In this case, the new legend name should be informed. The colors parameter should be a data.frame or a tibble with name and HEX code. Colour names should be one character string only. Composite names need to be combined with underscores (e.g., use "Snow_and_Ice" and not "Snow and Ice").
This function changes the global sits color table and the global set of sits color legends. To undo these effects, please use "sits_colors_reset()".
sits_colors_set(colors, legend = NULL)
sits_colors_set(colors, legend = NULL)
colors |
New color table (a tibble or data.frame with name and HEX code) |
legend |
Legend associated to the color table (optional) |
A modified sits color table (invisible)
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Define a color table based on the Anderson Land Classification System us_nlcd <- tibble::tibble(name = character(), color = character()) us_nlcd <- us_nlcd |> tibble::add_row(name = "Urban_Built_Up", color = "#85929E") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Agricultural_Land", color = "#F0B27A") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Rangeland", color = "#F1C40F") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Forest_Land", color = "#27AE60") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Water", color = "#2980B9") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Wetland", color = "#D4E6F1") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Barren_Land", color = "#FDEBD0") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Tundra", color = "#EBDEF0") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Snow_and_Ice", color = "#F7F9F9") # Load the color table into `sits` sits_colors_set(colors = us_nlcd, legend = "US_NLCD") # Show the new color table used by sits sits_colors_show("US_NLCD") # Change colors in the sits global color table # First show the default colors for the UMD legend sits_colors_show("UMD") # Then change some colors associated to the UMD legend mycolors <- tibble::tibble(name = character(), color = character()) mycolors <- mycolors |> tibble::add_row(name = "Savannas", color = "#F8C471") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Grasslands", color = "#ABEBC6") sits_colors_set(colors = mycolors) # Notice that the UMD colors change sits_colors_show("UMD") # Reset the color table sits_colors_reset() # Show the default colors for the UMD legend sits_colors_show("UMD") }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Define a color table based on the Anderson Land Classification System us_nlcd <- tibble::tibble(name = character(), color = character()) us_nlcd <- us_nlcd |> tibble::add_row(name = "Urban_Built_Up", color = "#85929E") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Agricultural_Land", color = "#F0B27A") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Rangeland", color = "#F1C40F") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Forest_Land", color = "#27AE60") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Water", color = "#2980B9") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Wetland", color = "#D4E6F1") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Barren_Land", color = "#FDEBD0") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Tundra", color = "#EBDEF0") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Snow_and_Ice", color = "#F7F9F9") # Load the color table into `sits` sits_colors_set(colors = us_nlcd, legend = "US_NLCD") # Show the new color table used by sits sits_colors_show("US_NLCD") # Change colors in the sits global color table # First show the default colors for the UMD legend sits_colors_show("UMD") # Then change some colors associated to the UMD legend mycolors <- tibble::tibble(name = character(), color = character()) mycolors <- mycolors |> tibble::add_row(name = "Savannas", color = "#F8C471") |> tibble::add_row(name = "Grasslands", color = "#ABEBC6") sits_colors_set(colors = mycolors) # Notice that the UMD colors change sits_colors_show("UMD") # Reset the color table sits_colors_reset() # Show the default colors for the UMD legend sits_colors_show("UMD") }
Shows the default SITS colors
sits_colors_show(legend = NULL, font_family = "sans")
sits_colors_show(legend = NULL, font_family = "sans")
legend |
One of the accepted legends in sits |
font_family |
A font family loaded in SITS |
no return, called for side effects
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # show the colors supported by SITS sits_colors_show() }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # show the colors supported by SITS sits_colors_show() }
Calculate an ensemble predictor based a list of probability cubes. The function combines the output of two or more classifier to derive a value which is based on weights assigned to each model. The supported types of ensemble predictors are 'average' and 'uncertainty'.
sits_combine_predictions(cubes, type = "average", ...) ## S3 method for class 'average' sits_combine_predictions( cubes, type = "average", ..., weights = NULL, memsize = 8L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'uncertainty' sits_combine_predictions( cubes, type = "uncertainty", ..., uncert_cubes, memsize = 8L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## Default S3 method: sits_combine_predictions(cubes, type, ...)
sits_combine_predictions(cubes, type = "average", ...) ## S3 method for class 'average' sits_combine_predictions( cubes, type = "average", ..., weights = NULL, memsize = 8L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'uncertainty' sits_combine_predictions( cubes, type = "uncertainty", ..., uncert_cubes, memsize = 8L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## Default S3 method: sits_combine_predictions(cubes, type, ...)
cubes |
List of probability data cubes (class "probs_cube") |
type |
Method to measure uncertainty. One of "average" or "uncertainty" |
... |
Parameters for specific functions. |
weights |
Weights for averaging (numeric vector). |
memsize |
Memory available for classification in GB (integer, min = 1, max = 16384). |
multicores |
Number of cores to be used for classification (integer, min = 1, max = 2048). |
output_dir |
Valid directory for output file. (character vector of length 1). |
version |
Version of the output (character vector of length 1). |
uncert_cubes |
Uncertainty cubes to be used as local weights when type = "uncertainty" is selected (list of tibbles with class "uncertainty_cube") |
A combined probability cube (tibble of class "probs_cube").
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify a data cube using rfor model probs_rfor_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "rfor" ) # create an SVM model svm_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_svm()) # classify a data cube using SVM model probs_svm_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = svm_model, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "svm" ) # create a list of predictions to be combined pred_cubes <- list(probs_rfor_cube, probs_svm_cube) # combine predictions comb_probs_cube <- sits_combine_predictions( pred_cubes, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the resulting combined prediction cube plot(comb_probs_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify a data cube using rfor model probs_rfor_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "rfor" ) # create an SVM model svm_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_svm()) # classify a data cube using SVM model probs_svm_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = svm_model, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "svm" ) # create a list of predictions to be combined pred_cubes <- list(probs_rfor_cube, probs_svm_cube) # combine predictions comb_probs_cube <- sits_combine_predictions( pred_cubes, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the resulting combined prediction cube plot(comb_probs_cube) }
Suggest points for increasing the training set. These points are labelled with high confidence so they can be added to the training set. They need to have a satisfactory margin of confidence to be selected. The input is a probability cube. For each label, the algorithm finds out location where the machine learning model has high confidence in choosing this label compared to all others. The algorithm also considers a minimum distance between new labels, to minimize spatial autocorrelation effects. This function is best used in the following context: 1. Select an initial set of samples. 2. Train a machine learning model. 3. Build a data cube and classify it using the model. 4. Run a Bayesian smoothing in the resulting probability cube. 5. Perform confidence sampling.
The Bayesian smoothing procedure will reduce the classification outliers and thus increase the likelihood that the resulting pixels with provide good quality samples for each class.
sits_confidence_sampling( probs_cube, n = 20L, min_margin = 0.9, sampling_window = 10L, multicores = 1L, memsize = 1L )
sits_confidence_sampling( probs_cube, n = 20L, min_margin = 0.9, sampling_window = 10L, multicores = 1L, memsize = 1L )
probs_cube |
A smoothed probability cube.
See |
n |
Number of suggested points per class. |
min_margin |
Minimum margin of confidence to select a sample |
sampling_window |
Window size for collecting points (in pixels). The minimum window size is 10. |
multicores |
Number of workers for parallel processing (integer, min = 1, max = 2048). |
memsize |
Maximum overall memory (in GB) to run the function. |
A tibble with longitude and latitude in WGS84 with locations which have high uncertainty and meet the minimum distance criteria.
Alber Sanchez, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # build a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor()) # classify the cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # obtain a new set of samples for active learning # the samples are located in uncertain places new_samples <- sits_confidence_sampling(probs_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # build a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor()) # classify the cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # obtain a new set of samples for active learning # the samples are located in uncertain places new_samples <- sits_confidence_sampling(probs_cube) }
These functions load and show sits configurations.
The 'sits' package uses a configuration file that contains information on parameters required by different functions. This includes information about the image collections handled by 'sits'.
loads the default configuration file and
the user provided configuration file. The final configuration is
obtained by overriding the options by the values provided by the user.
sits_config(config_user_file = NULL)
sits_config(config_user_file = NULL)
config_user_file |
YAML user configuration file (character vector of a file with "yml" extension) |
Users can provide additional configuration files, by specifying the
location of their file in the environmental variable
or as parameter to this function.
To see the key entries and contents of the current configuration values,
use link[sits]{sits_config_show()}
Called for side effects
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
yaml_user_file <- system.file("extdata/config_user_example.yml", package = "sits") sits_config(config_user_file = yaml_user_file)
yaml_user_file <- system.file("extdata/config_user_example.yml", package = "sits") sits_config(config_user_file = yaml_user_file)
Prints the current sits configuration options.
To show specific configuration options for
a source, a collection, or a palette, users can inform the corresponding
keys to source
and collection
No return value, called for side effects.
Creates a user configuration file.
sits_config_user_file(file_path, overwrite = FALSE)
sits_config_user_file(file_path, overwrite = FALSE)
file_path |
file to store the user configuration file |
overwrite |
replace current configuration file? |
Called for side effects
user_file <- paste0(tempdir(), "/my_config_file.yml") sits_config_user_file(user_file)
user_file <- paste0(tempdir(), "/my_config_file.yml") sits_config_user_file(user_file)
Creates a data cube based on spatial and temporal restrictions in collections available in cloud services or local repositories. The following cloud providers are supported, based on the STAC protocol: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Brazil Data Cube (BDC), Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem (CDSE), Digital Earth Africa (DEAFRICA), Digital Earth Australia (DEAUSTRALIA), Microsoft Planetary Computer (MPC), Nasa Harmonized Landsat/Sentinel (HLS), Swiss Data Cube (SDC), TERRASCOPE or USGS Landsat (USGS). Data cubes can also be created using local files.
sits_cube(source, collection, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sar_cube' sits_cube( source, collection, ..., orbit = "ascending", bands = NULL, tiles = NULL, roi = NULL, crs = NULL, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, platform = NULL, multicores = 2, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'stac_cube' sits_cube( source, collection, ..., bands = NULL, tiles = NULL, roi = NULL, crs = NULL, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, platform = NULL, multicores = 2, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'local_cube' sits_cube( source, collection, ..., data_dir, vector_dir = NULL, tiles = NULL, bands = NULL, vector_band = NULL, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, labels = NULL, parse_info = NULL, version = "v1", delim = "_", multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE )
sits_cube(source, collection, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sar_cube' sits_cube( source, collection, ..., orbit = "ascending", bands = NULL, tiles = NULL, roi = NULL, crs = NULL, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, platform = NULL, multicores = 2, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'stac_cube' sits_cube( source, collection, ..., bands = NULL, tiles = NULL, roi = NULL, crs = NULL, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, platform = NULL, multicores = 2, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'local_cube' sits_cube( source, collection, ..., data_dir, vector_dir = NULL, tiles = NULL, bands = NULL, vector_band = NULL, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, labels = NULL, parse_info = NULL, version = "v1", delim = "_", multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE )
source |
Data source (one of |
collection |
Image collection in data source
(character vector of length 1).
To find out the supported collections,
use |
... |
Other parameters to be passed for specific types. |
orbit |
Orbit name ("ascending", "descending") for SAR cubes. |
bands |
Spectral bands and indices to be included
in the cube (optional - character vector).
Use |
tiles |
Tiles from the collection to be included in the cube (see details below) (character vector of length 1). |
roi |
Region of interest (either an sf object, shapefile,
crs |
The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of the roi. It
must be specified when roi is named XY values
("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") or |
start_date , end_date
Initial and final dates to include images from the collection in the cube (optional). (Date in YYYY-MM-DD format). |
platform |
Optional parameter specifying the platform in case of collections that include more than one satellite (character vector of length 1). |
multicores |
Number of workers for parallel processing (integer, min = 1, max = 2048). |
progress |
Logical: show a progress bar? |
data_dir |
Local directory where images are stored (for local cubes - character vector of length 1). |
vector_dir |
Local director where vector files are stored (for local vector cubes - character vector of length 1). |
vector_band |
Band for vector cube ("segments", "probs", "class") |
labels |
Labels associated to the classes (Named character vector for cubes of classes "probs_cube" or "class_cube"). |
parse_info |
Parsing information for local files (for local cubes - character vector). |
version |
Version of the classified and/or labelled files. (for local cubes - character vector of length 1). |
delim |
Delimiter for parsing local files (single character) |
A tibble
describing the contents of a data cube.
To create cubes from cloud providers, users need to inform:
: Collection available in the cloud provider.
Use sits_list_collections()
to see which
collections are supported;
: A set of tiles defined according to the collection
tiling grid;
: Region of interest. Either
a shapefile, a named vector
, "lon_max"
, "lat_max"
) in WGS84, a
or sf
object from sf package in WGS84 projection.
A named vector
, "xmax"
, "ymax"
) or a SpatExtent
can also
be used, requiring only the specification of the crs
The parameter bands
, start_date
, and end_date
optional for cubes created from cloud providers.
Either tiles
or roi
must be informed. The roi
is used to select images. This parameter does not crop a region; it only
selects images that intersect it.
If you want to use GeoJSON geometries (RFC 7946) as value roi
, you
can convert it to sf object and then use it.
can access data from multiple providers, including
Amazon Web Services
(AWS), Microsoft Planetary Computer
Brazil Data Cube
(BDC), Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem
Digital Earth Africa
, Digital Earth Australia
NASA EarthData
, Terrascope
and more.
In each provider, sits
can access multiple collections. For example,
in MPC sits
can access multiple open data collections, including
for Sentinel-2/2A images, and
for the Landsat-4/5/7/8/9 collection.
In AWS, there are two types of collections: open data and
requester-pays. Currently, sits
supports collections
(open data) and
(requester-pays). There is no need to provide AWS
credentials to access open data collections. For requester-pays data, you
need to provide your AWS access codes as environment variables, as follows:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = <your_access_key>,
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = <your_secret_access_key>
In BDC, there are many collections, including "LANDSAT-OLI-16D"
(Landsat-8 OLI, 30 m resolution, 16-day intervals), "SENTINEL-2-16D"
(Sentinel-2A and 2B MSI images at 10 m resolution, 16-day intervals),
(CBERS 4 WFI, 64 m resolution, 16-day intervals), and
others. All BDC collections are regularized.
To explore providers and collections sits
supports, use the
If you want to learn more details about each provider and collection
available in sits
, please read the online sits book
(e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook). The chapter
Earth Observation data cubes
provides a detailed description of all
collections you can use with sits
To create a cube from local files, you need to inform:
: The data provider from which the data was
downloaded (e.g, "BDC", "MPC");
: The collection from which the data comes from.
(e.g., "SENTINEL-2-L2A"
for the Sentinel-2 MPC collection level 2A);
: The local directory where the image files are stored.
: Defines how to extract metadata from file names
by specifying the order and meaning of each part, separated by the
character. Default value is
c("X1", "X2", "tile", "band", "date")
: The delimiter character used to separate components in
the file names. Default is "_"
Note that if you are working with local data cubes created by sits
you do not need to specify parse_info
and delim
. These elements
are automatically identified. This is particularly useful when you have
downloaded or created data cubes using sits
For example, if you downloaded a data cube from the Microsoft Planetary
Computer (MPC) using the function sits_cube_copy()
, you do
not need to provide parse_info
and delim
If you are using a data cube from a source supported by sits
(e.g., AWS, MPC) but downloaded / managed with an external tool, you will
need to specify the parse_info
and delim
parameters manually.
For this case, you first need to ensure that the local files meet some
critical requirements:
All image files must have the same spatial resolution and projection;
Each file should represent a single image band for a single date;
File names must include information about the "tile"
, and "band"
in the file.
For example, if you are creating a Sentinel-2 data cube on your local machine, and the files have the same spatial resolution and projection, with each file containing a single band and date, an acceptable file name could be:
This file name works because it encodes the three key pieces of information
used by sits
Tile: "20LKP";
Band: "B02";
Date: "2018-07-18"
Other example of supported file names are:
The parse_info
parameter tells sits
how to extract essential
metadata from file names. It defines the sequence of components in the
file name, assigning each part a label such as "tile"
, "band"
and "date"
. For parts of the file name that are irrelevant to
, you can use dummy labels like "X1"
, "X2"
, and so
For example, consider the file name:
With parse_info = c("X1", "X2", "tile", "band", "date")
delim = "_"
, the extracted metadata would be:
X1: "SENTINEL-2" (ignored)
X2: "MSI" (ignored)
tile: "20LKP" (used)
band: "B02" (used)
date: "2018-07-18" (used)
The delim
parameter specifies the character that separates components
in the file name. The default delimiter is "_"
Note that when you load a local data cube specifying the source
(e.g., AWS, MPC) and collection
, sits
assumes that the data
properties (e.g., scale factor, minimum, and maximum values) match those
defined for the selected provider. However, if you are working with
custom data from an unsupported source or data that does not follow the
standard definitions of providers in sits, refer to the Technical Annex of
the sits
online book for guidance on handling such cases
It is also possible to create result cubes from local files produced by
classification or post-classification algorithms. In this case, the
is specified differently, and other additional parameters
are required:
: Band name associated to the type of result. Use
, for probability cubes produced by
, for smoothed cubes produced by sits_smooth()
, for vector cubes produced by
when using sits_uncertainty()
, and
for cubes produced by
: Labels associated to the classification results;
: File name parsing information
to deduce the values of "tile"
, "start_date"
from the file name. Unlike non-classified image files,
cubes with results have both "start_date"
and "end_date"
Default is c("X1", "X2", "tile", "start_date", "end_date", "band").
if (sits_run_examples()) { # --- Access to the Brazil Data Cube # create a raster cube file based on the information in the BDC cbers_tile <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "CBERS-WFI-16D", bands = c("NDVI", "EVI"), tiles = "007004", start_date = "2018-09-01", end_date = "2019-08-28" ) # --- Access to Digital Earth Africa # create a raster cube file based on the information about the files # DEAFRICA does not support definition of tiles cube_deafrica <- sits_cube( source = "DEAFRICA", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", bands = c("B04", "B08"), roi = c( "lat_min" = 17.379, "lon_min" = 1.1573, "lat_max" = 17.410, "lon_max" = 1.1910 ), start_date = "2019-01-01", end_date = "2019-10-28" ) # --- Access to Digital Earth Australia cube_deaustralia <- sits_cube( source = "DEAUSTRALIA", collection = "GA_LS8CLS9C_GM_CYEAR_3", bands = c("RED", "GREEN", "BLUE"), roi = c( lon_min = 137.15991, lon_max = 138.18467, lat_min = -33.85777, lat_max = -32.56690 ), start_date = "2018-01-01", end_date = "2018-12-31" ) # --- Access to CDSE open data Sentinel 2/2A level 2 collection # --- remember to set the appropriate environmental variables # It is recommended that `multicores` be used to accelerate the process. s2_cube <- sits_cube( source = "CDSE", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = c("20LKP"), bands = c("B04", "B08", "B11"), start_date = "2018-07-18", end_date = "2019-01-23" ) ## --- Sentinel-1 SAR from CDSE # --- remember to set the appropriate environmental variables roi_sar <- c("lon_min" = 33.546, "lon_max" = 34.999, "lat_min" = 1.427, "lat_max" = 3.726) s1_cube_open <- sits_cube( source = "CDSE", collection = "SENTINEL-1-RTC", bands = c("VV", "VH"), orbit = "descending", roi = roi_sar, start_date = "2020-01-01", end_date = "2020-06-10" ) # --- Access to AWS open data Sentinel 2/2A level 2 collection s2_cube <- sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "SENTINEL-S2-L2A-COGS", tiles = c("20LKP", "20LLP"), bands = c("B04", "B08", "B11"), start_date = "2018-07-18", end_date = "2019-07-23" ) # --- Creating Sentinel cube from MPC s2_cube <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = "20LKP", bands = c("B05", "CLOUD"), start_date = "2018-07-18", end_date = "2018-08-23" ) # --- Creating Landsat cube from MPC roi <- c("lon_min" = -50.410, "lon_max" = -50.379, "lat_min" = -10.1910 , "lat_max" = -10.1573) mpc_cube <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "LANDSAT-C2-L2", bands = c("BLUE", "RED", "CLOUD"), roi = roi, start_date = "2005-01-01", end_date = "2006-10-28" ) ## Sentinel-1 SAR from MPC roi_sar <- c("lon_min" = -50.410, "lon_max" = -50.379, "lat_min" = -10.1910, "lat_max" = -10.1573) s1_cube_open <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-1-GRD", bands = c("VV", "VH"), orbit = "descending", roi = roi_sar, start_date = "2020-06-01", end_date = "2020-09-28" ) # --- Access to World Cover data (2021) via Terrascope cube_terrascope <- sits_cube( source = "TERRASCOPE", collection = "WORLD-COVER-2021", roi = c( lon_min = -62.7, lon_max = -62.5, lat_min = -8.83, lat_max = -8.70 ) ) # --- Create a cube based on a local MODIS data # MODIS local files have names such as # "TERRA_MODIS_012010_NDVI_2013-09-14.jp2" # see the parse info parameter as an example on how to # decode local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") modis_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir, parse_info = c("satellite", "sensor", "tile", "band", "date") ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # --- Access to the Brazil Data Cube # create a raster cube file based on the information in the BDC cbers_tile <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "CBERS-WFI-16D", bands = c("NDVI", "EVI"), tiles = "007004", start_date = "2018-09-01", end_date = "2019-08-28" ) # --- Access to Digital Earth Africa # create a raster cube file based on the information about the files # DEAFRICA does not support definition of tiles cube_deafrica <- sits_cube( source = "DEAFRICA", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", bands = c("B04", "B08"), roi = c( "lat_min" = 17.379, "lon_min" = 1.1573, "lat_max" = 17.410, "lon_max" = 1.1910 ), start_date = "2019-01-01", end_date = "2019-10-28" ) # --- Access to Digital Earth Australia cube_deaustralia <- sits_cube( source = "DEAUSTRALIA", collection = "GA_LS8CLS9C_GM_CYEAR_3", bands = c("RED", "GREEN", "BLUE"), roi = c( lon_min = 137.15991, lon_max = 138.18467, lat_min = -33.85777, lat_max = -32.56690 ), start_date = "2018-01-01", end_date = "2018-12-31" ) # --- Access to CDSE open data Sentinel 2/2A level 2 collection # --- remember to set the appropriate environmental variables # It is recommended that `multicores` be used to accelerate the process. s2_cube <- sits_cube( source = "CDSE", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = c("20LKP"), bands = c("B04", "B08", "B11"), start_date = "2018-07-18", end_date = "2019-01-23" ) ## --- Sentinel-1 SAR from CDSE # --- remember to set the appropriate environmental variables roi_sar <- c("lon_min" = 33.546, "lon_max" = 34.999, "lat_min" = 1.427, "lat_max" = 3.726) s1_cube_open <- sits_cube( source = "CDSE", collection = "SENTINEL-1-RTC", bands = c("VV", "VH"), orbit = "descending", roi = roi_sar, start_date = "2020-01-01", end_date = "2020-06-10" ) # --- Access to AWS open data Sentinel 2/2A level 2 collection s2_cube <- sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "SENTINEL-S2-L2A-COGS", tiles = c("20LKP", "20LLP"), bands = c("B04", "B08", "B11"), start_date = "2018-07-18", end_date = "2019-07-23" ) # --- Creating Sentinel cube from MPC s2_cube <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = "20LKP", bands = c("B05", "CLOUD"), start_date = "2018-07-18", end_date = "2018-08-23" ) # --- Creating Landsat cube from MPC roi <- c("lon_min" = -50.410, "lon_max" = -50.379, "lat_min" = -10.1910 , "lat_max" = -10.1573) mpc_cube <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "LANDSAT-C2-L2", bands = c("BLUE", "RED", "CLOUD"), roi = roi, start_date = "2005-01-01", end_date = "2006-10-28" ) ## Sentinel-1 SAR from MPC roi_sar <- c("lon_min" = -50.410, "lon_max" = -50.379, "lat_min" = -10.1910, "lat_max" = -10.1573) s1_cube_open <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-1-GRD", bands = c("VV", "VH"), orbit = "descending", roi = roi_sar, start_date = "2020-06-01", end_date = "2020-09-28" ) # --- Access to World Cover data (2021) via Terrascope cube_terrascope <- sits_cube( source = "TERRASCOPE", collection = "WORLD-COVER-2021", roi = c( lon_min = -62.7, lon_max = -62.5, lat_min = -8.83, lat_max = -8.70 ) ) # --- Create a cube based on a local MODIS data # MODIS local files have names such as # "TERRA_MODIS_012010_NDVI_2013-09-14.jp2" # see the parse info parameter as an example on how to # decode local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") modis_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir, parse_info = c("satellite", "sensor", "tile", "band", "date") ) }
This function downloads the images of a cube in parallel.
A region of interest (roi
) can be provided to crop
the images and a resolution (res
) to resample the
sits_cube_copy( cube, roi = NULL, res = NULL, crs = NULL, n_tries = 3, multicores = 2L, output_dir, progress = TRUE )
sits_cube_copy( cube, roi = NULL, res = NULL, crs = NULL, n_tries = 3, multicores = 2L, output_dir, progress = TRUE )
cube |
A data cube (class "raster_cube") |
roi |
Region of interest. Either an sf_object, a shapefile, or a bounding box vector with named XY values ("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") or named lat/long values ("lon_min", "lat_min", "lon_max", "lat_max"). |
res |
An integer value corresponds to the output spatial resolution of the images. Default is NULL. |
crs |
Reference system for output cube (by default, the same CRS from the input cube is assumed) |
n_tries |
Number of attempts to download the same image. Default is 3. |
multicores |
Number of cores for parallel downloading (integer, min = 1, max = 2048). |
output_dir |
Output directory where images will be saved. (character vector of length 1). |
progress |
Logical: show progress bar? |
Copy of input data cube (class "raster cube").
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Creating a sits cube from BDC bdc_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "CBERS-WFI-16D", tiles = c("007004", "007005"), bands = c("B15", "CLOUD"), start_date = "2018-01-01", end_date = "2018-01-12" ) # Downloading images to a temporary directory cube_local <- sits_cube_copy( cube = bdc_cube, output_dir = tempdir(), roi = c( lon_min = -46.5, lat_min = -45.5, lon_max = -15.5, lat_max = -14.6 ), multicores = 2L, res = 250, ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Creating a sits cube from BDC bdc_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "CBERS-WFI-16D", tiles = c("007004", "007005"), bands = c("B15", "CLOUD"), start_date = "2018-01-01", end_date = "2018-01-12" ) # Downloading images to a temporary directory cube_local <- sits_cube_copy( cube = bdc_cube, output_dir = tempdir(), roi = c( lon_min = -46.5, lat_min = -45.5, lon_max = -15.5, lat_max = -14.6 ), multicores = 2L, res = 250, ) }
This function implements the factory method pattern. Its creates a generic interface to closures in R so that the functions in the sits package can be called in two different ways: 1. Called directly, passing input data and parameters. 2. Called as second-order values (parameters of another function). In the second case, the call will pass no data values and only pass the parameters for execution
The factory pattern is used in many situations in the sits package, to allow different alternatives for filtering, pattern creation, training, and cross-validation
Please see the chapter "Technical Annex" in the sits book for details.
sits_factory_function(data, fun)
sits_factory_function(data, fun)
data |
Input data. |
fun |
Function that performs calculation on the input data. |
A closure that encapsulates the function applied to data.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
# example code if (sits_run_examples()) { # Include a new machine learning function (multiple linear regression) # function that returns mlr model based on a sits sample tibble sits_mlr <- function(samples = NULL, formula = sits_formula_linear(), n_weights = 20000, maxit = 2000) { train_fun <- function(samples) { # Data normalization ml_stats <- sits_stats(samples) train_samples <- sits_predictors(samples) train_samples <- sits_pred_normalize( pred = train_samples, stats = ml_stats ) formula <- formula(train_samples[, -1]) # call method and return the trained model result_mlr <- nnet::multinom( formula = formula, data = train_samples, maxit = maxit, MaxNWts = n_weights, trace = FALSE, na.action = stats::na.fail ) # construct model predict closure function and returns predict_fun <- function(values) { # retrieve the prediction (values and probs) prediction <- tibble::as_tibble( stats::predict(result_mlr, newdata = values, type = "probs" ) ) return(prediction) } class(predict_fun) <- c("sits_model", class(predict_fun)) return(predict_fun) } result <- sits_factory_function(samples, train_fun) return(result) } # create an mlr model using a set of samples mlr_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_mlr) # classify a point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") point_class <- sits_classify(point_ndvi, mlr_model, multicores = 1) plot(point_class) }
# example code if (sits_run_examples()) { # Include a new machine learning function (multiple linear regression) # function that returns mlr model based on a sits sample tibble sits_mlr <- function(samples = NULL, formula = sits_formula_linear(), n_weights = 20000, maxit = 2000) { train_fun <- function(samples) { # Data normalization ml_stats <- sits_stats(samples) train_samples <- sits_predictors(samples) train_samples <- sits_pred_normalize( pred = train_samples, stats = ml_stats ) formula <- formula(train_samples[, -1]) # call method and return the trained model result_mlr <- nnet::multinom( formula = formula, data = train_samples, maxit = maxit, MaxNWts = n_weights, trace = FALSE, na.action = stats::na.fail ) # construct model predict closure function and returns predict_fun <- function(values) { # retrieve the prediction (values and probs) prediction <- tibble::as_tibble( stats::predict(result_mlr, newdata = values, type = "probs" ) ) return(prediction) } class(predict_fun) <- c("sits_model", class(predict_fun)) return(predict_fun) } result <- sits_factory_function(samples, train_fun) return(result) } # create an mlr model using a set of samples mlr_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_mlr) # classify a point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") point_class <- sits_classify(point_ndvi, mlr_model, multicores = 1) plot(point_class) }
Applies a filter to all bands, using a filter function such as sits_whittaker() or sits_sgolay().
sits_filter(data, filter = sits_whittaker())
sits_filter(data, filter = sits_whittaker())
data |
Time series (tibble of class "sits") or matrix. |
filter |
Filter function to be applied. |
Filtered time series
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve a time series with values of NDVI point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # Filter the point using the Whittaker smoother point_whit <- sits_filter(point_ndvi, sits_whittaker(lambda = 3.0)) # Merge time series point_ndvi <- sits_merge(point_ndvi, point_whit, suffix = c("", ".WHIT")) # Plot the two points to see the smoothing effect plot(point_ndvi) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve a time series with values of NDVI point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # Filter the point using the Whittaker smoother point_whit <- sits_filter(point_ndvi, sits_whittaker(lambda = 3.0)) # Merge time series point_ndvi <- sits_merge(point_ndvi, point_whit, suffix = c("", ".WHIT")) # Plot the two points to see the smoothing effect plot(point_ndvi) }
Provides a symbolic description of a fitting model. Tells the model to do a linear transformation of the input values. The 'predictors_index' parameter informs the positions of fields corresponding to formula independent variables. If no value is given, that all fields will be used as predictors.
sits_formula_linear(predictors_index = -2:0)
sits_formula_linear(predictors_index = -2:0)
predictors_index |
Index of the valid columns whose names are used to compose formula (default: -2:0). |
A function that computes a valid formula using a linear function.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Alexandre Ywata de Carvalho, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of training a model for time series classification # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train an SVM model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_svm(formula = sits_formula_logref()) ) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # classify the point point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) plot(point_class) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of training a model for time series classification # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train an SVM model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_svm(formula = sits_formula_logref()) ) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # classify the point point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) plot(point_class) }
A function to be used as a symbolic description of some fitting models such as svm and random forest. This function tells the models to do a log transformation of the inputs. The 'predictors_index' parameter informs the positions of 'tb' fields corresponding to formula independent variables. If no value is given, the default is NULL, a value indicating that all fields will be used as predictors.
sits_formula_logref(predictors_index = -2:0)
sits_formula_logref(predictors_index = -2:0)
predictors_index |
Index of the valid columns to compose formula (default: -2:0). |
A function that computes a valid formula using a log function.
Alexandre Ywata de Carvalho, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of training a model for time series classification # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train an SVM model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_svm(formula = sits_formula_logref()) ) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # classify the point point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) plot(point_class) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of training a model for time series classification # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train an SVM model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_svm(formula = sits_formula_logref()) ) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # classify the point point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) plot(point_class) }
Compute the minimum distances among samples and samples to prediction points, following the approach proposed by Meyer and Pebesma(2022).
sits_geo_dist(samples, roi, n = 1000L, crs = "EPSG:4326")
sits_geo_dist(samples, roi, n = 1000L, crs = "EPSG:4326")
samples |
Time series (tibble of class "sits"). |
roi |
A region of interest (ROI), either a file containing a shapefile or an "sf" object |
n |
Maximum number of samples to consider (integer) |
crs |
CRS of the |
A tibble with sample-to-sample and sample-to-prediction distances (object of class "distances").
Alber Sanchez, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Meyer, H., Pebesma, E. "Machine learning-based global maps of ecological variables and the challenge of assessing them", Nature Communications 13, 2208 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-29838-9
if (sits_run_examples()) { # read a shapefile for the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil mt_shp <- system.file("extdata/shapefiles/mato_grosso/mt.shp", package = "sits" ) # convert to an sf object mt_sf <- sf::read_sf(mt_shp) # calculate sample-to-sample and sample-to-prediction distances distances <- sits_geo_dist( samples = samples_modis_ndvi, roi = mt_sf ) # plot sample-to-sample and sample-to-prediction distances plot(distances) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # read a shapefile for the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil mt_shp <- system.file("extdata/shapefiles/mato_grosso/mt.shp", package = "sits" ) # convert to an sf object mt_sf <- sf::read_sf(mt_shp) # calculate sample-to-sample and sample-to-prediction distances distances <- sits_geo_dist( samples = samples_modis_ndvi, roi = mt_sf ) # plot sample-to-sample and sample-to-prediction distances plot(distances) }
Given a set of lat/long locations and a classified cube, retrieve the class of each point.
sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## Default S3 method: sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## S3 method for class 'csv' sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## S3 method for class 'shp' sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## S3 method for class 'sf' sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' sits_get_class(cube, samples)
sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## Default S3 method: sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## S3 method for class 'csv' sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## S3 method for class 'shp' sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## S3 method for class 'sf' sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_get_class(cube, samples) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' sits_get_class(cube, samples)
cube |
Classified data cube from where data is to be retrieved. (class "class_cube"). |
samples |
Location of the samples to be retrieved. Either a tibble of class "sits", an "sf" object, the name of a shapefile or csv file, or a data.frame with columns "longitude" and "latitude" |
A tibble of with columns <longitude, latitude, start_date, end_date, label>.
There are four ways of specifying data to be retrieved using the
(a) CSV file: a CSV file with columns longitude
, latitude
(b) SHP file: a shapefile in POINT geometry;
(c) sits object: A sits tibble;
(d) sf object: An link[sf]{sf}
object with POINT or geometry;
(e) data.frame: A data.frame with longitude
and latitude
Gilberto Camara
Retrieve a set of time series from a data cube or from a time series service. Data cubes and puts it in a "sits tibble". Sits tibbles are the main structures of sits package. They contain both the satellite image time series and their metadata.
sits_get_data(cube, samples, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_get_data(cube, samples, ...) ## S3 method for class 'csv' sits_get_data( cube, samples, ..., bands = NULL, crs = "EPSG:4326", impute_fn = impute_linear(), multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'shp' sits_get_data( cube, samples, ..., label = "NoClass", start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, bands = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), label_attr = NULL, n_sam_pol = 30, pol_avg = FALSE, pol_id = NULL, sampling_type = "random", multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'sf' sits_get_data( cube, samples, ..., start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, bands = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), label = "NoClass", label_attr = NULL, n_sam_pol = 30, pol_avg = FALSE, pol_id = NULL, sampling_type = "random", multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_get_data( cube, samples, ..., bands = NULL, crs = "EPSG:4326", impute_fn = impute_linear(), multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' sits_get_data( cube, samples, ..., start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, bands = NULL, label = "NoClass", crs = "EPSG:4326", impute_fn = impute_linear(), multicores = 2, progress = FALSE )
sits_get_data(cube, samples, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_get_data(cube, samples, ...) ## S3 method for class 'csv' sits_get_data( cube, samples, ..., bands = NULL, crs = "EPSG:4326", impute_fn = impute_linear(), multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'shp' sits_get_data( cube, samples, ..., label = "NoClass", start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, bands = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), label_attr = NULL, n_sam_pol = 30, pol_avg = FALSE, pol_id = NULL, sampling_type = "random", multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'sf' sits_get_data( cube, samples, ..., start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, bands = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), label = "NoClass", label_attr = NULL, n_sam_pol = 30, pol_avg = FALSE, pol_id = NULL, sampling_type = "random", multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_get_data( cube, samples, ..., bands = NULL, crs = "EPSG:4326", impute_fn = impute_linear(), multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' sits_get_data( cube, samples, ..., start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, bands = NULL, label = "NoClass", crs = "EPSG:4326", impute_fn = impute_linear(), multicores = 2, progress = FALSE )
cube |
Data cube from where data is to be retrieved. (tibble of class "raster_cube"). |
samples |
Location of the samples to be retrieved. Either a tibble of class "sits", an "sf" object, the name of a shapefile or csv file, or a data.frame with columns "longitude" and "latitude". |
... |
Specific parameters for specific cases. |
bands |
Bands to be retrieved - optional (character vector). |
crs |
Default crs for the samples (character vector of length 1). |
impute_fn |
Imputation function to remove NA. |
multicores |
Number of threads to process the time series (integer, with min = 1 and max = 2048). |
progress |
Logical: show progress bar? |
label |
Label to be assigned to the time series (optional) (character vector of length 1). |
start_date |
Start of the interval for the time series - optional (Date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format). |
end_date |
End of the interval for the time series - optional (Date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format). |
label_attr |
Attribute in the shapefile or sf object to be used as a polygon label. (character vector of length 1). |
n_sam_pol |
Number of samples per polygon to be read for POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON shapefiles or sf objects (single integer). |
pol_avg |
Logical: summarize samples for each polygon? |
pol_id |
ID attribute for polygons (character vector of length 1) |
sampling_type |
Spatial sampling type: random, hexagonal, regular, or Fibonacci. |
A tibble of class "sits" with set of time series <longitude, latitude, start_date, end_date, label>.
There are four ways of specifying data to be retrieved using the
(a) CSV file: a CSV file with columns
, latitude
, end_date
and label
for each sample;
(b) SHP file: a shapefile in POINT or POLYGON geometry
containing the location of the samples and an attribute to be
used as label. Also, provide start and end date for the time series;
(c) sits object: A sits tibble;
(d) sf object: An link[sf]{sf}
object with POINT or POLYGON geometry;
(e) data.frame: A data.frame with with mandatory columns
and latitude
Gilberto Camara
if (sits_run_examples()) { # reading a lat/long from a local cube # create a cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") raster_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) samples <- tibble::tibble(longitude = -55.66738, latitude = -11.76990) point_ndvi <- sits_get_data(raster_cube, samples) # # reading samples from a cube based on a CSV file csv_file <- system.file("extdata/samples/samples_sinop_crop.csv", package = "sits" ) points <- sits_get_data(cube = raster_cube, samples = csv_file) # reading a shapefile from BDC (Brazil Data Cube) bdc_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "CBERS-WFI-16D", bands = c("NDVI", "EVI"), tiles = c("007004", "007005"), start_date = "2018-09-01", end_date = "2018-10-28" ) # define a shapefile to be read from the cube shp_file <- system.file("extdata/shapefiles/bdc-test/samples.shp", package = "sits" ) # get samples from the BDC based on the shapefile time_series_bdc <- sits_get_data( cube = bdc_cube, samples = shp_file ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # reading a lat/long from a local cube # create a cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") raster_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) samples <- tibble::tibble(longitude = -55.66738, latitude = -11.76990) point_ndvi <- sits_get_data(raster_cube, samples) # # reading samples from a cube based on a CSV file csv_file <- system.file("extdata/samples/samples_sinop_crop.csv", package = "sits" ) points <- sits_get_data(cube = raster_cube, samples = csv_file) # reading a shapefile from BDC (Brazil Data Cube) bdc_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "CBERS-WFI-16D", bands = c("NDVI", "EVI"), tiles = c("007004", "007005"), start_date = "2018-09-01", end_date = "2018-10-28" ) # define a shapefile to be read from the cube shp_file <- system.file("extdata/shapefiles/bdc-test/samples.shp", package = "sits" ) # get samples from the BDC based on the shapefile time_series_bdc <- sits_get_data( cube = bdc_cube, samples = shp_file ) }
Given a set of lat/long locations and a probability cube, retrieve the prob values of each point.
sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'csv' sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'shp' sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'sf' sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## Default S3 method: sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL)
sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'csv' sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'shp' sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'sf' sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL) ## Default S3 method: sits_get_probs(cube, samples, window_size = NULL)
cube |
Probability data cube from where data is to be retrieved. (class "class_cube"). |
samples |
Location of the samples to be retrieved. Either a tibble of class "sits", an "sf" object, the name of a shapefile or csv file, or a data.frame with columns "longitude" and "latitude" |
window_size |
Size of window around pixel (optional) |
A tibble of with columns <longitude, latitude, values> in case no windows are requested and <longitude, latitude, neighbors> in case windows are requested
There are four ways of specifying data to be retrieved using the
(a) CSV file: a CSV file with columns longitude
, latitude
(b) SHP file: a shapefile in POINT geometry;
(c) sits object: A sits tibble;
(d) sf object: An link[sf]{sf}
object with POINT or geometry;
(e) data.frame: A data.frame with longitude
and latitude
Gilberto Camara
Remove NA
sits_impute(samples, impute_fn = impute_linear())
sits_impute(samples, impute_fn = impute_linear())
samples |
A time series tibble |
impute_fn |
Imputation function |
A set of filtered time series using the imputation function.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Splits the set of time series into training and validation and perform k-fold cross-validation. Cross-validation is a technique for assessing how the results of a statistical analysis will generalize to an independent data set. It is mainly used in settings where the goal is prediction, and one wants to estimate how accurately a predictive model will perform. One round of cross-validation involves partitioning a sample of data into complementary subsets, performing the analysis on one subset (called the training set), and validating the analysis on the other subset (called the validation set or testing set).
The k-fold cross validation method involves splitting the dataset into k-subsets. For each subset is held out while the model is trained on all other subsets. This process is completed until accuracy is determine for each instance in the dataset, and an overall accuracy estimate is provided.
This function returns the confusion matrix, and Kappa values.
sits_kfold_validate( samples, folds = 5, ml_method = sits_rfor(), filter_fn = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), multicores = 2, gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory, progress = TRUE )
sits_kfold_validate( samples, folds = 5, ml_method = sits_rfor(), filter_fn = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), multicores = 2, gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory, progress = TRUE )
samples |
Time series. |
folds |
Number of partitions to create. |
ml_method |
Machine learning method. |
filter_fn |
Smoothing filter to be applied - optional (closure containing object of class "function"). |
impute_fn |
Imputation function to remove NA. |
multicores |
Number of cores to process in parallel. |
gpu_memory |
Memory available in GPU in GB (default = 4) |
batch_size |
Batch size for GPU classification. |
progress |
Logical: Show progress bar? |
A caret::confusionMatrix
object to be used for
validation assessment.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # A dataset containing a tibble with time series samples # for the Mato Grosso state in Brasil # create a list to store the results results <- list() # accuracy assessment lightTAE acc_rfor <- sits_kfold_validate( samples_modis_ndvi, folds = 5, ml_method = sits_rfor() ) # use a name acc_rfor$name <- "Rfor" # put the result in a list results[[length(results) + 1]] <- acc_rfor # save to xlsx file sits_to_xlsx( results, file = tempfile("accuracy_mato_grosso_dl_", fileext = ".xlsx") ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # A dataset containing a tibble with time series samples # for the Mato Grosso state in Brasil # create a list to store the results results <- list() # accuracy assessment lightTAE acc_rfor <- sits_kfold_validate( samples_modis_ndvi, folds = 5, ml_method = sits_rfor() ) # use a name acc_rfor$name <- "Rfor" # put the result in a list results[[length(results) + 1]] <- acc_rfor # save to xlsx file sits_to_xlsx( results, file = tempfile("accuracy_mato_grosso_dl_", fileext = ".xlsx") ) }
Takes a set of classified raster layers with probabilities, and label them based on the maximum probability for each pixel.
sits_label_classification(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' sits_label_classification( cube, ..., memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1", progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'probs_vector_cube' sits_label_classification( cube, ..., output_dir, version = "v1", progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_label_classification(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_label_classification(cube, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_label_classification(cube, ...)
sits_label_classification(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' sits_label_classification( cube, ..., memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1", progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'probs_vector_cube' sits_label_classification( cube, ..., output_dir, version = "v1", progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_label_classification(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_label_classification(cube, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_label_classification(cube, ...)
cube |
Classified image data cube. |
... |
Other parameters for specific functions. |
memsize |
maximum overall memory (in GB) to label the classification. |
multicores |
Number of workers to label the classification in parallel. |
output_dir |
Output directory for classified files. |
version |
Version of resulting image (in the case of multiple runs). |
progress |
Show progress bar? |
A data cube with an image with the classified map.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Felipe Souza, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
Finds labels in a sits tibble or data cube
sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'derived_vector_cube' sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'patterns' sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'sits_model' sits_labels(data) ## Default S3 method: sits_labels(data)
sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'derived_vector_cube' sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'patterns' sits_labels(data) ## S3 method for class 'sits_model' sits_labels(data) ## Default S3 method: sits_labels(data)
data |
Time series (tibble of class "sits"), patterns (tibble of class "patterns"), data cube (tibble of class "raster_cube"), or model (closure of class "sits_model"). |
The labels of the input data (character vector).
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # get the labels for a time series set labels_ts <- sits_labels(samples_modis_ndvi) # get labels for a set of patterns labels_pat <- sits_labels(sits_patterns(samples_modis_ndvi)) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # get lables for the model labels_mod <- sits_labels(rfor_model) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # get the labels for a probs cube labels_probs <- sits_labels(probs_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # get the labels for a time series set labels_ts <- sits_labels(samples_modis_ndvi) # get labels for a set of patterns labels_pat <- sits_labels(sits_patterns(samples_modis_ndvi)) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # get lables for the model labels_mod <- sits_labels(rfor_model) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # get the labels for a probs cube labels_probs <- sits_labels(probs_cube) }
Describes labels in a sits tibble
sits_labels_summary(data) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_labels_summary(data)
sits_labels_summary(data) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_labels_summary(data)
data |
Data.frame - Valid sits tibble |
A tibble with the frequency of each label.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
# read a tibble with 400 samples of Cerrado and 346 samples of Pasture data(cerrado_2classes) # print the labels sits_labels_summary(cerrado_2classes)
# read a tibble with 400 samples of Cerrado and 346 samples of Pasture data(cerrado_2classes) # print the labels sits_labels_summary(cerrado_2classes)
Implementation of Light Temporal Attention Encoder (L-TAE) for satellite image time series
This function is based on the paper by Vivien Garnot referenced below and code available on github at https://github.com/VSainteuf/lightweight-temporal-attention-pytorch If you use this method, please cite the original TAE and the LTAE paper.
We also used the code made available by Maja Schneider in her work with Marco Körner referenced below and available at https://github.com/maja601/RC2020-psetae.
sits_lighttae( samples = NULL, samples_validation = NULL, epochs = 150, batch_size = 128, validation_split = 0.2, optimizer = torch::optim_adamw, opt_hparams = list(lr = 5e-04, eps = 1e-08, weight_decay = 7e-04), lr_decay_epochs = 50L, lr_decay_rate = 1, patience = 20L, min_delta = 0.01, verbose = FALSE )
sits_lighttae( samples = NULL, samples_validation = NULL, epochs = 150, batch_size = 128, validation_split = 0.2, optimizer = torch::optim_adamw, opt_hparams = list(lr = 5e-04, eps = 1e-08, weight_decay = 7e-04), lr_decay_epochs = 50L, lr_decay_rate = 1, patience = 20L, min_delta = 0.01, verbose = FALSE )
samples |
Time series with the training samples (tibble of class "sits"). |
samples_validation |
Time series with the validation samples
(tibble of class "sits").
If |
epochs |
Number of iterations to train the model (integer, min = 1, max = 20000). |
batch_size |
Number of samples per gradient update (integer, min = 16L, max = 2048L) |
validation_split |
Fraction of training data to be used as validation data. |
optimizer |
Optimizer function to be used. |
opt_hparams |
Hyperparameters for optimizer:
lr_decay_epochs |
Number of epochs to reduce learning rate. |
lr_decay_rate |
Decay factor for reducing learning rate. |
patience |
Number of epochs without improvements until training stops. |
min_delta |
Minimum improvement in loss function to reset the patience counter. |
verbose |
Verbosity mode (TRUE/FALSE). Default is FALSE. |
A fitted model to be used for classification of data cubes.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Charlotte Pelletier, [email protected]
Vivien Garnot, Loic Landrieu, Sebastien Giordano, and Nesrine Chehata, "Satellite Image Time Series Classification with Pixel-Set Encoders and Temporal Self-Attention", 2020 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. pages 12322-12331. DOI: 10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.01234
Vivien Garnot, Loic Landrieu, "Lightweight Temporal Self-Attention for Classifying Satellite Images Time Series", arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.00586, 2020.
Schneider, Maja; Körner, Marco, "[Re] Satellite Image Time Series Classification with Pixel-Set Encoders and Temporal Self-Attention." ReScience C 7 (2), 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4835356
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a lightTAE model torch_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_lighttae()) # plot the model plot(torch_model) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = torch_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a lightTAE model torch_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_lighttae()) # plot the model plot(torch_model) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = torch_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
Prints the collections available
in each cloud service supported by sits.
Users can select to get information
only for a single service by using the source
sits_list_collections(source = NULL)
sits_list_collections(source = NULL)
source |
Data source to be shown in detail. |
Prints collections available in each cloud service supported by sits.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # show the names of the colors supported by SITS sits_list_collections() }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # show the names of the colors supported by SITS sits_list_collections() }
To merge two series, we consider that they contain different attributes but refer to the same data cube and spatiotemporal location. This function is useful for merging different bands of the same location. For example, one may want to put the raw and smoothed bands for the same set of locations in the same tibble.
In the case of data cubes, the function merges the images based on the following conditions:
If the two cubes have different bands but compatible timelines, the bands are combined, and the timeline is adjusted to overlap. To create the overlap, we align the timelines like a "zipper": for each interval defined by a pair of consecutive dates in the first timeline, we include matching dates from the second timeline. If the second timeline has multiple dates in the same interval, only the minimum date is kept. This ensures the final timeline avoids duplicates and is consistent. This is useful when merging data from different sensors (e.g., Sentinel-1 with Sentinel-2).
If the bands are the same, the cube will have the combined timeline of both cubes. This is useful for merging data from the same sensors from different satellites (e.g., Sentinel-2A with Sentinel-2B).
otherwise, the function will produce an error.
sits_merge(data1, data2, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_merge(data1, data2, ..., suffix = c(".1", ".2")) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_merge(data1, data2, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_merge(data1, data2, ...)
sits_merge(data1, data2, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_merge(data1, data2, ..., suffix = c(".1", ".2")) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_merge(data1, data2, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_merge(data1, data2, ...)
data1 |
Time series (tibble of class "sits") or data cube (tibble of class "raster_cube") . |
data2 |
Time series (tibble of class "sits") or data cube (tibble of class "raster_cube") . |
... |
Additional parameters |
suffix |
If data1 and data2 are tibble with duplicate bands, this suffix will be added (character vector). |
merged data sets (tibble of class "sits" or tibble of class "raster_cube")
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve a time series with values of NDVI point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # Filter the point using the Whittaker smoother point_whit <- sits_filter(point_ndvi, sits_whittaker(lambda = 3.0)) # Merge time series point_ndvi <- sits_merge(point_ndvi, point_whit, suffix = c("", ".WHIT")) # Plot the two points to see the smoothing effect plot(point_ndvi) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve a time series with values of NDVI point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # Filter the point using the Whittaker smoother point_whit <- sits_filter(point_ndvi, sits_whittaker(lambda = 3.0)) # Merge time series point_ndvi <- sits_merge(point_ndvi, point_whit, suffix = c("", ".WHIT")) # Plot the two points to see the smoothing effect plot(point_ndvi) }
Takes a list of MGRS tiles and produces a ROI covering them
tiles |
Character vector with names of MGRS tiles |
roi Valid ROI to use in other SITS functions
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Create a multiple endmember spectral mixture analyses fractions images. We use the non-negative least squares (NNLS) solver to calculate the fractions of each endmember. The NNLS was implemented by Jakob Schwalb-Willmann in RStoolbox package (licensed as GPL>=3).
sits_mixture_model(data, endmembers, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_mixture_model( data, endmembers, ..., rmse_band = TRUE, multicores = 2, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_mixture_model( data, endmembers, ..., rmse_band = TRUE, memsize = 4, multicores = 2, output_dir, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_mixture_model(data, endmembers, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_mixture_model(data, endmembers, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_mixture_model(data, endmembers, ...)
sits_mixture_model(data, endmembers, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_mixture_model( data, endmembers, ..., rmse_band = TRUE, multicores = 2, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_mixture_model( data, endmembers, ..., rmse_band = TRUE, memsize = 4, multicores = 2, output_dir, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_mixture_model(data, endmembers, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_mixture_model(data, endmembers, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_mixture_model(data, endmembers, ...)
data |
A sits data cube or a sits tibble. |
endmembers |
Reference spectral endmembers. (see details below). |
... |
Parameters for specific functions. |
rmse_band |
A boolean indicating whether the error associated with the linear model should be generated. If true, a new band with errors for each pixel is generated using the root mean square measure (RMSE). Default is TRUE. |
multicores |
Number of cores to be used for generate the mixture model. |
progress |
Show progress bar? Default is TRUE. |
memsize |
Memory available for the mixture model (in GB). |
output_dir |
Directory for output images. |
The endmembers
parameter should be a tibble, csv or
a shapefile. endmembers
parameter must have the following columns:
, which defines the endmembers that will be
created and the columns corresponding to the bands that will be used in the
mixture model. The band values must follow the product scale.
For example, in the case of sentinel-2 images the bands should be in the
range 0 to 1. See the example
in this documentation for more details.
In case of a cube, a sits cube with the fractions of each endmember will be returned. The sum of all fractions is restricted to 1 (scaled from 0 to 10000), corresponding to the abundance of the endmembers in the pixels. In case of a tibble sits, the time series will be returned with the values corresponding to each fraction.
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
Felipe Carlos, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Alber Sanchez, [email protected]
package (https://github.com/bleutner/RStoolbox/)
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Create a sentinel-2 cube s2_cube <- sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = "20LKP", bands = c("B02", "B03", "B04", "B8A", "B11", "B12", "CLOUD"), start_date = "2019-06-13", end_date = "2019-06-30" ) # create a directory to store the regularized file reg_dir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/mix_model") dir.create(reg_dir) # Cube regularization for 16 days and 160 meters reg_cube <- sits_regularize( cube = s2_cube, period = "P16D", res = 160, roi = c( lon_min = -65.54870165, lat_min = -10.63479162, lon_max = -65.07629670, lat_max = -10.36046639 ), multicores = 2, output_dir = reg_dir ) # Create the endmembers tibble em <- tibble::tribble( ~class, ~B02, ~B03, ~B04, ~B8A, ~B11, ~B12, "forest", 0.02, 0.0352, 0.0189, 0.28, 0.134, 0.0546, "land", 0.04, 0.065, 0.07, 0.36, 0.35, 0.18, "water", 0.07, 0.11, 0.14, 0.085, 0.004, 0.0026 ) # Generate the mixture model mm <- sits_mixture_model( data = reg_cube, endmembers = em, memsize = 4, multicores = 2, output_dir = tempdir() ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Create a sentinel-2 cube s2_cube <- sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = "20LKP", bands = c("B02", "B03", "B04", "B8A", "B11", "B12", "CLOUD"), start_date = "2019-06-13", end_date = "2019-06-30" ) # create a directory to store the regularized file reg_dir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/mix_model") dir.create(reg_dir) # Cube regularization for 16 days and 160 meters reg_cube <- sits_regularize( cube = s2_cube, period = "P16D", res = 160, roi = c( lon_min = -65.54870165, lat_min = -10.63479162, lon_max = -65.07629670, lat_max = -10.36046639 ), multicores = 2, output_dir = reg_dir ) # Create the endmembers tibble em <- tibble::tribble( ~class, ~B02, ~B03, ~B04, ~B8A, ~B11, ~B12, "forest", 0.02, 0.0352, 0.0189, 0.28, 0.134, 0.0546, "land", 0.04, 0.065, 0.07, 0.36, 0.35, 0.18, "water", 0.07, 0.11, 0.14, 0.085, 0.004, 0.0026 ) # Generate the mixture model mm <- sits_mixture_model( data = reg_cube, endmembers = em, memsize = 4, multicores = 2, output_dir = tempdir() ) }
Use a multi-layer perceptron algorithm to classify data. This function uses the R "torch" and "luz" packages. Please refer to the documentation of those package for more details.
sits_mlp( samples = NULL, samples_validation = NULL, layers = c(512, 512, 512), dropout_rates = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.4), optimizer = torch::optim_adamw, opt_hparams = list(lr = 0.001, eps = 1e-08, weight_decay = 1e-06), epochs = 100, batch_size = 64, validation_split = 0.2, patience = 20, min_delta = 0.01, verbose = FALSE )
sits_mlp( samples = NULL, samples_validation = NULL, layers = c(512, 512, 512), dropout_rates = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.4), optimizer = torch::optim_adamw, opt_hparams = list(lr = 0.001, eps = 1e-08, weight_decay = 1e-06), epochs = 100, batch_size = 64, validation_split = 0.2, patience = 20, min_delta = 0.01, verbose = FALSE )
samples |
Time series with the training samples. |
samples_validation |
Time series with the validation samples. if the
layers |
Vector with number of hidden nodes in each layer. |
dropout_rates |
Vector with the dropout rates (0,1) for each layer. |
optimizer |
Optimizer function to be used. |
opt_hparams |
Hyperparameters for optimizer: lr : Learning rate of the optimizer eps: Term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability.. weight_decay: L2 regularization |
epochs |
Number of iterations to train the model. |
batch_size |
Number of samples per gradient update. |
validation_split |
Number between 0 and 1. Fraction of the training data for validation. The model will set apart this fraction and will evaluate the loss and any model metrics on this data at the end of each epoch. |
patience |
Number of epochs without improvements until training stops. |
min_delta |
Minimum improvement in loss function to reset the patience counter. |
verbose |
Verbosity mode (TRUE/FALSE). Default is FALSE. |
A torch mlp model to be used for classification.
The default parameters for the MLP have been chosen based on the work by Wang et al. 2017 that takes multilayer perceptrons as the baseline for time series classifications: (a) Three layers with 512 neurons each, specified by the parameter 'layers'; (b) dropout rates of 10 (c) the "optimizer_adam" as optimizer (default value); (d) a number of training steps ('epochs') of 100; (e) a 'batch_size' of 64, which indicates how many time series are used for input at a given steps; (f) a validation percentage of 20 will be randomly set side for validation. (g) The "relu" activation function.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Zhiguang Wang, Weizhong Yan, and Tim Oates, "Time series classification from scratch with deep neural networks: A strong baseline", 2017 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN).
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create an MLP model torch_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_mlp(epochs = 20, verbose = TRUE)) # plot the model plot(torch_model) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = torch_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create an MLP model torch_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_mlp(epochs = 20, verbose = TRUE)) # plot the model plot(torch_model) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = torch_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
Given a trained machine learning or deep learning model,
exports the model as an object for further exploration outside the
sits_model_export(ml_model) ## S3 method for class 'sits_model' sits_model_export(ml_model)
sits_model_export(ml_model) ## S3 method for class 'sits_model' sits_model_export(ml_model)
ml_model |
A trained machine learning model |
An R object containing the model in the original format of machine learning or deep learning package.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a classification model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # export the model rfor_object <- sits_model_export(rfor_model) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a classification model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # export the model rfor_object <- sits_model_export(rfor_model) }
Creates a mosaic of all tiles of a sits cube.
Mosaics can be created from EO cubes and derived cubes.
In sits EO cubes, the mosaic will be generated for each band and date.
It is recommended to filter the image with the less cloud cover to create
a mosaic for the EO cubes.
It is possible to provide a roi
to crop the mosaic.
sits_mosaic( cube, crs = "EPSG:3857", roi = NULL, multicores = 2, output_dir, version = "v1", progress = TRUE )
sits_mosaic( cube, crs = "EPSG:3857", roi = NULL, multicores = 2, output_dir, version = "v1", progress = TRUE )
cube |
A sits data cube. |
crs |
A target coordinate reference system of raster mosaic. The provided crs could be a string (e.g, "EPSG:4326" or a proj4string), or an EPSG code number (e.g. 4326). Default is "EPSG:3857" - WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator. |
roi |
Region of interest (see below). |
multicores |
Number of cores that will be used to crop the images in parallel. |
output_dir |
Directory for output images. |
version |
Version of resulting image (in the case of multiple tests) |
progress |
Show progress bar? Default is TRUE. |
a sits cube with only one tile.
The "roi" parameter defines a region of interest. It can be
an sf_object, a shapefile, or a bounding box vector with
named XY values (xmin
, xmax
, ymin
, ymax
) or
named lat/long values (lon_min
, lon_max
, lat_max
The user should specify the crs of the mosaic since in many cases the input images will be in different coordinate systems. For example, when mosaicking Sentinel-2 images the inputs will be in general in different UTM grid zones.
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # create roi roi <- sf::st_sfc( sf::st_polygon( list(rbind( c(-55.64768, -11.68649), c(-55.69654, -11.66455), c(-55.62973, -11.61519), c(-55.64768, -11.68649) )) ), crs = "EPSG:4326" ) # crop and mosaic classified image mosaic_cube <- sits_mosaic( cube = label_cube, roi = roi, crs = "EPSG:4326", output_dir = tempdir() ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # create roi roi <- sf::st_sfc( sf::st_polygon( list(rbind( c(-55.64768, -11.68649), c(-55.69654, -11.66455), c(-55.62973, -11.61519), c(-55.64768, -11.68649) )) ), crs = "EPSG:4326" ) # crop and mosaic classified image mosaic_cube <- sits_mosaic( cube = label_cube, roi = roi, crs = "EPSG:4326", output_dir = tempdir() ) }
This function takes a set of time series samples as input estimates a set of patterns. The patterns are calculated using a GAM model. The idea is to use a formula of type y ~ s(x), where x is a temporal reference and y if the value of the signal. For each time, there will be as many predictions as there are sample values. The GAM model predicts a suitable approximation that fits the assumptions of the statistical model, based on a smooth function.
This method is based on the "createPatterns" method of the dtwSat package, which is also described in the reference paper.
sits_patterns(data = NULL, freq = 8, formula = y ~ s(x), ...)
sits_patterns(data = NULL, freq = 8, formula = y ~ s(x), ...)
data |
Time series. |
freq |
Interval in days for estimates. |
formula |
Formula to be applied in the estimate. |
... |
Any additional parameters. |
Time series with patterns.
Victor Maus, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Maus V, Camara G, Cartaxo R, Sanchez A, Ramos F, Queiroz GR. A Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping Method for Land-Use and Land-Cover Mapping. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(8):3729-3739, August 2016. ISSN 1939-1404. doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2517118.
if (sits_run_examples()) { patterns <- sits_patterns(cerrado_2classes) plot(patterns) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { patterns <- sits_patterns(cerrado_2classes) plot(patterns) }
Predictors are X-Y values required for machine learning algorithms, organized as a data table where each row corresponds to a training sample. The first two columns of the predictors table are categorical ("label_id" and "label"). The other columns are the values of each band and time, organized first by band and then by time. This function returns the numeric values associated to each sample.
pred |
X-Y predictors: a data.frame with one row per sample. |
The Y predictors for the sample: data.frame with one row per sample.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { pred <- sits_predictors(samples_modis_ndvi) features <- sits_pred_features(pred) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { pred <- sits_predictors(samples_modis_ndvi) features <- sits_pred_features(pred) }
Most machine learning algorithms require data to be normalized. This applies to the "SVM" method and to all deep learning ones. To normalize the predictors, it is required that the statistics per band for each sample have been obtained by the "sits_stats" function.
sits_pred_normalize(pred, stats)
sits_pred_normalize(pred, stats)
pred |
X-Y predictors: a data.frame with one row per sample. |
stats |
Values of time series for Q02 and Q98 of the data (list of numeric values with two elements) |
A data.frame with normalized predictor values
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { stats <- sits_stats(samples_modis_ndvi) pred <- sits_predictors(samples_modis_ndvi) pred_norm <- sits_pred_normalize(pred, stats) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { stats <- sits_stats(samples_modis_ndvi) pred <- sits_predictors(samples_modis_ndvi) pred_norm <- sits_pred_normalize(pred, stats) }
Predictors are X-Y values required for machine learning algorithms, organized as a data table where each row corresponds to a training sample. The first two columns of the predictors table are categorical ("label_id" and "label"). The other columns are the values of each band and time, organized first by band and then by time. This function returns the numeric values associated to each sample.
pred |
X-Y predictors: a data.frame with one row per sample. |
A character vector with labels associated to training samples.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { pred <- sits_predictors(samples_modis_ndvi) ref <- sits_pred_references(pred) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { pred <- sits_predictors(samples_modis_ndvi) ref <- sits_pred_references(pred) }
Many machine learning algorithms (especially deep learning) use part of the original samples as test data to adjust its hyperparameters and to find an optimal point of convergence using gradient descent. This function extracts a fraction of the predictors to serve as test values for the deep learning algorithm.
sits_pred_sample(pred, frac)
sits_pred_sample(pred, frac)
pred |
X-Y predictors: a data.frame with one row per sample. |
frac |
Fraction of the X-Y predictors to be extracted |
A data.frame with the chosen fraction of the X-Y predictors.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { pred <- sits_predictors(samples_modis_ndvi) pred_frac <- sits_pred_sample(pred, frac = 0.5) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { pred <- sits_predictors(samples_modis_ndvi) pred_frac <- sits_pred_sample(pred, frac = 0.5) }
Predictors are X-Y values required for machine learning
algorithms, organized as a data table where each row corresponds
to a training sample. The first two columns of the predictors table
are categorical (label_id
and label
). The other columns are
the values of each band and time, organized first by band and then by time.
samples |
Time series in sits format (tibble of class "sits") |
The predictors for the sample: a data.frame with one row per sample.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { pred <- sits_predictors(samples_modis_ndvi) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { pred <- sits_predictors(samples_modis_ndvi) }
Apply a set of named expressions to reclassify a classified image. The expressions should use character values to refer to labels in logical expressions.
sits_reclassify(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'class_cube' sits_reclassify( cube, ..., mask, rules, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## Default S3 method: sits_reclassify(cube, ...)
sits_reclassify(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'class_cube' sits_reclassify( cube, ..., mask, rules, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## Default S3 method: sits_reclassify(cube, ...)
cube |
Image cube to be reclassified (class = "class_cube") |
... |
Other parameters for specific functions. |
mask |
Image cube with additional information to be used in expressions (class = "class_cube"). |
rules |
Expressions to be evaluated (named list). |
memsize |
Memory available for classification in GB (integer, min = 1, max = 16384). |
multicores |
Number of cores to be used for classification (integer, min = 1, max = 2048). |
output_dir |
Directory where files will be saved (character vector of length 1 with valid location). |
version |
Version of resulting image (character). |
allow any valid R expression to compute
reclassification. User should refer to cube
and mask
to construct logical expressions.
Users can use can use any R expression that evaluates to logical.
values will be relabeled to expression name.
Updates are done in asynchronous manner, that is, all expressions
are evaluated using original classified values. Expressions are
evaluated sequentially and resulting values are assigned to
output cube. Last expressions has precedence over first ones.
An object of class "class_cube" (reclassified cube).
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Open mask map data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/prodes", package = "sits") prodes2021 <- sits_cube( source = "USGS", collection = "LANDSAT-C2L2-SR", data_dir = data_dir, parse_info = c( "X1", "X2", "tile", "start_date", "end_date", "band", "version" ), bands = "class", version = "v20220606", labels = c("1" = "Forest", "2" = "Water", "3" = "NonForest", "4" = "NonForest2", "6" = "d2007", "7" = "d2008", "8" = "d2009", "9" = "d2010", "10" = "d2011", "11" = "d2012", "12" = "d2013", "13" = "d2014", "14" = "d2015", "15" = "d2016", "16" = "d2017", "17" = "d2018", "18" = "r2010", "19" = "r2011", "20" = "r2012", "21" = "r2013", "22" = "r2014", "23" = "r2015", "24" = "r2016", "25" = "r2017", "26" = "r2018", "27" = "d2019", "28" = "r2019", "29" = "d2020", "31" = "r2020", "32" = "Clouds2021", "33" = "d2021", "34" = "r2021"), progress = FALSE ) #' Open classification map data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/classif", package = "sits") ro_class <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", data_dir = data_dir, parse_info = c( "X1", "X2", "tile", "start_date", "end_date", "band", "version" ), bands = "class", labels = c( "1" = "ClearCut_Fire", "2" = "ClearCut_Soil", "3" = "ClearCut_Veg", "4" = "Forest" ), progress = FALSE ) # Reclassify cube ro_mask <- sits_reclassify( cube = ro_class, mask = prodes2021, rules = list( "Old_Deforestation" = mask %in% c( "d2007", "d2008", "d2009", "d2010", "d2011", "d2012", "d2013", "d2014", "d2015", "d2016", "d2017", "d2018", "r2010", "r2011", "r2012", "r2013", "r2014", "r2015", "r2016", "r2017", "r2018", "d2019", "r2019", "d2020", "r2020", "r2021" ), "Water_Mask" = mask == "Water", "NonForest_Mask" = mask %in% c("NonForest", "NonForest2") ), memsize = 4, multicores = 2, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "ex_reclassify" ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Open mask map data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/prodes", package = "sits") prodes2021 <- sits_cube( source = "USGS", collection = "LANDSAT-C2L2-SR", data_dir = data_dir, parse_info = c( "X1", "X2", "tile", "start_date", "end_date", "band", "version" ), bands = "class", version = "v20220606", labels = c("1" = "Forest", "2" = "Water", "3" = "NonForest", "4" = "NonForest2", "6" = "d2007", "7" = "d2008", "8" = "d2009", "9" = "d2010", "10" = "d2011", "11" = "d2012", "12" = "d2013", "13" = "d2014", "14" = "d2015", "15" = "d2016", "16" = "d2017", "17" = "d2018", "18" = "r2010", "19" = "r2011", "20" = "r2012", "21" = "r2013", "22" = "r2014", "23" = "r2015", "24" = "r2016", "25" = "r2017", "26" = "r2018", "27" = "d2019", "28" = "r2019", "29" = "d2020", "31" = "r2020", "32" = "Clouds2021", "33" = "d2021", "34" = "r2021"), progress = FALSE ) #' Open classification map data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/classif", package = "sits") ro_class <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", data_dir = data_dir, parse_info = c( "X1", "X2", "tile", "start_date", "end_date", "band", "version" ), bands = "class", labels = c( "1" = "ClearCut_Fire", "2" = "ClearCut_Soil", "3" = "ClearCut_Veg", "4" = "Forest" ), progress = FALSE ) # Reclassify cube ro_mask <- sits_reclassify( cube = ro_class, mask = prodes2021, rules = list( "Old_Deforestation" = mask %in% c( "d2007", "d2008", "d2009", "d2010", "d2011", "d2012", "d2013", "d2014", "d2015", "d2016", "d2017", "d2018", "r2010", "r2011", "r2012", "r2013", "r2014", "r2015", "r2016", "r2017", "r2018", "d2019", "r2019", "d2020", "r2020", "r2021" ), "Water_Mask" = mask == "Water", "NonForest_Mask" = mask %in% c("NonForest", "NonForest2") ), memsize = 4, multicores = 2, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "ex_reclassify" ) }
Apply a temporal reduction from a named expression in cube or sits tibble.
In the case of cubes, it materializes a new band in output_dir
The result will be a cube with only one date with the raster reduced
from the function.
sits_reduce(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_reduce(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_reduce( data, ..., impute_fn = impute_linear(), memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, progress = FALSE )
sits_reduce(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_reduce(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_reduce( data, ..., impute_fn = impute_linear(), memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, progress = FALSE )
data |
Valid sits tibble or cube |
... |
Named expressions to be evaluated (see details). |
impute_fn |
Imputation function to remove NA values. |
memsize |
Memory available for classification (in GB). |
multicores |
Number of cores to be used for classification. |
output_dir |
Directory where files will be saved. |
progress |
Show progress bar? |
allows valid R expression to compute new bands.
Use R syntax to pass an expression to this function.
Besides arithmetic operators, you can use virtually any R function
that can be applied to elements of a matrix.
The provided functions must operate at line level in order to perform
temporal reduction on a pixel.
Applies a function to each row of a matrix.
In this matrix, each row represents a pixel and each column
represents a single date. We provide some operations already
implemented in the package to perform the reduce operation.
See the list of available functions below:
A sits tibble or a sits cube with new bands, produced according to the requested expression.
: Returns the maximum value of the series.
: Returns the minimum value of the series
: Returns the mean of the series.
: Returns the median of the series.
: Returns the sum of all the points in the series.
: Returns the standard deviation of the series.
: Returns the skewness of the series.
: Returns the kurtosis of the series.
: Returns the difference between the maximum and
minimum values of the cycle. A small amplitude means a stable cycle.
: Returns the maximum value of the first slope of
the cycle. Indicates when the cycle presents an abrupt change in the
curve. The slope between two values relates the speed of the growth or
senescence phases
: Returns the average spectral energy density.
The energy of the time series is distributed by frequency.
: Returns the value of the first quartile of the
series (0.25).
: Returns the value of the third quartile of the
series (0.75).
: Returns the interquartile range
(difference between the third and first quartiles).
The t_sum()
, t_std()
, t_skewness()
, t_mse
indexes generate values greater than
the limit of a two-byte integer. Therefore, we save the images
generated by these as Float-32 with no scale.
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Reduce summarization function point2 <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, "NDVI") |> sits_reduce(NDVI_MEDIAN = t_median(NDVI)) # Example of generation mean summarization from a cube # Create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # Reduce NDVI band with mean function cube_mean <- sits_reduce( data = cube, NDVIMEAN = t_mean(NDVI), output_dir = tempdir() ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Reduce summarization function point2 <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, "NDVI") |> sits_reduce(NDVI_MEDIAN = t_median(NDVI)) # Example of generation mean summarization from a cube # Create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # Reduce NDVI band with mean function cube_mean <- sits_reduce( data = cube, NDVIMEAN = t_mean(NDVI), output_dir = tempdir() ) }
Takes a sits tibble with different labels and returns a new tibble. Deals with class imbalance using the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) for oversampling. Undersampling is done using the SOM methods available in the sits package.
sits_reduce_imbalance( samples, n_samples_over = 200, n_samples_under = 400, method = "smote", multicores = 2 )
sits_reduce_imbalance( samples, n_samples_over = 200, n_samples_under = 400, method = "smote", multicores = 2 )
samples |
Sample set to rebalance |
n_samples_over |
Number of samples to oversample for classes with samples less than this number. |
n_samples_under |
Number of samples to undersample for classes with samples more than this number. |
method |
Method for oversampling (default = "smote") |
multicores |
Number of cores to process the data (default 2). |
A sits tibble with reduced sample imbalance.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
The reference paper on SMOTE is N. V. Chawla, K. W. Bowyer, L. O.Hall, W. P. Kegelmeyer, “SMOTE: synthetic minority over-sampling technique,” Journal of artificial intelligence research, 321-357, 2002.
Undersampling uses the SOM map developed by Lorena Santos and co-workers and used in the sits_som_map() function. The SOM map technique is described in the paper: Lorena Santos, Karine Ferreira, Gilberto Camara, Michelle Picoli, Rolf Simoes, “Quality control and class noise reduction of satellite image time series”. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 177, pp 75-88, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2021.04.014.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # print the labels summary for a sample set summary(samples_modis_ndvi) # reduce the sample imbalance new_samples <- sits_reduce_imbalance(samples_modis_ndvi, n_samples_over = 200, n_samples_under = 200, multicores = 1 ) # print the labels summary for the rebalanced set summary(new_samples) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # print the labels summary for a sample set summary(samples_modis_ndvi) # reduce the sample imbalance new_samples <- sits_reduce_imbalance(samples_modis_ndvi, n_samples_over = 200, n_samples_under = 200, multicores = 1 ) # print the labels summary for the rebalanced set summary(new_samples) }
Produces regular data cubes for analysis-ready data (ARD) image collections. Analysis-ready data (ARD) collections available in AWS, MPC, USGS and DEAfrica are not regular in space and time. Bands may have different resolutions, images may not cover the entire time, and time intervals are not regular. For this reason, subsets of these collection need to be converted to regular data cubes before further processing and data analysis. This function requires users to include the cloud band in their ARD-based data cubes.
sits_regularize(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_regularize( cube, ..., period, res, output_dir, timeline = NULL, roi = NULL, tiles = NULL, grid_system = NULL, multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'sar_cube' sits_regularize( cube, ..., period, res, output_dir, timeline = NULL, grid_system = "MGRS", roi = NULL, tiles = NULL, multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'combined_cube' sits_regularize( cube, ..., period, res, output_dir, grid_system = NULL, roi = NULL, tiles = NULL, multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'rainfall_cube' sits_regularize( cube, ..., period, res, output_dir, timeline = NULL, grid_system = "MGRS", roi = NULL, tiles = NULL, multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'dem_cube' sits_regularize( cube, ..., res, output_dir, grid_system = "MGRS", roi = NULL, tiles = NULL, multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_regularize(cube, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_regularize(cube, ...)
sits_regularize(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_regularize( cube, ..., period, res, output_dir, timeline = NULL, roi = NULL, tiles = NULL, grid_system = NULL, multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'sar_cube' sits_regularize( cube, ..., period, res, output_dir, timeline = NULL, grid_system = "MGRS", roi = NULL, tiles = NULL, multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'combined_cube' sits_regularize( cube, ..., period, res, output_dir, grid_system = NULL, roi = NULL, tiles = NULL, multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'rainfall_cube' sits_regularize( cube, ..., period, res, output_dir, timeline = NULL, grid_system = "MGRS", roi = NULL, tiles = NULL, multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'dem_cube' sits_regularize( cube, ..., res, output_dir, grid_system = "MGRS", roi = NULL, tiles = NULL, multicores = 2L, progress = TRUE ) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_regularize(cube, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_regularize(cube, ...)
cube |
... |
Additional parameters. |
period |
ISO8601-compliant time period for regular data cubes, with number and unit, where "D", "M" and "Y" stand for days, month and year; e.g., "P16D" for 16 days. |
res |
Spatial resolution of regularized images (in meters). |
output_dir |
Valid directory for storing regularized images. |
timeline |
User-defined timeline for regularized cube. |
roi |
A named |
tiles |
Tiles to be produced. |
grid_system |
A character with the grid system that images will be cropped. |
multicores |
Number of cores used for regularization; used for parallel processing of input (integer) |
progress |
show progress bar? |
A raster_cube
object with aggregated images.
The "period" parameter is mandatory, and defines the time interval between two images of the regularized cube. By default, the date of the first image of the input cube is taken as the starting date for the regular cube. In many situations, users may want to pre-define the required times using the "timeline" parameter. The "timeline" parameter, if used, must contain a set of dates which are compatible with the input cube.
The optional "roi" parameter defines a region of interest. It can be
an sf_object, a shapefile, or a bounding box vector with
named XY values ("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") or
named lat/long values ("lat_min", "lat_max", "long_min", "long_max").
function will crop the images
that contain the region of interest().
The optional "tiles" parameter indicates which tiles of the input cube will be used for regularization.
The "grid_system" parameters allows the choice of grid system for the regularized cube. Currently, the package supports the use of MGRS grid system and those used by the Brazil Data Cube ("BDC_LG_V2" "BDC_MD_V2" "BDC_SM_V2").
The aggregation method used in sits_regularize
sorts the images based on cloud cover, where images with the fewest
clouds at the top of the stack. Once
the stack of images is sorted, the method uses the first valid value to
create the temporal aggregation.
The input (non-regular) ARD cube needs to include the cloud band for the regularization to work.
Appel, Marius; Pebesma, Edzer. On-demand processing of data cubes from satellite image collections with the gdalcubes library. Data, v. 4, n. 3, p. 92, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/data4030092.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # define a non-regular Sentinel-2 cube in AWS s2_cube_open <- sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = c("20LKP", "20LLP"), bands = c("B8A", "CLOUD"), start_date = "2018-10-01", end_date = "2018-11-01" ) # regularize the cube rg_cube <- sits_regularize( cube = s2_cube_open, period = "P16D", res = 60, multicores = 2, output_dir = tempdir() ) ## Sentinel-1 SAR roi <- c("lon_min" = -50.410, "lon_max" = -50.379, "lat_min" = -10.1910, "lat_max" = -10.1573) s1_cube_open <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-1-GRD", bands = c("VV", "VH"), orbit = "descending", roi = roi, start_date = "2020-06-01", end_date = "2020-09-28" ) # regularize the cube rg_cube <- sits_regularize( cube = s1_cube_open, period = "P12D", res = 60, roi = roi, multicores = 2, output_dir = tempdir() ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # define a non-regular Sentinel-2 cube in AWS s2_cube_open <- sits_cube( source = "AWS", collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A", tiles = c("20LKP", "20LLP"), bands = c("B8A", "CLOUD"), start_date = "2018-10-01", end_date = "2018-11-01" ) # regularize the cube rg_cube <- sits_regularize( cube = s2_cube_open, period = "P16D", res = 60, multicores = 2, output_dir = tempdir() ) ## Sentinel-1 SAR roi <- c("lon_min" = -50.410, "lon_max" = -50.379, "lat_min" = -10.1910, "lat_max" = -10.1573) s1_cube_open <- sits_cube( source = "MPC", collection = "SENTINEL-1-GRD", bands = c("VV", "VH"), orbit = "descending", roi = roi, start_date = "2020-06-01", end_date = "2020-09-28" ) # regularize the cube rg_cube <- sits_regularize( cube = s1_cube_open, period = "P12D", res = 60, roi = roi, multicores = 2, output_dir = tempdir() ) }
Use Random Forest algorithm to classify samples.
This function is a front-end to the randomForest
Please refer to the documentation in that package for more details.
sits_rfor(samples = NULL, num_trees = 100, mtry = NULL, ...)
sits_rfor(samples = NULL, num_trees = 100, mtry = NULL, ...)
samples |
Time series with the training samples (tibble of class "sits"). |
num_trees |
Number of trees to grow. This should not be set to too small a number, to ensure that every input row gets predicted at least a few times (default: 100) (integer, min = 50, max = 150). |
mtry |
Number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at
each split (default: NULL - use default value of
... |
Other parameters to be passed to 'randomForest::randomForest' function. |
Model fitted to input data
(to be passed to sits_classify
Alexandre Ywata de Carvalho, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of training a model for time series classification # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train a random forest model rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor ) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # classify the point point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = rf_model ) plot(point_class) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of training a model for time series classification # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train a random forest model rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor ) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # classify the point point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = rf_model ) plot(point_class) }
This function informs if sits examples should run. To run the examples, set "SITS_RUN_EXAMPLES" to "YES" using Sys.setenv("SITS_RUN_EXAMPLES" = "YES") To come back to the default behaviour, please set Sys.setenv("SITS_RUN_EXAMPLES" = "NO")
A logical value
To run the tests, set "SITS_RUN_TESTS" environment to "YES" using Sys.setenv("SITS_RUN_TESTS" = "YES") To come back to the default behaviour, please set Sys.setenv("SITS_RUN_TESTS" = "NO")
Takes a sits tibble with different labels and returns a new tibble. For a given field as a group criterion, this new tibble contains a percentage of the total number of samples per group. If frac > 1 , all sampling will be done with replacement.
sits_sample(data, frac = 0.2, oversample = TRUE)
sits_sample(data, frac = 0.2, oversample = TRUE)
data |
Sits time series tibble (class = "sits") |
frac |
Percentage of samples to extract (range: 0.0 to 2.0, default = 0.2) |
oversample |
Logical: oversample classes with small number of samples? (TRUE/FALSE) |
A sits tibble with a fixed quantity of samples.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
# Retrieve a set of time series with 2 classes data(cerrado_2classes) # Print the labels of the resulting tibble summary(cerrado_2classes) # Sample by fraction data_02 <- sits_sample(cerrado_2classes, frac = 0.2) # Print the labels summary(data_02)
# Retrieve a set of time series with 2 classes data(cerrado_2classes) # Print the labels of the resulting tibble summary(cerrado_2classes) # Sample by fraction data_02 <- sits_sample(cerrado_2classes, frac = 0.2) # Print the labels summary(data_02)
Takes a class cube with different labels and allocates a number of sample sizes per strata to obtain suitable values of error-adjusted area, providing five allocation strategies.
sits_sampling_design( cube, expected_ua = 0.75, alloc_options = c(100, 75, 50), std_err = 0.01, rare_class_prop = 0.1 )
sits_sampling_design( cube, expected_ua = 0.75, alloc_options = c(100, 75, 50), std_err = 0.01, rare_class_prop = 0.1 )
cube |
Classified cube |
expected_ua |
Expected values of user's accuracy |
alloc_options |
Fixed sample allocation for rare classes |
std_err |
Standard error we would like to achieve |
rare_class_prop |
Proportional area limit for rare classes |
A matrix with options to decide allocation of sample size to each class. This matrix uses the same format as Table 5 of Olofsson et al.(2014).
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
[1] Olofsson, P., Foody, G.M., Stehman, S.V., Woodcock, C.E. (2013). Making better use of accuracy data in land change studies: Estimating accuracy and area and quantifying uncertainty using stratified estimation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 129, pp.122-131.
[2] Olofsson, P., Foody G.M., Herold M., Stehman, S.V., Woodcock, C.E., Wulder, M.A. (2014) Good practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change. Remote Sensing of Environment, 148, pp. 42-57.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # estimated UA for classes expected_ua <- c(Cerrado = 0.75, Forest = 0.9, Pasture = 0.8, Soy_Corn = 0.8) sampling_design <- sits_sampling_design(label_cube, expected_ua) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # estimated UA for classes expected_ua <- c(Cerrado = 0.75, Forest = 0.9, Pasture = 0.8, Soy_Corn = 0.8) sampling_design <- sits_sampling_design(label_cube, expected_ua) }
Apply a spatial-temporal segmentation on a data cube based on a user defined segmentation function. The function applies the segmentation algorithm "seg_fn" to each tile.
Segmentation uses the following steps:
Create a regular data cube with sits_cube
Run sits_segment
to obtain a vector data cube
with polygons that define the boundary of the segments;
Classify the time series associated to the segments
with sits_classify
, to get obtain
a vector probability cube;
Use sits_label_classification
to label the
vector probability cube;
sits_segment( cube, seg_fn = sits_slic(), roi = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, memsize = 1, multicores = 1, output_dir, version = "v1", progress = TRUE )
sits_segment( cube, seg_fn = sits_slic(), roi = NULL, impute_fn = impute_linear(), start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, memsize = 1, multicores = 1, output_dir, version = "v1", progress = TRUE )
cube |
Regular data cube |
seg_fn |
Function to apply the segmentation |
roi |
Region of interest (see below) |
impute_fn |
Imputation function to remove NA values. |
start_date |
Start date for the segmentation |
end_date |
End date for the segmentation. |
memsize |
Memory available for classification (in GB). |
multicores |
Number of cores to be used for classification. |
output_dir |
Directory for output file. |
version |
Version of the output (for multiple segmentations). |
progress |
Show progress bar? |
A tibble of class 'segs_cube' representing the segmentation.
The "roi" parameter defines a region of interest. It can be an sf_object, a shapefile, or a bounding box vector with named XY values ("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") or named lat/long values ("lon_min", "lat_min", "lon_max", "lat_max")
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") # create a data cube cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # segment the vector cube segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # create a classification model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify the segments seg_probs <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability segments seg_label <- sits_label_classification( cube = seg_probs, output_dir = tempdir() ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") # create a data cube cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # segment the vector cube segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # create a classification model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify the segments seg_probs <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability segments seg_label <- sits_label_classification( cube = seg_probs, output_dir = tempdir() ) }
Filter only the selected bands and dates from a set of time series or from a data cube.
sits_select(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_select(data, ..., bands = NULL, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_select( data, ..., bands = NULL, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, dates = NULL, tiles = NULL ) ## Default S3 method: sits_select(data, ...)
sits_select(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_select(data, ..., bands = NULL, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_select( data, ..., bands = NULL, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, dates = NULL, tiles = NULL ) ## Default S3 method: sits_select(data, ...)
data |
Tibble with time series or data cube. |
... |
Additional parameters to be provided |
bands |
Character vector with the names of the bands. |
start_date |
Date in YYYY-MM-DD format: start date to be filtered. |
end_date |
Date in YYYY-MM-DD format: end date to be filtered. |
dates |
Character vector with sparse dates to select. |
tiles |
Character vector with the names of the tiles. |
Tibble with time series or data cube.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
# Retrieve a set of time series with 2 classes data(cerrado_2classes) # Print the original bands sits_bands(cerrado_2classes) # Select only the NDVI band data <- sits_select(cerrado_2classes, bands = c("NDVI")) # Print the labels of the resulting tibble sits_bands(data) # select start and end date point_2010 <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, start_date = "2000-01-01", end_date = "2030-12-31")
# Retrieve a set of time series with 2 classes data(cerrado_2classes) # Print the original bands sits_bands(cerrado_2classes) # Select only the NDVI band data <- sits_select(cerrado_2classes, bands = c("NDVI")) # Print the labels of the resulting tibble sits_bands(data) # select start and end date point_2010 <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, start_date = "2000-01-01", end_date = "2030-12-31")
An optimal polynomial for warping a time series. The degree of smoothing depends on the filter order (usually 3.0). The order of the polynomial uses the parameter 'order' (default = 3), the size of the temporal window uses the parameter 'length' (default = 5).
sits_sgolay(data = NULL, order = 3, length = 5)
sits_sgolay(data = NULL, order = 3, length = 5)
data |
Time series or matrix. |
order |
Filter order (integer). |
length |
Filter length (must be odd). |
Filtered time series
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
A. Savitzky, M. Golay, "Smoothing and Differentiation of Data by Simplified Least Squares Procedures". Analytical Chemistry, 36 (8): 1627–39, 1964.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve a time series with values of NDVI point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # Filter the point using the Savitzky-Golay smoother point_sg <- sits_filter(point_ndvi, filter = sits_sgolay(order = 3, length = 5) ) # Merge time series point_ndvi <- sits_merge(point_ndvi, point_sg, suffix = c("", ".SG")) # Plot the two points to see the smoothing effect plot(point_ndvi) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve a time series with values of NDVI point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # Filter the point using the Savitzky-Golay smoother point_sg <- sits_filter(point_ndvi, filter = sits_sgolay(order = 3, length = 5) ) # Merge time series point_ndvi <- sits_merge(point_ndvi, point_sg, suffix = c("", ".SG")) # Plot the two points to see the smoothing effect plot(point_ndvi) }
Apply a segmentation on a data cube based on the supercells
This is an adaptation and extension to remote sensing data of the
SLIC superpixels algorithm proposed by Achanta et al. (2012).
See references for more details.
sits_slic( data = NULL, step = 30, compactness = 1, dist_fun = "euclidean", avg_fun = "median", iter = 30, minarea = 10, verbose = FALSE )
sits_slic( data = NULL, step = 30, compactness = 1, dist_fun = "euclidean", avg_fun = "median", iter = 30, minarea = 10, verbose = FALSE )
data |
A matrix with time series. |
step |
Distance (in number of cells) between initial supercells' centers. |
compactness |
A compactness value. Larger values cause clusters to be more compact/even (square). |
dist_fun |
Distance function. Currently implemented:
avg_fun |
Averaging function to calculate the values of the supercells' centers. Accepts any fitting R function (e.g., base::mean() or stats::median()) or one of internally implemented "mean" and "median". Default: "median" |
iter |
Number of iterations to create the output. |
minarea |
Specifies the minimal size of a supercell (in cells). |
verbose |
Show the progress bar? |
Set of segments for a single tile
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
Achanta, Radhakrishna, Appu Shaji, Kevin Smith, Aurelien Lucchi, Pascal Fua, and Sabine Süsstrunk. 2012. “SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel Methods.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34 (11): 2274–82.
Nowosad, Jakub, and Tomasz F. Stepinski. 2022. “Extended SLIC Superpixels Algorithm for Applications to Non-Imagery Geospatial Rasters.” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 112 (August): 102935.
if (sits_run_examples()) { data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") # create a data cube cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # segment the vector cube segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "slic-demo" ) # create a classification model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify the segments seg_probs <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "slic-demo" ) # label the probability segments seg_label <- sits_label_classification( cube = seg_probs, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "slic-demo" ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") # create a data cube cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # segment the vector cube segments <- sits_segment( cube = cube, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "slic-demo" ) # create a classification model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify the segments seg_probs <- sits_classify( data = segments, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "slic-demo" ) # label the probability segments seg_label <- sits_label_classification( cube = seg_probs, output_dir = tempdir(), version = "slic-demo" ) }
Takes a set of classified raster layers with probabilities,
whose metadata is]created by sits_cube
and applies a Bayesian smoothing function.
sits_smooth(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' sits_smooth( cube, ..., window_size = 9L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, smoothness = 20L, exclusion_mask = NULL, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'probs_vector_cube' sits_smooth(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_smooth(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_smooth(cube, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_smooth(cube, ...)
sits_smooth(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' sits_smooth( cube, ..., window_size = 9L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, smoothness = 20L, exclusion_mask = NULL, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'probs_vector_cube' sits_smooth(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_smooth(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_smooth(cube, ...) ## Default S3 method: sits_smooth(cube, ...)
cube |
Probability data cube. |
... |
Other parameters for specific functions. |
window_size |
Size of the neighborhood (integer, min = 3, max = 21) |
neigh_fraction |
Fraction of neighbors with high probabilities to be used in Bayesian inference. (numeric, min = 0.1, max = 1.0) |
smoothness |
Estimated variance of logit of class probabilities (Bayesian smoothing parameter) (integer vector or scalar, min = 1, max = 200). |
exclusion_mask |
Areas to be excluded from the classification process. It can be defined as a sf object or a shapefile. |
memsize |
Memory available for classification in GB (integer, min = 1, max = 16384). |
multicores |
Number of cores to be used for classification (integer, min = 1, max = 2048). |
output_dir |
Valid directory for output file. (character vector of length 1). |
version |
Version of the output (character vector of length 1). |
A data cube.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create am xgboost model xgb_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_xgboost()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = xgb_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create am xgboost model xgb_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_xgboost()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = xgb_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
These function use self-organized maps to perform quality analysis in satellite image time series
creates a SOM map, where high-dimensional data
is mapped into a two dimensional map, keeping the topological relations
between data patterns. Each sample is assigned to a neuron,
and neurons are placed in the grid based on similarity.
analyses the neurons of the SOM map,
and builds clusters based on them. Each cluster is a neuron
or a set of neuron categorized with same label.
It produces a tibble with the percentage of mixture of classes
in each cluster.
evaluates the quality of the samples
based on the results of the SOM map. The algorithm identifies noisy samples,
using 'prior_threshold' for the prior probability
and 'posterior_threshold' for the posterior probability.
Each sample receives an evaluation tag, according to the following rule:
(a) If the prior probability is < 'prior_threshold', the sample is tagged
as "remove";
(b) If the prior probability is >= 'prior_threshold' and the posterior
probability is >='posterior_threshold', the sample is tagged as "clean";
(c) If the prior probability is >= 'posterior_threshold' and
the posterior probability is < 'posterior_threshold', the sample is tagged as
"analyze" for further inspection.
The user can define which tagged samples will be returned using the "keep"
parameter, with the following options: "clean", "analyze", "remove".
sits_som_map( data, grid_xdim = 10, grid_ydim = 10, alpha = 1, rlen = 100, distance = "dtw", som_radius = 2, mode = "online" )
sits_som_map( data, grid_xdim = 10, grid_ydim = 10, alpha = 1, rlen = 100, distance = "dtw", som_radius = 2, mode = "online" )
data |
A tibble with samples to be clustered. |
grid_xdim |
X dimension of the SOM grid (default = 25). |
grid_ydim |
Y dimension of the SOM grid. |
alpha |
Starting learning rate (decreases according to number of iterations). |
rlen |
Number of iterations to produce the SOM. |
distance |
The type of similarity measure (distance). The
following similarity measurements are supported:
som_radius |
Radius of SOM neighborhood. |
mode |
Type of learning algorithm. The
following learning algorithm are available:
produces a list with three members:
(1) the samples tibble, with one additional column indicating
to which neuron each sample has been mapped;
(2) the Kohonen map, used for plotting and cluster quality measures;
(3) a tibble with the labelled neurons,
where each class of each neuron is associated to two values:
(a) the prior probability that this class belongs to a cluster
based on the frequency of samples of this class allocated to the neuron;
(b) the posterior probability that this class belongs to a cluster,
using data for the neighbours on the SOM map.
To learn more about the learning algorithms, check the
The sits
package implements the "dtw"
(Dynamic Time
Warping) similarity measure. The "euclidean"
measurement come from the
kohonen::supersom (dist.fcts)
Lorena Alves, [email protected]
Karine Ferreira. [email protected]
Lorena Santos, Karine Ferreira, Gilberto Camara, Michelle Picoli, Rolf Simoes, “Quality control and class noise reduction of satellite image time series”. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 177, pp 75-88, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2021.04.014.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a som map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # plot the som map plot(som_map) # evaluate the som map and create clusters clusters_som <- sits_som_evaluate_cluster(som_map) # plot the cluster evaluation plot(clusters_som) # clean the samples new_samples <- sits_som_clean_samples(som_map) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a som map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # plot the som map plot(som_map) # evaluate the som map and create clusters clusters_som <- sits_som_evaluate_cluster(som_map) # plot the cluster evaluation plot(clusters_som) # clean the samples new_samples <- sits_som_clean_samples(som_map) }
Cleans the samples based on SOM map information
sits_som_clean_samples( som_map, prior_threshold = 0.6, posterior_threshold = 0.6, keep = c("clean", "analyze") )
sits_som_clean_samples( som_map, prior_threshold = 0.6, posterior_threshold = 0.6, keep = c("clean", "analyze") )
som_map |
Returned by |
prior_threshold |
Threshold of conditional probability (frequency of samples assigned to the same SOM neuron). |
posterior_threshold |
Threshold of posterior probability (influenced by the SOM neighborhood). |
keep |
Which types of evaluation to be maintained in the data. |
tibble with an two additional columns. The first indicates if each sample is clean, should be analyzed or should be removed. The second is the posterior probability of the sample.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a som map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # plot the som map plot(som_map) # evaluate the som map and create clusters clusters_som <- sits_som_evaluate_cluster(som_map) # plot the cluster evaluation plot(clusters_som) # clean the samples new_samples <- sits_som_clean_samples(som_map) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a som map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # plot the som map plot(som_map) # evaluate the som map and create clusters clusters_som <- sits_som_evaluate_cluster(som_map) # plot the cluster evaluation plot(clusters_som) # clean the samples new_samples <- sits_som_clean_samples(som_map) }
produces a tibble with the clusters
found by the SOM map. For each cluster, it provides the percentage
of classes inside it.
som_map |
A SOM map produced by the som_map() function |
A tibble stating the purity for each cluster
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a som map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # plot the som map plot(som_map) # evaluate the som map and create clusters clusters_som <- sits_som_evaluate_cluster(som_map) # plot the cluster evaluation plot(clusters_som) # clean the samples new_samples <- sits_som_clean_samples(som_map) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a som map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # plot the som map plot(som_map) # evaluate the som map and create clusters clusters_som <- sits_som_evaluate_cluster(som_map) # plot the cluster evaluation plot(clusters_som) # clean the samples new_samples <- sits_som_clean_samples(som_map) }
Remove samples from a given class inside a neuron of another class
sits_som_remove_samples(som_map, som_eval, class_cluster, class_remove)
sits_som_remove_samples(som_map, som_eval, class_cluster, class_remove)
som_map |
A SOM map produced by the som_map() function |
som_eval |
An evaluation produced by the som_eval() function |
class_cluster |
Dominant class of a set of neurons |
class_remove |
Class to be removed from the neurons of the "class_cluster" |
A new set of samples with the desired class neurons remove
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a som map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # evaluate the som map and create clusters som_eval <- sits_som_evaluate_cluster(som_map) # clean the samples new_samples <- sits_som_remove_samples(som_map, som_eval, "Pasture", "Cerrado") }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a som map som_map <- sits_som_map(samples_modis_ndvi) # evaluate the som map and create clusters som_eval <- sits_som_evaluate_cluster(som_map) # clean the samples new_samples <- sits_som_remove_samples(som_map, som_eval, "Pasture", "Cerrado") }
Most machine learning algorithms require data to be normalized. This applies to the "SVM" method and to all deep learning ones. To normalize the predictors, it is necessary to extract the statistics of each band of the samples. This function computes the 2 of the distribution of each band of the samples. This values are used as minimum and maximum values in the normalization operation performed by the sits_pred_normalize() function.
samples |
Time series samples uses as training data. |
A list with the 2 training data.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { stats <- sits_stats(samples_modis_ndvi) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { stats <- sits_stats(samples_modis_ndvi) }
Takes a class cube with different labels and a sampling design with a number of samples per class and allocates a set of locations for each class
sits_stratified_sampling( cube, sampling_design, alloc = "alloc_prop", overhead = 1.2, multicores = 2L, shp_file = NULL, progress = TRUE )
sits_stratified_sampling( cube, sampling_design, alloc = "alloc_prop", overhead = 1.2, multicores = 2L, shp_file = NULL, progress = TRUE )
cube |
Classified cube |
sampling_design |
Result of sits_sampling_design |
alloc |
Allocation method chosen |
overhead |
Additional percentage to account for border points |
multicores |
Number of cores that will be used to sample the images in parallel. |
shp_file |
Name of shapefile to be saved (optional) |
progress |
Show progress bar? Default is TRUE. |
samples Point sf object with required samples
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # estimated UA for classes expected_ua <- c(Cerrado = 0.95, Forest = 0.95, Pasture = 0.95, Soy_Corn = 0.95) # design sampling sampling_design <- sits_sampling_design(label_cube, expected_ua) # select samples samples <- sits_stratified_sampling(label_cube, sampling_design, "alloc_prop") }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # estimated UA for classes expected_ua <- c(Cerrado = 0.95, Forest = 0.95, Pasture = 0.95, Soy_Corn = 0.95) # design sampling sampling_design <- sits_sampling_design(label_cube, expected_ua) # select samples samples <- sits_stratified_sampling(label_cube, sampling_design, "alloc_prop") }
This function receives a tibble with a set of attributes X for each observation Y. These attributes are the values of the time series for each band. The SVM algorithm is used for multiclass-classification. For this purpose, it uses the "one-against-one" approach, in which k(k-1)/2 binary classifiers are trained; the appropriate class is found by a voting scheme. This function is a front-end to the "svm" method in the "e1071" package. Please refer to the documentation in that package for more details.
sits_svm( samples = NULL, formula = sits_formula_linear(), scale = FALSE, cachesize = 1000, kernel = "radial", degree = 3, coef0 = 0, cost = 10, tolerance = 0.001, epsilon = 0.1, cross = 10, ... )
sits_svm( samples = NULL, formula = sits_formula_linear(), scale = FALSE, cachesize = 1000, kernel = "radial", degree = 3, coef0 = 0, cost = 10, tolerance = 0.001, epsilon = 0.1, cross = 10, ... )
samples |
Time series with the training samples. |
formula |
Symbolic description of the model to be fit. (default: sits_formula_linear). |
scale |
Logical vector indicating the variables to be scaled. |
cachesize |
Cache memory in MB (default = 1000). |
kernel |
Kernel used in training and predicting. options: "linear", "polynomial", "radial", "sigmoid" (default: "radial"). |
degree |
Exponential of polynomial type kernel (default: 3). |
coef0 |
Parameter needed for kernels of type polynomial and sigmoid (default: 0). |
cost |
Cost of constraints violation (default: 10). |
tolerance |
Tolerance of termination criterion (default: 0.001). |
epsilon |
Epsilon in the insensitive-loss function (default: 0.1). |
cross |
Number of cross validation folds applied to assess the quality of the model (default: 10). |
... |
Other parameters to be passed to e1071::svm function. |
Model fitted to input data
(to be passed to sits_classify
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Alexandre Ywata de Carvalho, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of training a model for time series classification # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train an SVM model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_svm) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # classify the point point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) plot(point_class) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of training a model for time series classification # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train an SVM model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_svm) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # classify the point point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) plot(point_class) }
Implementation of Temporal Attention Encoder (TAE) for satellite image time series classification.
This function is based on the paper by Vivien Garnot referenced below and code available on github at https://github.com/VSainteuf/pytorch-psetae.
We also used the code made available by Maja Schneider in her work with Marco Körner referenced below and available at https://github.com/maja601/RC2020-psetae.
If you use this method, please cite Garnot's and Schneider's work.
sits_tae( samples = NULL, samples_validation = NULL, epochs = 150, batch_size = 64, validation_split = 0.2, optimizer = torch::optim_adamw, opt_hparams = list(lr = 0.001, eps = 1e-08, weight_decay = 1e-06), lr_decay_epochs = 1, lr_decay_rate = 0.95, patience = 20, min_delta = 0.01, verbose = FALSE )
sits_tae( samples = NULL, samples_validation = NULL, epochs = 150, batch_size = 64, validation_split = 0.2, optimizer = torch::optim_adamw, opt_hparams = list(lr = 0.001, eps = 1e-08, weight_decay = 1e-06), lr_decay_epochs = 1, lr_decay_rate = 0.95, patience = 20, min_delta = 0.01, verbose = FALSE )
samples |
Time series with the training samples. |
samples_validation |
Time series with the validation samples. if the
epochs |
Number of iterations to train the model. |
batch_size |
Number of samples per gradient update. |
validation_split |
Number between 0 and 1. Fraction of training data to be used as validation data. |
optimizer |
Optimizer function to be used. |
opt_hparams |
Hyperparameters for optimizer: lr : Learning rate of the optimizer eps: Term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability. weight_decay: L2 regularization |
lr_decay_epochs |
Number of epochs to reduce learning rate. |
lr_decay_rate |
Decay factor for reducing learning rate. |
patience |
Number of epochs without improvements until training stops. |
min_delta |
Minimum improvement to reset the patience counter. |
verbose |
Verbosity mode (TRUE/FALSE). Default is FALSE. |
A fitted model to be used for classification.
Charlotte Pelletier, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Vivien Garnot, Loic Landrieu, Sebastien Giordano, and Nesrine Chehata, "Satellite Image Time Series Classification with Pixel-Set Encoders and Temporal Self-Attention", 2020 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. pages 12322-12331. DOI: 10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.01234
Schneider, Maja; Körner, Marco, "[Re] Satellite Image Time Series Classification with Pixel-Set Encoders and Temporal Self-Attention." ReScience C 7 (2), 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4835356
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a TAE model torch_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_tae()) # plot the model plot(torch_model) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = torch_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a TAE model torch_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_tae()) # plot the model plot(torch_model) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = torch_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
Use a TempCNN algorithm to classify data, which has two stages: a 1D CNN and a multi-layer perceptron. Users can define the depth of the 1D network, as well as the number of perceptron layers.
This function is based on the paper by Charlotte Pelletier referenced below. If you use this method, please cite the original tempCNN paper.
The torch version is based on the code made available by the BreizhCrops team: Marc Russwurm, Charlotte Pelletier, Marco Korner, Maximilian Zollner. The original python code is available at the website https://github.com/dl4sits/BreizhCrops. This code is licensed as GPL-3.
sits_tempcnn( samples = NULL, samples_validation = NULL, cnn_layers = c(64, 64, 64), cnn_kernels = c(5, 5, 5), cnn_dropout_rates = c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), dense_layer_nodes = 256, dense_layer_dropout_rate = 0.5, epochs = 150, batch_size = 64, validation_split = 0.2, optimizer = torch::optim_adamw, opt_hparams = list(lr = 5e-04, eps = 1e-08, weight_decay = 1e-06), lr_decay_epochs = 1, lr_decay_rate = 0.95, patience = 20, min_delta = 0.01, verbose = FALSE )
sits_tempcnn( samples = NULL, samples_validation = NULL, cnn_layers = c(64, 64, 64), cnn_kernels = c(5, 5, 5), cnn_dropout_rates = c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), dense_layer_nodes = 256, dense_layer_dropout_rate = 0.5, epochs = 150, batch_size = 64, validation_split = 0.2, optimizer = torch::optim_adamw, opt_hparams = list(lr = 5e-04, eps = 1e-08, weight_decay = 1e-06), lr_decay_epochs = 1, lr_decay_rate = 0.95, patience = 20, min_delta = 0.01, verbose = FALSE )
samples |
Time series with the training samples. |
samples_validation |
Time series with the validation samples. if the
cnn_layers |
Number of 1D convolutional filters per layer |
cnn_kernels |
Size of the 1D convolutional kernels. |
cnn_dropout_rates |
Dropout rates for 1D convolutional filters. |
dense_layer_nodes |
Number of nodes in the dense layer. |
dense_layer_dropout_rate |
Dropout rate (0,1) for the dense layer. |
epochs |
Number of iterations to train the model. |
batch_size |
Number of samples per gradient update. |
validation_split |
Fraction of training data to be used for validation. |
optimizer |
Optimizer function to be used. |
opt_hparams |
Hyperparameters for optimizer: lr : Learning rate of the optimizer eps: Term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability. weight_decay: L2 regularization |
lr_decay_epochs |
Number of epochs to reduce learning rate. |
lr_decay_rate |
Decay factor for reducing learning rate. |
patience |
Number of epochs without improvements until training stops. |
min_delta |
Minimum improvement in loss function to reset the patience counter. |
verbose |
Verbosity mode (TRUE/FALSE). Default is FALSE. |
A fitted model to be used for classification.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Charlotte Pelletier, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Felipe Souza, [email protected]
Charlotte Pelletier, Geoffrey Webb and François Petitjean, "Temporal Convolutional Neural Network for the Classification of Satellite Image Time Series", Remote Sensing, 11,523, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/rs11050523.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a TempCNN model torch_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_tempcnn(epochs = 20, verbose = TRUE)) # plot the model plot(torch_model) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = torch_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a TempCNN model torch_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_tempcnn(epochs = 20, verbose = TRUE)) # plot the model plot(torch_model) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = torch_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics bayes_cube <- sits_smooth(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the smoothed cube plot(bayes_cube) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( bayes_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the labelled cube plot(label_cube) }
Takes a list of MGRS tiles and produces a ROI covering them
sits_tiles_to_roi(tiles, grid_system = "MGRS")
sits_tiles_to_roi(tiles, grid_system = "MGRS")
tiles |
Character vector with names of MGRS tiles |
grid_system |
... |
roi Valid ROI to use in other SITS functions
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
This function returns the timeline for a given data set, either a set of time series, a data cube, or a trained model.
sits_timeline(data) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_timeline(data) ## S3 method for class 'sits_model' sits_timeline(data) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_timeline(data) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_timeline(data) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_timeline(data) ## Default S3 method: sits_timeline(data)
sits_timeline(data) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_timeline(data) ## S3 method for class 'sits_model' sits_timeline(data) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_timeline(data) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_timeline(data) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_timeline(data) ## Default S3 method: sits_timeline(data)
data |
Tibble of class "sits" or class "raster_cube" |
Vector of class Date with timeline of samples or data cube.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Converts metadata and data from a sits tibble to a CSV file. The CSV file will not contain the actual time series. Its columns will be the same as those of a CSV file used to retrieve data from ground information ("latitude", "longitude", "start_date", "end_date", "cube", "label"), plus the all the time series for each data
sits_timeseries_to_csv(data, file = NULL)
sits_timeseries_to_csv(data, file = NULL)
data |
Time series (tibble of class "sits"). |
file |
Full path of the exported CSV file (valid file name with extension ".csv"). |
Return data.frame with CSV columns (optional)
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
csv_file <- paste0(tempdir(), "/cerrado_2classes_ts.csv") sits_timeseries_to_csv(cerrado_2classes, file = csv_file)
csv_file <- paste0(tempdir(), "/cerrado_2classes_ts.csv") sits_timeseries_to_csv(cerrado_2classes, file = csv_file)
Converts metadata from a sits tibble to a CSV file. The CSV file will not contain the actual time series. Its columns will be the same as those of a CSV file used to retrieve data from ground information ("latitude", "longitude", "start_date", "end_date", "cube", "label"). If the file is NULL, returns a data.frame as an object
sits_to_csv(data, file = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_to_csv(data, file = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_to_csv(data, file) ## Default S3 method: sits_to_csv(data, file)
sits_to_csv(data, file = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_to_csv(data, file = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'tbl_df' sits_to_csv(data, file) ## Default S3 method: sits_to_csv(data, file)
data |
Time series (tibble of class "sits"). |
file |
Full path of the exported CSV file (valid file name with extension ".csv"). |
Return data.frame with CSV columns (optional)
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
csv_file <- paste0(tempdir(), "/cerrado_2classes.csv") sits_to_csv(cerrado_2classes, file = csv_file)
csv_file <- paste0(tempdir(), "/cerrado_2classes.csv") sits_to_csv(cerrado_2classes, file = csv_file)
Saves confusion matrices as Excel spreadsheets. This function
takes the a list of accuracy assessments generated
by sits_accuracy
and saves them in an Excel spreadsheet.
sits_to_xlsx(acc, file) ## S3 method for class 'sits_accuracy' sits_to_xlsx(acc, file) ## S3 method for class 'list' sits_to_xlsx(acc, file)
sits_to_xlsx(acc, file) ## S3 method for class 'sits_accuracy' sits_to_xlsx(acc, file) ## S3 method for class 'list' sits_to_xlsx(acc, file)
acc |
Accuracy statistics (either an output of sits_accuracy or a list of those) |
file |
The file where the XLSX data is to be saved. |
No return value, called for side effects.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # A dataset containing a tibble with time series samples # for the Mato Grosso state in Brasil # create a list to store the results results <- list() # accuracy assessment lightTAE acc_ltae <- sits_kfold_validate(samples_modis_ndvi, folds = 5, multicores = 1, ml_method = sits_lighttae() ) # use a name acc_ltae$name <- "LightTAE" # put the result in a list results[[length(results) + 1]] <- acc_ltae # save to xlsx file sits_to_xlsx( results, file = tempfile("accuracy_mato_grosso_dl_", fileext = ".xlsx") ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # A dataset containing a tibble with time series samples # for the Mato Grosso state in Brasil # create a list to store the results results <- list() # accuracy assessment lightTAE acc_ltae <- sits_kfold_validate(samples_modis_ndvi, folds = 5, multicores = 1, ml_method = sits_lighttae() ) # use a name acc_ltae$name <- "LightTAE" # put the result in a list results[[length(results) + 1]] <- acc_ltae # save to xlsx file sits_to_xlsx( results, file = tempfile("accuracy_mato_grosso_dl_", fileext = ".xlsx") ) }
Given a tibble with a set of distance measures,
returns trained models. Currently, sits supports the following models:
'svm' (see sits_svm
random forests (see sits_rfor
extreme gradient boosting (see sits_xgboost
and different deep learning functions, including multi-layer perceptrons
(see sits_mlp
), 1D convolution neural
networks sits_tempcnn
self-attention encoders sits_lighttae
sits_train(samples, ml_method = sits_svm())
sits_train(samples, ml_method = sits_svm())
samples |
Time series with the training samples. |
ml_method |
Machine learning method. |
Model fitted to input data
to be passed to sits_classify
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Alexandre Ywata de Carvalho, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve the set of samples for Mato Grosso # fit a training model (rfor model) ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor(num_trees = 50)) # get a point and classify the point with the ml_model point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve the set of samples for Mato Grosso # fit a training model (rfor model) ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor(num_trees = 50)) # get a point and classify the point with the ml_model point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) }
Machine learning models use stochastic gradient descent (SGD) techniques to find optimal solutions. To perform SGD, models use optimization algorithms which have hyperparameters that have to be adjusted to achieve best performance for each application.
This function performs a random search on values of selected hyperparameters.
Instead of performing an exhaustive test of all parameter combinations,
it selecting them randomly. Validation is done using an independent set
of samples or by a validation split. The function returns the
best hyper-parameters in a list. Hyper-parameters passed to params
parameter should be passed by calling sits_tuning_hparams()
sits_tuning( samples, samples_validation = NULL, validation_split = 0.2, ml_method = sits_tempcnn(), params = sits_tuning_hparams(optimizer = torch::optim_adamw, opt_hparams = list(lr = loguniform(10^-2, 10^-4))), trials = 30, multicores = 2, gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory, progress = FALSE )
sits_tuning( samples, samples_validation = NULL, validation_split = 0.2, ml_method = sits_tempcnn(), params = sits_tuning_hparams(optimizer = torch::optim_adamw, opt_hparams = list(lr = loguniform(10^-2, 10^-4))), trials = 30, multicores = 2, gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory, progress = FALSE )
samples |
Time series set to be validated. |
samples_validation |
Time series set used for validation. |
validation_split |
Percent of original time series set to be used for validation (if samples_validation is NULL) |
ml_method |
Machine learning method. |
params |
List with hyper parameters to be passed to
trials |
Number of random trials to perform the random search. |
multicores |
Number of cores to process in parallel. |
gpu_memory |
Memory available in GPU in GB (default = 4) |
batch_size |
Batch size for GPU classification. |
progress |
Show progress bar? |
A tibble containing all parameters used to train on each trial ordered by accuracy
When using a GPU for deep learning, gpu_memory
indicates the
memory of the graphics card which is available for processing.
The parameter batch_size
defines the size of the matrix
(measured in number of rows) which is sent to the GPU for classification.
Users can test different values of batch_size
find out which one best fits their GPU architecture.
It is not possible to have an exact idea of the size of Deep Learning models in GPU memory, as the complexity of the model and factors such as CUDA Context increase the size of the model in memory. Therefore, we recommend that you leave at least 1GB free on the video card to store the Deep Learning model that will be used.
For users of Apple M3 chips or similar with a Neural Engine, be
aware that these chips share memory between the GPU and the CPU.
Tests indicate that the memsize
should be set to half to the total memory and the batch_size
parameter should be a small number (we suggest the value of 64).
Be aware that increasing these parameters may lead to memory
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
James Bergstra, Yoshua Bengio, "Random Search for Hyper-Parameter Optimization". Journal of Machine Learning Research. 13: 281–305, 2012.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # find best learning rate parameters for TempCNN tuned <- sits_tuning( samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_tempcnn(), params = sits_tuning_hparams( optimizer = choice( torch::optim_adamw ), opt_hparams = list( lr = loguniform(10^-2, 10^-4) ) ), trials = 4, multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) # obtain best accuracy, kappa and best_lr accuracy <- tuned$accuracy[[1]] kappa <- tuned$kappa[[1]] best_lr <- tuned$opt_hparams[[1]]$lr }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # find best learning rate parameters for TempCNN tuned <- sits_tuning( samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_tempcnn(), params = sits_tuning_hparams( optimizer = choice( torch::optim_adamw ), opt_hparams = list( lr = loguniform(10^-2, 10^-4) ) ), trials = 4, multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) # obtain best accuracy, kappa and best_lr accuracy <- tuned$accuracy[[1]] kappa <- tuned$kappa[[1]] best_lr <- tuned$opt_hparams[[1]]$lr }
This function allow user building the hyper-parameters space used
by sits_tuning()
function search randomly the best parameter
Users should pass the possible values for hyper-parameters as constants or by calling the following random functions:
uniform(min = 0, max = 1, n = 1)
: returns random numbers
from a uniform distribution with parameters min and max.
choice(..., replace = TRUE, n = 1)
: returns random objects
passed to ...
with replacement or not (parameter replace
randint(min, max, n = 1)
: returns random integers
from a uniform distribution with parameters min and max.
normal(mean = 0, sd = 1, n = 1)
: returns random numbers
from a normal distribution with parameters min and max.
lognormal(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, n = 1)
: returns random
numbers from a lognormal distribution with parameters min and max.
loguniform(minlog = 0, maxlog = 1, n = 1)
: returns random
numbers from a loguniform distribution with parameters min and max.
beta(shape1, shape2, n = 1)
: returns random numbers
from a beta distribution with parameters min and max.
These functions accepts n
parameter to indicate how many values
should be returned.
... |
Used to prepare hyper-parameter space |
A list containing the hyper-parameter space to be passed to
's params
if (sits_run_examples()) { # find best learning rate parameters for TempCNN tuned <- sits_tuning( samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_tempcnn(), params = sits_tuning_hparams( optimizer = choice( torch::optim_adamw, torch::optim_adagrad ), opt_hparams = list( lr = loguniform(10^-2, 10^-4), weight_decay = loguniform(10^-2, 10^-8) ) ), trials = 20, multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # find best learning rate parameters for TempCNN tuned <- sits_tuning( samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_tempcnn(), params = sits_tuning_hparams( optimizer = choice( torch::optim_adamw, torch::optim_adagrad ), opt_hparams = list( lr = loguniform(10^-2, 10^-4), weight_decay = loguniform(10^-2, 10^-8) ) ), trials = 20, multicores = 2, progress = FALSE ) }
Calculate the uncertainty cube based on the probabilities produced by the classifier. Takes a probability cube as input. The uncertainty measure is relevant in the context of active leaning, and helps to increase the quantity and quality of training samples by providing information about the confidence of the model. The supported types of uncertainty are 'entropy', 'least', and 'margin'. 'entropy' is the difference between all predictions expressed as entropy, 'least' is the difference between 1.0 and most confident prediction, and 'margin' is the difference between the two most confident predictions.
sits_uncertainty(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' sits_uncertainty( cube, ..., type = "entropy", multicores = 2, memsize = 4, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'probs_vector_cube' sits_uncertainty( cube, ..., type = "entropy", multicores = 2, memsize = 4, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## Default S3 method: sits_uncertainty(cube, ...)
sits_uncertainty(cube, ...) ## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' sits_uncertainty( cube, ..., type = "entropy", multicores = 2, memsize = 4, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'probs_vector_cube' sits_uncertainty( cube, ..., type = "entropy", multicores = 2, memsize = 4, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## Default S3 method: sits_uncertainty(cube, ...)
cube |
Probability data cube. |
... |
Other parameters for specific functions. |
type |
Method to measure uncertainty. See details. |
multicores |
Number of cores to run the function. |
memsize |
Maximum overall memory (in GB) to run the function. |
output_dir |
Output directory for image files. |
version |
Version of resulting image (in the case of multiple tests). |
An uncertainty data cube
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Alber Sanchez, [email protected]
Monarch, Robert Munro. Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning: Active learning and annotation for human-centered AI. Simon and Schuster, 2021.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # calculate uncertainty uncert_cube <- sits_uncertainty(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the resulting uncertainty cube plot(uncert_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # calculate uncertainty uncert_cube <- sits_uncertainty(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the resulting uncertainty cube plot(uncert_cube) }
Suggest samples for regions of high uncertainty as predicted by the model. The function selects data points that have confused an algorithm. These points don't have labels and need be manually labelled by experts and then used to increase the classification's training set.
This function is best used in the following context: 1. Select an initial set of samples. 2. Train a machine learning model. 3. Build a data cube and classify it using the model. 4. Run a Bayesian smoothing in the resulting probability cube. 5. Create an uncertainty cube. 6. Perform uncertainty sampling.
The Bayesian smoothing procedure will reduce the classification outliers and thus increase the likelihood that the resulting pixels with high uncertainty have meaningful information.
sits_uncertainty_sampling( uncert_cube, n = 100L, min_uncert = 0.4, sampling_window = 10L, multicores = 1L, memsize = 1L )
sits_uncertainty_sampling( uncert_cube, n = 100L, min_uncert = 0.4, sampling_window = 10L, multicores = 1L, memsize = 1L )
uncert_cube |
An uncertainty cube.
See |
n |
Number of suggested points to be sampled per tile. |
min_uncert |
Minimum uncertainty value to select a sample. |
sampling_window |
Window size for collecting points (in pixels). The minimum window size is 10. |
multicores |
Number of workers for parallel processing (integer, min = 1, max = 2048). |
memsize |
Maximum overall memory (in GB) to run the function. |
A tibble with longitude and latitude in WGS84 with locations which have high uncertainty and meet the minimum distance criteria.
Alber Sanchez, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Robert Monarch, "Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning: Active learning and annotation for human-centered AI". Manning Publications, 2021.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # build a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor()) # classify the cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # create an uncertainty cube uncert_cube <- sits_uncertainty(probs_cube, type = "entropy", output_dir = tempdir() ) # obtain a new set of samples for active learning # the samples are located in uncertain places new_samples <- sits_uncertainty_sampling( uncert_cube, n = 10, min_uncert = 0.4 ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # build a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_rfor()) # classify the cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # create an uncertainty cube uncert_cube <- sits_uncertainty(probs_cube, type = "entropy", output_dir = tempdir() ) # obtain a new set of samples for active learning # the samples are located in uncertain places new_samples <- sits_uncertainty_sampling( uncert_cube, n = 10, min_uncert = 0.4 ) }
One round of cross-validation involves partitioning a sample of data into complementary subsets, performing the analysis on one subset (called the training set), and validating the analysis on the other subset (called the validation set or testing set).
The function takes two arguments: a set of time series with a machine learning model and another set with validation samples. If the validation sample set is not provided, The sample dataset is split into two parts, as defined by the parameter validation_split. The accuracy is determined by the result of the validation test set.
This function returns the confusion matrix, and Kappa values.
sits_validate( samples, samples_validation = NULL, validation_split = 0.2, ml_method = sits_rfor(), gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory )
sits_validate( samples, samples_validation = NULL, validation_split = 0.2, ml_method = sits_rfor(), gpu_memory = 4, batch_size = 2^gpu_memory )
samples |
Time series to be validated (class "sits"). |
samples_validation |
Optional: Time series used for validation (class "sits") |
validation_split |
Percent of original time series set to be used for validation if samples_validation is NULL (numeric value). |
ml_method |
Machine learning method (function) |
gpu_memory |
Memory available in GPU in GB (default = 4) |
batch_size |
Batch size for GPU classification. |
A caret::confusionMatrix
object to be used for
validation assessment.
#' When using a GPU for deep learning, gpu_memory
indicates the
memory of the graphics card which is available for processing.
The parameter batch_size
defines the size of the matrix
(measured in number of rows) which is sent to the GPU for classification.
Users can test different values of batch_size
find out which one best fits their GPU architecture.
It is not possible to have an exact idea of the size of Deep Learning models in GPU memory, as the complexity of the model and factors such as CUDA Context increase the size of the model in memory. Therefore, we recommend that you leave at least 1GB free on the video card to store the Deep Learning model that will be used.
For users of Apple M3 chips or similar with a Neural Engine, be
aware that these chips share memory between the GPU and the CPU.
Tests indicate that the memsize
should be set to half to the total memory and the batch_size
parameter should be a small number (we suggest the value of 64).
Be aware that increasing these parameters may lead to memory
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { samples <- sits_sample(cerrado_2classes, frac = 0.5) samples_validation <- sits_sample(cerrado_2classes, frac = 0.5) conf_matrix_1 <- sits_validate( samples = samples, samples_validation = samples_validation, ml_method = sits_rfor() ) conf_matrix_2 <- sits_validate( samples = cerrado_2classes, validation_split = 0.2, ml_method = sits_rfor() ) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { samples <- sits_sample(cerrado_2classes, frac = 0.5) samples_validation <- sits_sample(cerrado_2classes, frac = 0.5) conf_matrix_1 <- sits_validate( samples = samples, samples_validation = samples_validation, ml_method = sits_rfor() ) conf_matrix_2 <- sits_validate( samples = cerrado_2classes, validation_split = 0.2, ml_method = sits_rfor() ) }
Takes a probability cube and estimate the local variance of the logit of the probability, to support the choice of parameters for Bayesian smoothing.
sits_variance( cube, window_size = 9L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' sits_variance( cube, window_size = 9L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_variance( cube, window_size = 7L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_variance( cube, window_size = 7L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## Default S3 method: sits_variance( cube, window_size = 7L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" )
sits_variance( cube, window_size = 9L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' sits_variance( cube, window_size = 9L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_variance( cube, window_size = 7L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## S3 method for class 'derived_cube' sits_variance( cube, window_size = 7L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" ) ## Default S3 method: sits_variance( cube, window_size = 7L, neigh_fraction = 0.5, memsize = 4L, multicores = 2L, output_dir, version = "v1" )
cube |
Probability data cube (class "probs_cube") |
window_size |
Size of the neighborhood (odd integer) |
neigh_fraction |
Fraction of neighbors with highest probability for Bayesian inference (numeric from 0.0 to 1.0) |
memsize |
Maximum overall memory (in GB) to run the smoothing (integer, min = 1, max = 16384) |
multicores |
Number of cores to run the smoothing function (integer, min = 1, max = 2048) |
output_dir |
Output directory for image files (character vector of length 1) |
version |
Version of resulting image (character vector of length 1) |
A variance data cube.
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics var_cube <- sits_variance(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the variance cube plot(var_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # plot the probability cube plot(probs_cube) # smooth the probability cube using Bayesian statistics var_cube <- sits_variance(probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir()) # plot the variance cube plot(var_cube) }
Uses leaflet to visualize time series, raster cube and classified images.
To show a false color image, use "band" to chose one
of the bands, "tiles" to select tiles,
"first_quantile" and "last_quantile" to set the cutoff points. Choose
only one date in the "dates" parameter. The color
scheme is defined by either "palette" (use an available color scheme) or
legend (user-defined color scheme). To see which palettes are pre-defined,
use cols4all::g4a_gui
or select any ColorBrewer name. The "rev"
parameter reverts the order of colors in the palette.
To show an RGB composite, select "red", "green" and "blue" bands, "tiles", "dates", "opacity", "first_quantile" and "last_quantile". One can also get an RGB composite, by selecting one band and three dates. In this case, the first date will be shown in red, the second in green and third in blue.
Probability cubes are shown in false color. The parameter "labels" controls which labels are shown. If left blank, only the first map is shown. For color control, use "palette", "legend", and "rev" (as described above).
Vector cubes have both a vector and a raster component. The vector part
are the segments produced by sits_segment
. Their
visual output is controlled by "seg_color" and "line_width" parameters.
The raster output works in the same way as the false color and RGB views
described above.
Classified cubes need information on how to render each class. There are three options: (a) the classes are part of an existing color scheme; (b) the user provides a legend which associates each class to a color; (c) use a generic palette (such as "Spectral") and allocate colors based on this palette. To find out how to create a customized color scheme, read the chapter "Data Visualisation in sits" in the sits book.
To compare different classifications, use the "version" parameter to distinguish between the different maps that are shown.
Vector classified cubes are displayed as classified cubes, with the segments overlaid on top of the class map, controlled by "seg_color" and "line_width".
Samples are shown on the map based on their geographical locations and on the color of their classes assigned in their color scheme. Users can also assign a legend or a palette to choose colors. See information above on the display of classified cubes.
For all types of data cubes, the following parameters apply:
opacity: controls the transparency of the map.
max_cog_size: For COG data, controls the level of aggregation to be used for display, measured in pixels, e.g., a value of 512 will select a 512 x 512 aggregated image. Small values are faster to show, at a loss of visual quality.
leaflet_megabytes: maximum size of leaflet to be shown associated to the map (in megabytes). Bigger values use more memory.
add: controls whether a new visualisation will be overlaid on top of an existing one. Default is FALSE.
sits_view(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_view(x, ..., legend = NULL, palette = "Set3", radius = 5, add = FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' sits_view(x, ..., legend = NULL, palette = "Harmonic", add = FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'som_map' sits_view( x, ..., id_neurons, legend = NULL, palette = "Harmonic", radius = 5, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_view( x, ..., band = NULL, red = NULL, green = NULL, blue = NULL, tiles = x[["tile"]][[1]], dates = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn", rev = FALSE, opacity = 0.85, max_cog_size = 2048, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, leaflet_megabytes = 64, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'uncertainty_cube' sits_view( x, ..., tiles = x[["tile"]][[1]], legend = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn", rev = FALSE, opacity = 0.85, max_cog_size = 2048, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, leaflet_megabytes = 64, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'class_cube' sits_view( x, ..., tiles = x[["tile"]], legend = NULL, palette = "Set3", version = NULL, opacity = 0.85, max_cog_size = 2048, leaflet_megabytes = 32, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' sits_view( x, ..., tiles = x[["tile"]][[1]], label = x[["labels"]][[1]][[1]], legend = NULL, palette = "YlGn", rev = FALSE, opacity = 0.85, max_cog_size = 2048, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, leaflet_megabytes = 64, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'vector_cube' sits_view( x, ..., tiles = x[["tile"]][[1]], seg_color = "yellow", line_width = 0.5, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'class_vector_cube' sits_view( x, ..., tiles = x[["tile"]][[1]], seg_color = "yellow", line_width = 0.2, version = NULL, legend = NULL, palette = "Set3", opacity = 0.85, add = FALSE ) ## Default S3 method: sits_view(x, ...)
sits_view(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sits' sits_view(x, ..., legend = NULL, palette = "Set3", radius = 5, add = FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' sits_view(x, ..., legend = NULL, palette = "Harmonic", add = FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'som_map' sits_view( x, ..., id_neurons, legend = NULL, palette = "Harmonic", radius = 5, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' sits_view( x, ..., band = NULL, red = NULL, green = NULL, blue = NULL, tiles = x[["tile"]][[1]], dates = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn", rev = FALSE, opacity = 0.85, max_cog_size = 2048, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, leaflet_megabytes = 64, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'uncertainty_cube' sits_view( x, ..., tiles = x[["tile"]][[1]], legend = NULL, palette = "RdYlGn", rev = FALSE, opacity = 0.85, max_cog_size = 2048, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, leaflet_megabytes = 64, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'class_cube' sits_view( x, ..., tiles = x[["tile"]], legend = NULL, palette = "Set3", version = NULL, opacity = 0.85, max_cog_size = 2048, leaflet_megabytes = 32, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'probs_cube' sits_view( x, ..., tiles = x[["tile"]][[1]], label = x[["labels"]][[1]][[1]], legend = NULL, palette = "YlGn", rev = FALSE, opacity = 0.85, max_cog_size = 2048, first_quantile = 0.02, last_quantile = 0.98, leaflet_megabytes = 64, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'vector_cube' sits_view( x, ..., tiles = x[["tile"]][[1]], seg_color = "yellow", line_width = 0.5, add = FALSE ) ## S3 method for class 'class_vector_cube' sits_view( x, ..., tiles = x[["tile"]][[1]], seg_color = "yellow", line_width = 0.2, version = NULL, legend = NULL, palette = "Set3", opacity = 0.85, add = FALSE ) ## Default S3 method: sits_view(x, ...)
x |
Object of class "sits", "data.frame", "som_map", "raster_cube", "probs_cube", "vector_cube", or "class cube". |
... |
Further specifications for sits_view. |
legend |
Named vector that associates labels to colors. |
palette |
Color palette from RColorBrewer |
radius |
Radius of circle markers |
add |
Add image to current leaflet |
id_neurons |
Neurons from the SOM map to be shown. |
band |
Single band for viewing false color images. |
red |
Band for red color. |
green |
Band for green color. |
blue |
Band for blue color. |
tiles |
Tiles to be plotted (in case of a multi-tile cube). |
dates |
Dates to be plotted. |
rev |
Revert color palette? |
opacity |
Opacity of segment fill or class cube |
max_cog_size |
Maximum size of COG overviews (lines or columns) |
first_quantile |
First quantile for stretching images |
last_quantile |
Last quantile for stretching images |
leaflet_megabytes |
Maximum size for leaflet (in MB) |
version |
Version name (to compare different classifications) |
label |
Label to be plotted (in case of probs cube) |
seg_color |
Color for segment boundaries |
line_width |
Line width for segments (in pixels) |
A leaflet object containing either samples or data cubes embedded in a global map that can be visualized directly in an RStudio viewer.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # view samples sits_view(cerrado_2classes) # create a local data cube data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") modis_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # view the data cube sits_view(modis_cube, band = "NDVI" ) # train a model rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify the cube modis_probs <- sits_classify( data = modis_cube, ml_model = rf_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # generate a map modis_label <- sits_label_classification( modis_probs, output_dir = tempdir() ) # view the classified map sits_view(modis_label) # view the classified map with the B/W image sits_view(modis_cube, band = "NDVI", class_cube = modis_label, dates = sits_timeline(modis_cube)[[1]] ) # view the classified map with the RGB image sits_view(modis_cube, red = "NDVI", green = "NDVI", blue = "NDVI", class_cube = modis_label, dates = sits_timeline(modis_cube)[[1]] ) # create an uncertainty cube modis_uncert <- sits_uncertainty( cube = modis_probs, output_dir = tempdir() ) # view the uncertainty cube sits_view(modis_uncert, rev = TRUE) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # view samples sits_view(cerrado_2classes) # create a local data cube data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") modis_cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # view the data cube sits_view(modis_cube, band = "NDVI" ) # train a model rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify the cube modis_probs <- sits_classify( data = modis_cube, ml_model = rf_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # generate a map modis_label <- sits_label_classification( modis_probs, output_dir = tempdir() ) # view the classified map sits_view(modis_label) # view the classified map with the B/W image sits_view(modis_cube, band = "NDVI", class_cube = modis_label, dates = sits_timeline(modis_cube)[[1]] ) # view the classified map with the RGB image sits_view(modis_cube, red = "NDVI", green = "NDVI", blue = "NDVI", class_cube = modis_label, dates = sits_timeline(modis_cube)[[1]] ) # create an uncertainty cube modis_uncert <- sits_uncertainty( cube = modis_probs, output_dir = tempdir() ) # view the uncertainty cube sits_view(modis_uncert, rev = TRUE) }
The algorithm searches for an optimal warping polynomial. The degree of smoothing depends on smoothing factor lambda (usually from 0.5 to 10.0). Use lambda = 0.5 for very slight smoothing and lambda = 5.0 for strong smoothing.
sits_whittaker(data = NULL, lambda = 0.5)
sits_whittaker(data = NULL, lambda = 0.5)
data |
Time series or matrix. |
lambda |
Smoothing factor to be applied (default 0.5). |
Filtered time series
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Felipe Carvalho, [email protected]
Francesco Vuolo, Wai-Tim Ng, Clement Atzberger, "Smoothing and gap-filling of high resolution multi-spectral time series: Example of Landsat data", Int Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, vol. 57, pg. 202-213, 2107.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve a time series with values of NDVI point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # Filter the point using the Whittaker smoother point_whit <- sits_filter(point_ndvi, sits_whittaker(lambda = 3.0)) # Merge time series point_ndvi <- sits_merge(point_ndvi, point_whit, suffix = c("", ".WHIT")) # Plot the two points to see the smoothing effect plot(point_ndvi) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Retrieve a time series with values of NDVI point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # Filter the point using the Whittaker smoother point_whit <- sits_filter(point_ndvi, sits_whittaker(lambda = 3.0)) # Merge time series point_ndvi <- sits_merge(point_ndvi, point_whit, suffix = c("", ".WHIT")) # Plot the two points to see the smoothing effect plot(point_ndvi) }
This function uses the extreme gradient boosting algorithm. Boosting iteratively adds basis functions in a greedy fashion so that each new basis function further reduces the selected loss function. This function is a front-end to the methods in the "xgboost" package. Please refer to the documentation in that package for more details.
sits_xgboost( samples = NULL, learning_rate = 0.15, min_split_loss = 1, max_depth = 5, min_child_weight = 1, max_delta_step = 1, subsample = 0.8, nfold = 5, nrounds = 100, nthread = 6, early_stopping_rounds = 20, verbose = FALSE )
sits_xgboost( samples = NULL, learning_rate = 0.15, min_split_loss = 1, max_depth = 5, min_child_weight = 1, max_delta_step = 1, subsample = 0.8, nfold = 5, nrounds = 100, nthread = 6, early_stopping_rounds = 20, verbose = FALSE )
samples |
Time series with the training samples. |
learning_rate |
Learning rate: scale the contribution of each tree by a factor of 0 < lr < 1 when it is added to the current approximation. Used to prevent overfitting. Default: 0.15 |
min_split_loss |
Minimum loss reduction to make a further partition of a leaf. Default: 1. |
max_depth |
Maximum depth of a tree. Increasing this value makes the model more complex and more likely to overfit. Default: 5. |
min_child_weight |
If the leaf node has a minimum sum of instance weights lower than min_child_weight, tree splitting stops. The larger min_child_weight is, the more conservative the algorithm is. Default: 1. |
max_delta_step |
Maximum delta step we allow each leaf output to be. If the value is set to 0, there is no constraint. If it is set to a positive value, it can help making the update step more conservative. Default: 1. |
subsample |
Percentage of samples supplied to a tree. Default: 0.8. |
nfold |
Number of the subsamples for the cross-validation. |
nrounds |
Number of rounds to iterate the cross-validation (default: 100) |
nthread |
Number of threads (default = 6) |
early_stopping_rounds |
Training with a validation set will stop if the performance doesn't improve for k rounds. |
verbose |
Print information on statistics during the process |
Model fitted to input data
(to be passed to sits_classify
Please refer to the sits documentation available in <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
Rolf Simoes, [email protected]
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Tianqi Chen, Carlos Guestrin, "XGBoost : Reliable Large-scale Tree Boosting System", SIG KDD 2016.
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of training a model for time series classification # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train a xgboost model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_xgboost) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # classify the point point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) plot(point_class) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # Example of training a model for time series classification # Retrieve the samples for Mato Grosso # train a xgboost model ml_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, ml_method = sits_xgboost) # classify the point point_ndvi <- sits_select(point_mt_6bands, bands = "NDVI") # classify the point point_class <- sits_classify( data = point_ndvi, ml_model = ml_model ) plot(point_class) }
This is a generic function. Parameters depend on the specific type of input.
## S3 method for class 'class_cube' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'class_cube' summary(object, ...)
object |
Object of class "class_cube" |
... |
Further specifications for summary. |
A summary of a classified cube
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) summary(label_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) summary(label_cube) }
This is a generic function. Parameters depend on the specific type of input.
## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' summary(object, ..., tile = NULL, date = NULL)
## S3 method for class 'raster_cube' summary(object, ..., tile = NULL, date = NULL)
object |
Object of classes "raster_cube". |
... |
Further specifications for summary. |
tile |
Tile to be summarized |
date |
Date to be summarized |
A summary of the data cube.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Felipe Souza, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) summary(cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) summary(cube) }
This is a generic function. Parameters depend on the specific type of input.
## S3 method for class 'sits' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sits' summary(object, ...)
object |
Object of class "sits". |
... |
Further specifications for summary. |
A summary of the sits tibble.
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
Felipe Souza, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { summary(samples_modis_ndvi) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { summary(samples_modis_ndvi) }
This is a generic function. Parameters depend on the specific type of input.
## S3 method for class 'sits_accuracy' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sits_accuracy' summary(object, ...)
object |
Object of class "sits_accuracy". |
... |
Further specifications for summary. |
A summary of the sample accuracy
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { data(cerrado_2classes) # split training and test data train_data <- sits_sample(cerrado_2classes, frac = 0.5) test_data <- sits_sample(cerrado_2classes, frac = 0.5) # train a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(train_data, sits_rfor()) # classify test data points_class <- sits_classify( data = test_data, ml_model = rfor_model ) # measure accuracy acc <- sits_accuracy(points_class) summary(acc) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { data(cerrado_2classes) # split training and test data train_data <- sits_sample(cerrado_2classes, frac = 0.5) test_data <- sits_sample(cerrado_2classes, frac = 0.5) # train a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(train_data, sits_rfor()) # classify test data points_class <- sits_classify( data = test_data, ml_model = rfor_model ) # measure accuracy acc <- sits_accuracy(points_class) summary(acc) }
This is a generic function. Parameters depend on the specific type of input.
## S3 method for class 'sits_area_accuracy' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sits_area_accuracy' summary(object, ...)
object |
Object of classe "sits_accuracy". |
... |
Further specifications for summary. |
A summary of the sample accuracy
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # obtain the ground truth for accuracy assessment ground_truth <- system.file("extdata/samples/samples_sinop_crop.csv", package = "sits" ) # make accuracy assessment as <- sits_accuracy(label_cube, validation = ground_truth) summary(as) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) # label the probability cube label_cube <- sits_label_classification( probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) # obtain the ground truth for accuracy assessment ground_truth <- system.file("extdata/samples/samples_sinop_crop.csv", package = "sits" ) # make accuracy assessment as <- sits_accuracy(label_cube, validation = ground_truth) summary(as) }
This is a generic function. Parameters depend on the specific type of input.
## S3 method for class 'variance_cube' summary( object, ..., intervals = 0.05, sample_size = 10000, quantiles = c("75%", "80%", "85%", "90%", "95%", "100%") )
## S3 method for class 'variance_cube' summary( object, ..., intervals = 0.05, sample_size = 10000, quantiles = c("75%", "80%", "85%", "90%", "95%", "100%") )
object |
Object of class "class_cube" |
... |
Further specifications for summary. |
intervals |
Intervals to calculate the quantiles |
sample_size |
The size of samples will be extracted from the variance cube. |
quantiles |
Quantiles to be shown |
A summary of a variance cube
Gilberto Camara, [email protected]
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) variance_cube <- sits_variance( data = probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) summary(variance_cube) }
if (sits_run_examples()) { # create a data cube from local files data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits") cube <- sits_cube( source = "BDC", collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1", data_dir = data_dir ) # create a random forest model rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor()) # classify a data cube probs_cube <- sits_classify( data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir() ) variance_cube <- sits_variance( data = probs_cube, output_dir = tempdir() ) summary(variance_cube) }